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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

It is absolutely right that we use every means possible to get people in a place they can hear the Word of God and grow in Christ. Besides that, it is also very helpful to have a place big enough that the whole church can meet together at one time. There are a million benefits to having a public meeting place.


But in a large portion of the unreached areas of the earth, those things are not allowed, and would be quickly shut down by police or burnt down by the neighbors. So we have a dilemma, how can we plant churches where churches are illegal? This dilemma is what has given rise to the house church movement all over the persecuted world.

A house church is simply a church that meets in a house, apartment or sometimes even the forest! This is what they did in the New Testament and so it is certainly biblical. The only place in the New Testament they rented a place to meet was in Acts 19:9 where Paul rented to teach the Word.


Pastor Chris Chapman a good friend of mine and a beautiful man of God, who is a pioneer pastor in Indonisia brought up this topic in our church and i thought i throw it out here.


We must go into ALL the world and make disciples. That includes areas of the world that will not allow us to have formal churches and we must realize that a church is organized around the leadership and personal relationships, not around the place we meet.


what do you think of these issues whether it relates to foreign or domestic missions? what does a church have to have to be a church? what is not necessary though often considered necessary? what are your thoughts? C.C.

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One of the fondest experiences in my life was mission work in Veracruz, Mexico. I remember that experience so vividly because it impacted my life so deeply. After settling down and meeting with the brothers we went to the formal church building, which was your typical setting. What bless me came after... because many of the folks being evangelized could not make the long trip to the city; the leadership had an additional service in the middle of miles of a banana plantation. Church was held in an extremely modest home of a sister where all the particulars of a church service were followed, we had chickens running around and you could hear the pigs outside while we sang and while the preacher shared the Gospel. It was fully and totally church. The presence of God was very real and the genuine love of the brothers was palpable.
It was awesome.

When I was serving my sentence eons ago, the formal Chaplin had assigned me as the informal Pastor. He would tell me: "son- I cannot go where you can go with the brothers, I go back home, but you are here day and night with them", so I had church in a cell while others use the time to have phone or TV time, cell 112, was having church, it was part of the schedule and the guards would announce it. Gods favor is amazing. Those times are dear to my heart... we followed all the particulars a formal church follows, we had a time for worship, announcements, testimonies and the church had leadership, faithful brothers that also would give. We would make sure we always had soups, soap and that type of items to give to the needy... we did not have much, but the love of the brethren was so real, I mean, we lived together, nowhere to run from the brothers...hahahaha

Church is where the people of God meet and there is structure - no matter how limited or how abundant the freedom is.

Church is the body of Christ. It is made up of all who have been called out of the world and given their lives to Christ. Therefore, today we have two recognitions regarding the church. There is the institution and the organism. The institution serves a function when led by the organism. Unfortunately today we often see the institution has been taken over by worldly people and in so doing the real focus and purpose, the mission, are changed. Now to be clear a healthy institution will have many unbelievers there at every meeting because they need to hear the Word of God. The key is to keep godly people in leadership. The sixth chapter of Acts is our guide. Look for people who demonstrate godly wisdom and fullness in the Spirit.

The church can meet anywhere, because it is truly the gathering of the children of God in the name of Jesus. I have led church in prison, schools, nursing home, hospitals, on the street, in a house, at a park, as well as in a church building. The building is meant to facilitate the ministry, not absorb it.

Q1: You asked about foreign missions and domestic. My view is that you must reach them where they are. Western missions often go abroad and have sought to cause them to westernize. This is harmful. There will be things that they must let go of to live a godly life, but that does not mean forsake everything that has to do with their heritage. You can contextualize without compromise. This actually is true regarding domestic outreach. The Word remains the same but the method used to reach an upper-outer is different from the method to reach a gang-banger.

Q2: What does the church have to have to be a church?: A gathering of the saints. Leadership is important, but seasoned leadership is not always available. The group may not have a deeper understanding of the Word of God, but they must be focused on Christ and have the desire to reach others for His glory and their salvation. If they are centered on Christ and His Word there is nothing more needed, but many more things can be beneficial. Early on as they grow, some basic principles/essentials come to mind.

Acts 2:42: "They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." Studying God's Word, fellowship, communion, and prayer.

Acts 6: "Brothers, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them 4 and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word." Delegating ministry, studying the Word and prayer.

Q3: What is not necessary though often considered necessary?: The previous question in my mind answers the basics of this question. I do have one concern. People employ today in their worship many different methods. Most of the methods have nothing wrong with them and are used to build the body. The problem is that many of these are preferences and not doctrine. Over time, like the Pharisees, man has elevated preferences to the level of doctrine and thus they put an expectation on everyone else to be just like them. One of my passions is putting preferences back where they belong as a preference.

Lord Bless,
Praise God!

You reminded me of the the scripture below when you answered the first question.

1 Corinthians 9:22
to the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.

Great impute Pastor.


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