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What is spiritual warfare? Is it fighting the devil or fighting our sinful nature. The devil is not omnipresent so why can we all fight him. People say 'Im under attack from the devil' a lot. Indeed, I have commanded him out of my home, with what seemed afterwards to have had a good effect. Do we call our sinful nature'the devil'. What are peoples thoughts on this?.

An article in Christianity Today suggests:

Satan comes and goes (Matthew 4:3, 11; Job 1:7–12). So how does he manage these multiple temptations? Scripture does not say, but two theories are common.

Theory one, recognizing that all angels have powers beyond ours to move around and see into people, posits that Satan has the power of "multipresence"—not "omnipresence," but not as spacially limited as humans.

Theory two, surely the more natural, is that the New Testament writers do what we do when speaking of wars—that is, ascribe all the hostile action to the opposing leader. "Hitler (or Napoleon or Saddam) attacked," we say, when in fact subordinates acted at their leader's command. Most Christians, like C. S. Lewis in The Screwtape Letters, hold some form of this view, and have always done so.

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Thanks Joe this is oh so true.  Have an instance in my life which really sent me few a loop.

I had been a Christian for a few  and very eager to learn.  I had been given very good teaching in that I should set aside time each day for the Lord.  Well I did just that  I had time in the evening before going to bed and time in the am before startsing my day. 

As a bit of background I find reading very difficult and struggled with the reading bit. Although most times I did enjoy.

On one particular occasion  I remember the sense someone was saying go to her over and over again. The person I thought I was to go to I hadn't spoken to in quite awhile  and it also being late  I felt this was another one of my many excuses to get out of reading. I ignored the voice telling me to go to her.

I ignored the voice and followed the teaching I had recieved and struggled in my reading.


The next day I recieved a phone call that changed my entire life. The night before my sister had committed suicide. right about my reading time.


The biggest change in my life is I am no expert in the workings of The Holy Spirit but have come to realize He is not constrained by mans teachings (rules). As well I learned The Heavenly Father is forgiving and shows great mercy when we mess up as long as we are willing to grow with an open heart.


Thanks Joe.

And a good cure is Roman 12:2.

Thanks Rita, we can change all of our behaviors by renewing of the mind. Right?



Amanda you are right on. We have a God given authority. In Christ that authority is powerful and we must use it when necessary. Actually I would say continually.  That is part of the reason as Jesus did we should be in continual pray. Remember though the war has been won. It is the battles that need to be shut down. In Christ we have more thatn we need to do so.


Praise the Lord

God has given us everything we need  to defeat the devil. All we need to do is have the faith in Him to use it.



praise God


we are looking forward to live with our Jesus christ. we are fighting with the desire/wish/with in us and out side






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