"I tell you, Nay: but, except [unless] ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish" (Luke 13:3,5).
"But now [God] commandeth [commands] all men everywhere to repent" (Acts 17:30).
Now please, this does not mean that I have saved myself, Christ Jesus was the only one without sin that could have possibly saved me, BUT repentance is absolutely necessary, just as all of the other commands in the Word. That does not say that I am saving myself, but that I am saved IF I follow the Lord. The Lord Jesus Christ died for all who will believe upon Him and follow Him. If this is not the case, then I beg someone to tell me why are there those that will not be saved?
I believe the only sin that will send a person to hell, is the rejection of Jesus Christ as their savior. If sin would send you to hell, which one will it be? Rom.14 says that whatsoever is not of faith is sin.
And if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 1Jo.1:8.
Not trying to minimize sin, but to magnify and glorify the grace of God.
Continuance in sin is a direct rejection of Christ Jesus. I would almost be inclined to write the whole Bible over again here, but it would not be possible. How do you magnify and glorify God??? No sin is able to penetrate the standards and precepts of the Bible. It does not lower for anyone. It's a thin red line that stays the same all throughout eternity, it does not measure you, you are measured by it. Please do not be deceived.
Matthew Henry Commentary
1:5-10 A message from the Lord Jesus, the Word of life, the eternal Word, we should all gladly receive. The great God should be represented to this dark world, as pure and perfect light. As this is the nature of God, his doctrines and precepts must be such. And as his perfect happiness cannot be separated from his perfect holiness, so our happiness will be in proportion to our being made holy. To walk in darkness, is to live and act against religion. God holds no heavenly fellowship or intercourse with unholy souls. There is no truth in their profession; their practice shows its folly and falsehood. The eternal Life, the eternal Son, put on flesh and blood, and died to wash us from our sins in his own blood, and procures for us the sacred influences by which sin is to be subdued more and more, till it is quite done away. While the necessity of a holy walk is insisted upon, as the effect and evidence of the knowledge of God in Christ Jesus, the opposite error of self-righteous pride is guarded against with equal care. All who walk near to God, in holiness and righteousness, are sensible that their best days and duties are mixed with sin. God has given testimony to the sinfulness of the world, by providing a sufficient, effectual Sacrifice for sin, needed in all ages; and the sinfulness of believers themselves is shown, by requiring them continually to confess their sins, and to apply by faith to the blood of that Sacrifice. Let us plead guilty before God, be humble, and willing to know the worst of our case. Let us honestly confess all our sins in their full extent, relying wholly on his mercy and truth through the righteousness of Christ, for a free and full forgiveness, and our deliverance from the power and practice of sin.
How do you magnify and glorify God???
Maybe you should reread my post, where did I say to magnify God? I said, "to reiterate my statement" I said to magnify and glorify the GRACE of God.
QT. Not trying to minimize sin, but to magnify and glorify the grace of God.
Magnify = Syn. Enlarge, Expand, Amplify, Increase, Augment.
Glorify = Syn. Worship, adore, Lionize, Exalt, Deify.
Oh I'm very sorry JB for misinterpreting your words, guess it was just because the Bible tells us nothing about magnifying the grace of God, or to minimize sin. Neither in the Bible is correct.
1 Pet. 4:11. "That God in all things may be glorified."
l Cor. 10:31. "Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."
Please know that the chief end of man is to Glorify God, guess that's probably what I was thinking about.
I just find that to glorify anything else but God is to give Glory, Power, and Honor to something else. God is worthy of all the praise, all the honor, and all the glory, period.
Serious, my friend. Why do you think I was trying to be facetious?
By trying to say you were sorry, when all along you were actually telling a lie. what else could you call it?
Oh, I’m sorry as well, because I can see now you were not trying to be facetious, you were actually being facetious.
QT. “man, is to Glorify God.”
Do you glorify God in your responses to others?
How does a person glorify God?
If God can be glorified by man, why then couldn't His Grace be glorified as well. Would probably do you good to study what glorification means.
We, rather I esteem the grace of God above sin. Therefore, minimizing sin, and glorifying "exalting" the grace of God.
Just a few scripture to show that "glory" is used more than glory to God.
I heard a preacher say one time that, there are a lot of people that are so heavenly minded, they are no earthly good.
Again, not to be judgmental of course.
And I have never heard a preacher say that there are a lot of people that are so heaveanly minded that they are no earthly good; You were listening to the wrong preacher, my friend. Heavenly minded is THE best way to live. That is a lie straight from the devil.
Watchman, Have you ever studied what a Pharisee is? Vines has a very informative explanation of it.
In their zeal for the Law they almost deified it and their attitude became merely external, formal, and mechanical. They laid stress, not upon the righteousness of an action, but upon its formal correctness.
What the preachers that say such things, about "so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good" is saying that they are so religiously "piously" minded that they can't see any further than the law. i.e. pious ones," were a society of men zealous for religion.
Of course again, not to be judgmental.
Repentance is then necessary for salvation. Accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior is repenting from not accepting him as Lord and Savior. We must turn from and change our ways about sin. We must want to stop the sinning and turn ourselves over to Christ. As we realize what God the Father has done for us by giving us his Son for us it becomes clearer what is the way to repentance.
I enjoyed your article David.
your Brother in Christ,
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