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This is an important topic. There are a few views regarding this subject. What do you understand the Bible to teach regarding Biblical Sanctification as applied tot he believer today?


Lord Bless,


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Biblical sanctification is an act of God. It is His purpose to make us fully His. I no longer believe that sanctification takes all the inward sin out of our lives but it is an act of grace whereby we become more desirous to respond to His work within us. The process that I see helps us with our focus. As we become more aware of those things which drag us down, we become more determined to do something about those things. God does not take all the sin away but He does help us to identify those things in our lives encouraging us to walk away from those things which are evil and promote sin to become more in tune with the things of His Spirit. That is a process that I see no quick fix for. It seems to me to be a lifetime process. However, His sanctifying power within us helps us to see Him more clearly. As we fix our eyes upon Jesus, and not the things of this world, our faith in Him becomes more and more mature. That is a process.

These are really great comments on this forum.



His command is to trust Him, to believe in Him. What a shame it would be if we did not receive the gift of His suffering! My trust is in Him and not in myself. I'm not going to come under condemnation since there is none in Him. I'm 64 and still far from perfection. I will be welcomed into His presence not because of an ounce of my righteousness but because of His. I glory in the Son. I worship the Son. He is my salvation. I will trust and not be afraid. He will never reject you based on your works. Keep praying. I have children. Some were very compliant while others were not as much. I loved them all as much as the other. My love for them was not based on works. He is far greater than me and His love is perfect. His love casts all fear. I have been delivered from self-condemnation. It is a wonderful freedom.


Wow! I have never heard that song before. The song defines me. I think it defines all of His kids. Thanks for the song. Hallelujah! I am chosen and holy. I can't think of a better way to define me. However, I must give Him all the credit. This guy has it. I think as I begin to see myself as He sees me, I will do better. Blessed be the name of the Lord! This song really lifts me up. You need to post that on the main page.


Nice song. I have sent it on to several people that I think it will bless.


Amen, I am still being blessed by it. I guess I am just out of the loop. I have never heard of that guy. What a blessing!
That's the price we pay for getting less younger :-)
UH, we better hope He does or we are in huge trouble.


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