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I've asked this question to several people that I have witnessed to...and I keep getting the same answer. What I thought would be the #1 answer...nobody mentioned. Just wondering others thoughts or experiences.

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Thank you Charles,
Believe it or was not once brought up...much to my surprise! If I have the t.v. on I have it on christian programming. To be honest, I get to the point where I hear so much about money I want to shut it off. That's just because if you have it on a certain channel every program asks for they should or they wouldn't be on t.v. As long as I do my part and give where I feel led to give...I know God doesn't expect me or anyone else to write out a check to every program. Thanks again, i'm going to read these posts and reply to all. Hypocrite wasn't it either.
In Christ,
The number One answer........ Morality.

Those outside of the church will give all sorts of excuses to keep away from the church, but never mention morality.
But the real truth is, that when they hear sermons on the morals of mankind and what the Bible expects of them, they say to themselves: "I'm not such a bad person, the Bible has no right to tell me what to do." In reality they have already weighed up the cost they would have to pay if they turned from their life style. The end result is: No change.
After that, all the other reasons are secondary. As human beings we love to do our thing and we don't want anyone telling us we need to change. "My behaviour patterns are not half as bad as some people and anyway I'd rather be out with the boys drinking tonight, than being together with a bunch of "bloody hypocrites" in church.

But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid [his] face from you, that he will not hear. Isaiah 59:2

"Cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby ye have transgressed; and make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why will ye die?" Eze 18:31

Despite the warnings, the choice is made to continue rather than change.

The Lord have mercy on us all.
Thank you for your response. The more I read the more intrigued I am. God is working something wonderful in my life right now, I had to suffer to get it but it was WORTH every minute of discomfort. I'm not running around witnessing to strangers, these are people in my life: family, friends, 10 teenage friends of my children. But at the same time very in depth conversations.
As far as morality, nobody seemed to be bothered by having to give up certain things: habits, money, etc. Everybody I've talked to "wants" to do the right thing at whatever the cost may be. Everybody is in agreeance, they "want" to be happy, even if that means giving up what needs to be given up.
In Christ,
It can be number of things that turn people away from Christianity, this friend I have is an atheist, he does not drink or cheat in any way and a hard worker, when I told him his need for Christ, he said he is rightseous and does not need a savior, his pride is in the way but God knows how to take care of that. It can be guilt, lack of forgiveness for others or themselves, not believing that God loves them, it can be money, they are cheap and not willing to give and the first thing they hear on tv from a preacher asking or speaking about money, they shrivel and have all kinds of accusations against the people of God. It is simply powers and principalities, the god of this earth has blinded them and accused God's people to them. I was one of those people, I could not stand Pat Robertson on the 700 club, I was the angel and he was the devil in my eyes and thoughts, wow, now that I am saved, things are different. I believe we need to defend one another and love the brethren especially in the presence of the unsaved for love conquers all evil. have an awesome belief don't lose it: "we need to defend one another and LOVE the brethren especially in the presence of the unsaved for LOVE conquers all evil.
Thank you,
In Christ,
I think its the idea that people want to see what they trust. They want tangibility. They look around at the multitude of christ followers and cannot see what christians have gained by their belief in Jesus. I mean, what they see is regular people who still suffer the same effects of life as they do. For instance, they see sick people, poor people, and persecuted people within the christian faith, just as they see those type people in the unfaithful. I think that's the main reason unbelievers do not wish to believe. They cannot see the benefits. Then in weighing what they see to what they don't see, they conclude that what they can see holds tangible worth (they know if they lift weights, they will build muscle, for example. The result is recognizably real.), and the benefits of what they cannot see are simply elusive and cannot be trusted.
Thank you, the people I've talked to want to believe at any cost, but they do look at you said "tangibility"! There is something they see in Christians. It scares them away, I have been so curious about this I've been talking about it for a few months now. I've been surprised...however it's something I wonder myself once in a while.
In Christ,
There are so many great answers here...

