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I think there seems to be a segment of Christians who maintain that if brothers and sisters in Christ cannot speak in tongues, they are not saved.

I once heard a Christian preacher on the radio ask a female caller if she`d been baptized in the Holy Spirit. She responded,"Yes". He then asked her if she spoke in tongues. She said,"No".

He then told her she was not saved because she did not actually receive the Holy Spirit since she could not prove it by speaking in tongues.


What do you think?

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Sister Janie,


Thank you for your interesting, well told, and complete testimony.

There are probably many different accounts out there that saints could tell about the Holy Spirit working in their lives. I appreciate you taking the time to share your story.


And Brother Roy, thank you for your up-date on this matter in certain churches. Yes, we know there are always a few flakes wherever we go.


Grace and Peace.

You are correct,

And now, even many in the Pentecostal churches are realizing that not all will speak in tongues when they are filled with the Spirit. On the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2) all did speak in tongues when they were filled with the Spirit. However, to my knowledge, that event has never been duplicated from that initial outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Then, when Peter went to the house of Cornelius (Acts 10)and testified to the grace of God, all were filled with the Spirit and began to speak in tongues. This even seemed to take place at the time of their conversion which to me seems to be different than the event at Pentecost. You have to be careful here for some get very offended over this subject.

Another similar event took place when Paul arrived at Ephesus (Acts 19) he asked them if they had received the Holy Spirit when they believed (Acts 19:2 NIV). Their response was that they didn't even know there was a Holy Spirit. I must admit that many are in this same position today as were these disciples but, anyway, Paul continues to minister to them and then baptizes in the Christian baptism for they had been baptized into John's baptism. After their water baptism, Paul laid his hands on them and the Holy Spirit came on them similar to the other events and they spoke in other tongues.

Much of the doctrine of the Pentecostal churches come from these three passages. Paul does say in 1 Corinthians 14 that he wished that they all did speak with other tongues (1 Cor 14:5) but he goes on to recognize that all will not speak in other tongues. I personally am a Pentecostal that does not believe all will speak in other tongues. However, I am not convinced that all could not speak to God in a heavenly language but I would never argue over that since that teaching is not absolutely convincing in Scripture. That is why there is so much controversy over this subject. I have noticed there are other Pentecostals on this site that are very good about not making this issue a controversial topic which indicates to me how far the Pentecostal organizations have come over the years. When I was growing up as a child and early in ministry, it was very controversial especially around the 70's when the charismatic renewal was taking place.

I will go as far as testifying that I do believe that more than do speak in tongues could speak in a heavenly language to express their love to God. Our relationship with God is a supernatural relationship and it would be unusual to share this kind of relationship with God and only have natural occurrences taking place. However, there are many supernatural gifts and we should seek to have those that not only edify us but those around us as well. Sometimes He (the Holy Spirit Who needs to be reintroduced to much of the church) will give one a word of wisdom or word of knowledge. These are supernatural events that we should come to expect and should happen as we come together to fellowship. I personally believe some have been physically healed on this site by a supernatural gift working through one of the prayer warriors as prayer requests are being made. They may not even realize that their prayer was inspired by the Spirit. When I sense that a prayer was inspired by God's Spirit I will try to add an amen to that prayer.

As I was growing up as a child much emphasis was placed upon the gift of tongues in the Pentecostal church. I grew up in an Assembly of God church. The Scriptures clearly teach that the emphasis should not be on this one particular gift. However, everyone was expected to receive this gift (that doctrine still continues in the Pentecostal churches) when they received or were filled with the Holy Spirit. They do not teach that the gift is necessary to salvation. They do believe that you receive the Holy Spirit on conversion but not filled or baptized with His Spirit until maybe later even though they understand it can happen in all kinds of ways. The Pentecostal Holiness church taught that you were first saved, then sanctified as a second work of grace, and then filled with His Spirit as a third work of God's grace. Many of the younger generation are tending to leave that teaching for a more Scriptural teaching of what you will find here on All About God and in much of the church. However, there are many in the older generation that are hanging on to those doctrines and I have no problems with them. They are beautiful and wonderful saints of God. I used to argue with them but found that to be fruitless. I have wasted way too much time in my life arguing.

However, I would encourage you not to discount the gift as it was very important to Paul and to many others. It is still very important to many today. I personally believe it is more for private prayer than for public prayer. However, I have been in many services where all were encouraged to begin to pray in other tongues. I don't agree with that as being Scriptural but again I won't argue with them.






Good word.


Lord Bless,


Thanks LT,

It is a very difficult topic and one I ran from in the past. I must admit that at times I was ashamed of my Pentecostal background. I am now embracing it and actually having fellowship once again with the denomination. I can think of many other worse problems in our Christian walk then just not having our doctrine correct. I am most grateful for His forgiveness and mercy for all He has had to put up with in me.

Praise the Lord!




It is a difficult topic and one that can truly divide godly people.


Your background and mine (at least based on organizational association) are quite similar as the AG and C&MA have a lot in common, in fact the AG was partially birthed out of the C&MA over this very topic.


Lord Bless,


Hello Roy,

I was beginning to wonder if the rapture had taken place and maybe I had missed it lol, not seeing anyone around much lately. We were wondering about David as well.

I wanted to comment a little on the subject of tongues, seeing there has been so much controversy on the subject.

I for one do believe that the gift is for everyone, but we know that because of the lack of knowledge of the gifts , all gifts for that matter, we don’t operate in because most don’t know that they are free gifts: given to the body of Christ for edification of the church, and for our own edification, as in Jude 1:18-20,How they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts, these be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit. But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost.


I know those that don’t believe in this gift will have a different interpretation of this scripture, as they do with other scriptures that doesn’t line up with their theology, as the gift of healing, saying that it pertains only to a spiritual healing and not physical. But these gifts were given to the church for a purpose. Like in the passage in Romans 8:26, likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities, for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. He that searches the heart knoweth the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. This is one of the benefits I see in tongues, if we don’t know what to pray for, the spirit will reveal to us and then we can make the intercession for that person according to the will of God. So how else can we get the will of God in these various situations unless He shows us through prayer.

Some might say that this thinking is a Joe Boyce 3:16, but this is just the way I see it.








We are here, Joe, come see us.
I don't believe that this is true, I believe that the gift of tongues is given to those God choses, but that it's not a gift that we all operate it, I was in such a church myself, legalistic and quite honestly, more self promoting than God promoting:(

They used the word of God to achieve results from people!! Very wrong:(

May I ask what state this church is in? Is it in the North East of America?

Sister Mischelle,


Thank you for sharing. And..........


Grace and Peace to you.

Hi Richard,

We should pray for someone who would intentionally frighten other Christians by telling them they are not saved because they were not speaking in tounges. Talk about pious religiousity. My Bible says I'm saved by grace. I can't find the part about being saved by 'passing the test of tounges'. ---- People like that make me sad...

Hi Bill,


Amen to your post.

Excellent scripture regarding this issue.

Let me add 1  Timothy, Chapter 4, and 2 Timothy, Chapter 6.

Unfortunately, there are many false teachers circulating on soap boxes of the world spreading false doctrine.

But then, it's nothing new...........


Grace and Peace. 


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