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A perplexing issue for believers is, if a saved loved one dies there is peace, but how should a Christian feel when an unsaved family member dies knowing he rejected Jesus?

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>>I believe that "those who only enjoyed the beauty of being born again a little bit" are the lukewarm you speak of in your current post.


Show me your interpretation of scripture with scripture beloved. Show me with the word how you have come to that conclusion.


>>But I  believe that God will judge every heart and those who put forth little effort to serve the Lord will not make Heaven for they are what the Bible calls the lukewarm.


My sister Jane, you just preached salvation by works and that is not taught in the word. Salvation is by Grace alone. Faith without works is dead, Yes! Our salvation will produce works, but they have no merit unto salvation, they do prove to ourselves and others that we are born again.


Not sure you understood what I said. Let me try again. No, I didn't say salvation is by works. I am saying salvation is by grace alone. But I believe a person can get saved on Monday, turn ones back on Jesus on Tuesday and go back to being lost. I do not believe "once saved always saved", that is, unless a person chooses to stay saved. I believe turning to Jesus gets us saved, but living for Him keeps us saved. I believe God sees everything we do and every thought we have. Therfore, I think He knows who loves Him with all their hearts vs those who claim to be a Christian, but don't really love Him.


I do not like to get in scripture debates with brethren. I am baptized with the Holy Spirit and He is my guide. I am no one special. I am just plain Jane lol. I am terrible at memorization and have only minimal computer skills, but  the way the Spirit works in my life, He gives me the words to say when someone wants to know what I believe, and why. He will bring verses right to me- sometimes word for word and other times in my own jargon paraphasing the Word. He leads me and guides me into all truth. He helps me to read between the lines when it comes to the Word, which is something only He can do. The greatest theologian can not do that.


What the HS says to me on this subject that we are talking about here is anyone can get saved initially, but to stay saved one must continue in the Word, meaning they must give it their all and live it everyday.


Have you ever seen the movie, "Left Behind"? Just like in this movie, I think many who thought they had eternal security,  because they said a sinner's prayer once or went to such and such church, will have a very rude awakening when it comes to whether they make Heaven or not. Revelation speaks of the luke warm and how they will be spit out of God's mouth. When God scours the earth and sees Joe Christian #1 compromised in his living and unconcerned with lost souls,  while Joe Christian #2 is about the work of the Lord  day and night, I do not think Joe #1 is getting into the Kingdom. Just like in the movie, even the pastor at the pulpit who though he lead many to Christ in his 40 something years of service, will be left behind if his heart is not right.

David and Jane,


The current direction of your discussion is moving away from the original question. Please feel free to start another discussion on the topic being currently discussed by the two of you regarding retention or loss of salvation during one's life.


Lord Bless,



U R right- it is easy to get passionate about a subject and get off track.


Have a blessed day!


10-4 My brother LT.

Much love to you. :)


Sister Jane-


Love and blessings to you.






Amen beloved Bev. :)

First of all, do we really know a person isn't saved? I don't think we are to dwell on their loss if they intentionally didn't receive Christ. I think when we get to heaven, we will know why they aren't there and we will have peace knowing that they didn't want what we had.

I personally think of all the good they did while they lived, all the love they showed to others.

I won't speculate as to whether they went to heaven or not because I don't know what was in their hearts when they died. I don't know if they were ministered to by Christ Himself, right before they passed.

Therefore, my mind stays on what they meant to me, what pleasure I treasure because I had the opportunity to have them in my life.

Hope this helps.



Rita C.,

    That sounds like healthy advice!

We do weep and we know that one day in heaven we will not remember but for me it makes me all the more determined not to let the other loved ones slip through the cracks.... through prayer, example and witness.

Hi again Jane Smith,

    There are two ways to express the same answer of how to evangelize or share our testimony with someone who is dying. We can ask the Holy Spirit to speak for us or we can ask Jesus the best time or permission (Oswald Chambers) to speak & let the Holy Spirit control our tongues. You're right...this is what I think you said & how I interpret it:  if I don't know, I shouldn't guess or argue but, refer them to a website or a person that is gifted in Creationism, salvation, evangelism or apologetics. I admit I can't do it all, but I don't have to. I heard a Classic Billy Graham statement that said you don't have to have a lot of faith in Jesus, just a small amount like a mustard seed. That's encouraging. I feel better already, I'm determined to speak when the LORD prompts me.

Thank you for the advice, that I can't go wrong with.


I'm glad there are some cheerful & energetic Christians on our side.


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