Just another thing I want to add..possibly already mentioned..

many people would rather embrace the 'new age' teachings of 'being one's own god'. They don't want to admit they need a Savior. Many people are 'ok' with christians who claim to be 'good people'....The Christians they truly have a problem with are the ones who admit they need a Savior.

When we as bellievers admit we need a Savior, we cause them to face their own separation from God, and the reflection of the sin in their lives...they don't want to do that..because they don't want to admit they need a Savior. They are 'good people' after all--right!

Jesus tells us that no one is good but God Himself---so that's the truth for all people.

How many people are walking around who claim to be christian, but have not accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior? sadly, I believe there are too many. Ye must be born again...

So because many christians are not 'born again' ...all Christains get the bad rap of hypocrisy, morality issues.. love of money, idolatry, etc..the list goes on! This is not to say that all true born-again believers are perfect....and without sin...absolutely not! It is a life-long process of learning and growing.

It would be an interesting experiment to ask as many Christians as possible if Christ Jesus is their Lord and Savior, and what does that mean to them.

As many of you know my hysband is a non-believer (athiest).... He said when I became a believer, he spoke to his christian friends about how long this would last (my latest phase).... anyway, hubby is now shocked and perplexed at why my Love for Christ is not diminishing...He doesn't understand how my commitment to the Lord is only growing stronger. He doesn't see how it is possible that I wake up each and every morning on my own without an alarm clock and literally run to my Savior to spend precious time with Him before my day begins. (before I knew the Lord I would lay in bed and grumble and complain about how tired I would take me a long time to get up)

Hubby's friends told him that the phase would wear off.. Which was great that he shared that with me, because now I have something else to pray protection over.. My faith and blessed Hope in Christ.

So the question is: Are all Christians truly born again? I venture to answer 'No' they are not!
I continue to pray for your husband, I have that feeling that 'this phase' is going to wear off on him!! I am seeing and experiencing miracles I could have never dreamt of. You know where I was and it wasn't good. Those two years I was disconnected so to speak from God served a much larger purpose than I could have ever imagined.
I believe the same in your circumstances...he see's you growing stronger, what people see(Christ) shouts louder than we ever could with our mouths.
These conversations I've had (in my personal life) about God and Christ, with the exception of two people, I wasn't the one that started the conversation. In some round about way the subject came's been quite amazing.
In Christ,
I would like to pose a different question. What or who draws people into Christianity? People are naturally blind spiritually, as well are their minds blinded by the god of this age (2 Cor. 4;4). Christianity does not repel them, they are already turned off by default, if you will. The question then again, would be what turns them on to Christ. People are born into the fallen world and into a life separated from God because of sin.

Do we invite them to church or are we introducing them to the Living Savior?

Food for thought.

Lord BLess,
Indeed, LT, you have given us food for thought. And my thoughts are that we need to adopt these people that we talk to, and nurture them and guide them, and they will get into the church. Often times, we speak to them about the Lord, but we don't follow up on them. We know the seed was given to them, but we fail to water it. As they grow in the Lord, they will want church as well. If we are well grounded, we should make sure the ones we speak to come to that place.
There will always be those that won't look at God because they don't need to (they think) and we will feel like we've failed somehow. We haven't failed...they have.
All of this is done through the Holy Spirit, the same One that lives in us, that guides and directs us.
And we need church to nurture us, and to let us understand that we aren't alone. We need that gathering.
Have you ever looked around your church and seen people who were just there, to see and be seen? Those people should be the first that we approach.
Yes, LT, you've certainly given me food for thought!
Thank you...this is breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Your questions have helped me make some sense of what I've been trying to understand.
I think what draws people to Christianity is, LOVE... God is Love. Jesus Christ, the greatest love story in history! The Word of God 'spoken' with genuine love, passion, and enthusiasm. The Word of God 'spoken'...without saying a word. When speaking the Word with love, it comes alive, it can be heard, felt, seen, or observed.
Who? People who have accepted Christ as their Savior.
Myself, I "introduce people to our Living Savior" rather than having them go to church first.
Love In Christ,


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