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There is way too much useless confusion about these two schools of theology that have more in common than not.This discussions will be done in an effort to clear up some misunderstandings between the 2 major schools of Theology, so we can equip ourselves correctly.

I will give the basics and go a little deep into each system. Roger Olson has written a wonderful book detailing common misconceptions Calvinist hold about Arminians and there are many books also showing how Arminians misunderstand Reformed Theology. This is a very important topic family.

>>Jacobus Arminius (October 10, 1560–October 19, 1609), the Latinized name of the Dutch theologian Jakob Harmenszoon from the Protestant Reformation period, (also known by the Anglicized names of Jacob Arminius or James Arminius), served from 1603 as professor in theology at the University of Leiden. He wrote many books and treatises on theology, and his views became the basis of Arminianism and the Dutch Remonstrant movement.Wesley.

>>John Calvin (
Middle French: Jean Cauvin) (10 July 1509 – 27 May 1564) was an influential French theologian and pastor during the Protestant Reformation. He was a principal figure in the development of the system of Christian theology later called Calvinism. Originally trained as a humanist lawyer, he broke from the Roman Catholic Church around 1530. After religious tensions provoked a violent uprising against Protestants in France, Calvin fled to Basel, Switzerland, where in 1536 he published the first edition of his seminal work Institutes of the Christian Religion.

Feel free to jump in as we discuss the Doctrines of Grace. The order of Salvation, Predestination, Free will, God's election, Limited or unlimited Atonement, Resistible or Irresistible grace etc...



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Amen Roy,

I stand with you in this prayer also.

Linda Ruth, Regarding the state schools, there is some value in our kids learning what the lies are so that we can train them to disprove them. With every lie they hear, we replace it with truth. They will be well trained in questioning the 'theory' the teachers are presenting to them, and hopefully at least cause other teachers and students to question it as well with well thoguht out respectful questions which are logically and systematically thought out. I see this as an opportunity for our kids to learn why evolution is not true, and to prove to others that Creation is the only logical and reasonable explanation for all that we see in the world today. We must know and understand what the enemy is teaching in order to disprove it. Homeschool is a great option, but it is not possible for everyone. ...As a side note, when we do teach our kids that God created it all...we are homeschooling them in that aspect. We fight this battle in prayer (as i know you do beloved sis). There are many great teaching tools. I don't know if you have these videos, but I use them to teach my kids because they are also fun to watch....

Blessings to you sis.. In Him, carla

Don't be discouraged

The video is wonderful. How do you upload these videos? I have a couple that I would like to share from some of the most influential science persons in our society. They are very anti-God so I don't know if they would be appropriate on this site. I did share them with my 5th and 6th grade Bible class and asked them how they would answer. Without prompting they had an answer for Dr. Lawrence Krauss who made the statement, "Why do we need Jesus, we have the stars?" I also believe that our children need to learn what the world is teaching. However, I prefer it to be in a controlled setting while they are so young and so vulnerable.

Lawrence Krauss teaches as do the evolutionists that we come from the stars. I said to my 5th and 6th graders, "Let's assume for a moment that we do come from cosmic dust. How do you respond to that." Their response was, "Where do the stars come from?" -from the mouth of babes. These 5th graders literally have more understanding than Krauss. The wisdom of this world is absolute foolishness to God. The Big Bang is perhaps the most nonsensical theory ever devised by man. Yet, it is the answer in our schools classrooms. What a shame!

After developing his theory, Einstein concluded there has to be a God.

Our world today proves to me that faith is a gift from God. The reprobates are literally ignorant of reality.


I do believe God can keep our children but statistics don't lie. We are losing the majority of them.
Hi Roy,

I got the videos from youtube... go to the embeded code and copy and paste it here.

Faith is indeed a gift from God... We can accomplish so much in prayer..and follow-up with teaching them in the way they should go. Help them to develop a love for the Lord... so we do these things:
1) pray
2) teach them
3) live it ourselves in front of them
God will do the rest.. Those who belong to God (predestined) God will bring home. We can't loose the majority of children whom God has called...we can't loose any of them.. They are God's, and He will keep them! I guess that's another controversial question: Do all children belong to God? I believe these are not questions we can answer...who would want to try? not me.

Blessings dear bro.. in Him, Carla

I have decided not to put the videos on. Even though I know we would not be influenced by them, maybe someone would. The person is teaching that the exploding stars billions of years ago, sent out cosmic dust that formed the planets. Eventually, you and I are here. It is all nonsense but the only doctrine allowed in our schools. His point was that the stars died for us so why do we need Jesus. I am overwhelmed by the secularism that has captured our society. I am amazed that the only doctrine we are allowed to teach our children is that there is no God. What happened. I am old enough to remember the time when God was removed from our schools. I don't remember much complaint even though I am sure there was some. I would have been sixteen at the time.

Now, we must all do the very best we can in difficult times. God will help us. Our children will be saved.

Hi Roy,

It breaks my heart...this garbage secular teaching.. We do have to guard our children.. you are absolutely right. The teaching is actually laughable it is so weak... Although I haven't seen the one you are specifically referring to... It breaks my heart to watch those things..and makes me sick to my stomach.. but i do watch it so I know what my kids are being exposed to.

The overwhelming beauty and magnitude of who God is and how incredible and perfect His Creation is..and He is... just leaves me me goosebumps...This same God entered into the very world He created to take on the punishment we deserve....just so He can be with the very creation who rejected, murdered and despised Him...Who can Love like this?....only God can! It leaves me in a place of complete adoration and worship for Jesus now that I can partially see Him for who He is. This is the Love we want to instill in our children.... I'm preaching to the choir here.. ;-)

We had dinner tonight out of our garden.. corn on the cob, green beans and tomatoes...(and chicken)... I bought the chicken. ;-).
The bees have done a beautiful job of cross pollinating for me.
Have you ever considered a cob of corn? One kernal can grow an entire corn stalk....which supports many cobs of corn...with enough seeds to plant an entire row in a large produce a magnitude of the same vegetable... It will never evolve into a tomato..or a potato...or a carrot. :-)
A cob of corn has and always will be a cob of corn.
Green beans... they grow from beautiful purple flowers.. I got 3 harvests so far from my beans.
My tomatos... whew.. i would be giving you all some if you lived closer.
They taste like candy they are so sweet...I have a variety of different types...but they are all tomatos...So far a tomato seed has not produced a head of lettuce ;-). The scent of a tomato plant should be bottled..but it could never be's far to lovely.

My garden is organic.. I asked the Lord to keep the bugs off... People are astounded at how beautiful the veggies have turned out.. My husband has commented on that several times.

Our God is an Awesome God!
Bless you brother.. Carla
Yes Sis.. you are your family are always welcome.. ;-)
Hi Roy,

I looked up the video (your first one here) on youtube.. and I responded to it.. My name on You Tube is 'JesusIsSaviorforEver'. You can look up what I responded if you want to. I don't think there is any need to refer to that video on this website, for our purposes here, we are here to feed new believers, and it may cause confusion in some who are new to the faith, for that purpose I would remove the link to the video.

I like your second video here much better... Funny guys.. Thanks for the laugh!

Blessings, Carla
Carla here is my biblical opinion on your question. Maggie had a similar question which I will post here after yours.

>>Do all children belong to God?

>>if predestination were true then you have no cross to bear for it has been decided for you

Mark 10:14
But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.

It is believed that children will go to heaven should they die before reaching the age of accountability, which of course changes with each human. God is just and loving; sp I personally think all kids go to heaven when they die.

I believe your right that children do go to heaven up to the age of accountability.
I don't know what that age is and many different opinions abound.

A young child or baby can't be held responsible for unbelief when they have no concept of God or Jesus's sacrifice.
My kids say they love God and Jesus but they don't fully understand the whole picture and they haven't fully given their lives to Him as yet.
Linda and I pray that they will of course.

What happened to the children in the flood?


I don't think we necessarily know what He does with children but we know He does everything right. I don't think it is wrong to assume He takes them all to heaven because we couldn't imagine Him doing anything else. When does a child know it is wrong to disobey parents? How is a child that different from the person in the deepest recesses of the world that have never heard? Does God have a different way of judging those? Are they responsible for not believing in someone they have never heard of?
Hi David,

This is indeed a difficult question. I agree with what you have said here....and I also believe it is different for each human. Everything God does is fair.



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