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What has ever distracted you from the simplicity and profundity of the Gospel?

Sometimes I get so carried away wondering about secondary issues, and what others think about them, and whats right, and yes, even judging others at times(Gods helping me on this) that I fear my mind is taken off reading the Bible, and believing that I, yes I, can make an informed decision on what the scripture is telling me. This story by Nicole Cottrell has encouraged me to 'go back to basics', not to worry about things that do not concern me in my walk, and try to aim to be the best witness and child of God that I can be. There's a question posed at the end, that's why I have posted it in the forum :). Blessings.


When I first met Tim, I was 23 and searching for a new church–a place I could call home. Tim came off a bit weird to me at first. To call him unconventional would be an understatement.

He was loud, gregarious, politically incorrect, and even mildly inappropriate (according to Christian standards). He even offended me a few times.

This guy is the youth and college pastor,” I wondered? Really? Uh, okay…

It wouldn’t be long before my judgmental eye-rolls and deep sighs would be challenged. It wasn’t long before God gave me the proverbial Holy Spirit smack down.

What I initially failed to realize is that Tim was no one’s slave…except Christ’s. He didn’t bow down to the large church machine of the 10,000 person congregation in which he served.

He wasn’t a slave to any particular theological doctrine or praxis. He was enslaved to Christ Jesus. Ball and chain. Throw away the key.

In the midst of a conversation one day, the head pastor of the church where Tim served at the time asked him a fairly straight forward question:

“Tim, are you a Calvinist or an Arminianist?”

Tim responded, “I don’t know what that means.” The pastor chuckled, certainly thinking that Tim–the pastor to all of the elementary to college-aged youth of this mega-church–was just being facetious.

“No, really,” the pastor continued. “What are you?”

“I’m neither,” Tim answered. “I honestly don’t even know what those words mean.”

Now, some of us might scoff at Tim’s naivety. We might make a flash judgment and call him irresponsible, ignorant, or spiritually immature. How could he really not know?

This is how: He doesn’t care.

Tim was a devoted follower of Christ, dedicated and committed. He poured out his life to meet the needs of others. He had a heart to see all, and kids especially, come to know Jesus.

He was filled with the Spirit and Spirit-led, operating in full capacity for Christ. He didn’t know what “Calvinist” means because the definition of that word in no way contributed to him serving and loving others like Jesus.

Funny when we think of it…Jesus was never bogged by doctrine or theology. He skillfully and stealthily made others question their own theology without ever taking sides.

Jesus was a theological ninja. We, on the other hand, are often theological suckers.

We allow the debate to distract. We allow the diatribe to defraud. We allow our own fleshly concerns for correctness undermine the Gospel.

Tim got this and he never gave in to church pressure. He was far more concerned with walking the walk than talking some talk, more concerned with loving than pontificating. Nothing distracted Tim from the simplicity and profundity of the Gospel. Period. And no doubt, nothing ever will.

Tim is still around, serving Christ wholeheartedly. He has moved on from that church to another, but he continues to pour into the lives of youth.

Now in his sixties, his health deteriorated from diabetes and hours of dialysis each day, you would think he has slowed down, but he hasn’t. He still wears sleeveless T-shirts (a story for another time), talks boisterously, doesn’t follow the rules, and tells the best stories.

He recently told a story that encapsulates him and his love for God…

Tim was attending a church renewal meeting. A lady approached him and said, “It seems like Christianity isn’t that hard for you.”

Tim responded, “Yeah, I skip all the hard parts.”

I want to skip the hard parts, too. I want to be washed anew with the beautiful simplicity of the Gospel and Jesus’ love for each and every one of us. If people roll their eyes or chuckle at my “ignorance,” then so be it. If I were still trying to please man, I wouldn’t be a slave of Christ. Or, as Paul put it to the Corinthians:

“But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.”

What has ever distracted you from the simplicity and profundity of the Gospel? Have you ever struggled with a particular theological doctrine? How did that help or hurt your relationships with others in the Church?

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Yes, Amen, spot on there Nancy.

Hi Lucy,


It's a great question but I do wonder if the answer could be simple?


I personally believe that Jesus was concerned about doctrine and theology  - didn't he challenge people about their religious beliefs and practices? Jesus never took sides, he represented God - it was/is all about being on his side.


In the world we live in many claim to be Christians - some who do not even accept the deity of Jesus, others don't believe in the resurrection, those who use their own "bibles?" which contain significant differences - all with differing doctrines.


And the issue is how can we be effective in sharing the Gospel with those of such differing doctrines if we don't understand what their doctrines are - since ONES DOCTRINE IS IMPORTANT ("Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers. 1Tim.4:16)?

We are called to preach the Word to others so that God might use us to save some.


I also personally do care what others call themselves and what they believe in because I want to share in our understanding of the Gospel albeit with differing views. I do not consider engaging in a discussion involving doctrinal differences as being a distraction rather it is all about learning and growth through sharing the Word of God.


I wouldn't want to skip all the hard parts - it sounds as if I would be missing out on things, and I have found out mainly, through pride, that I have had to learn some things ..... the hard way!






Interesting thoughts Desmond, I can see where you're coming from but remember there are so many doctrines /theological beliefs/arguments/ etc that we could never possibly know them all. Would not  the sound knowledge of our own belief/faith be enough to disagree with what we hear to be against our own?

I know my mother usually tells JW's who may come calling exactly what she believes in and as far as I know they usually leave haha. And my mother is no great studier. But by golly, she witnesses well.

Yes Lucy - I agree we couldn't possibly know all the doctrines etc - but I do believe it's about trying to find ways of achieving a unity in our understanding of the scriptures - especially on the doctrine of salvation.






Excellent post.

There is a time, place and all things under heaven.

Jude wanted to write about the Gospel, but he founded it necessary (Jude 1:3-5) to contend earnestly for the faith.

Praise God for the ones God calls to do such a work in love.
Yes, we should and must defend the faith of our Lord Jesus. there are many false teachers who have 'crept in' , the prosperity gospel just one example. Amen.


My vote is for Tim. He has the right idea. Christ is my all, His Word is Gold, and I could care less about how someone else thinks I should believe.

Blessings, sister....


Rita,  What a wonderful servant of our Lord, Tim is an example of. I certainly imagine he studied the Word extensively  but he became no slave to any man's interpretation. Just him and God. I particularly like when it says: 'He skillfully and stealthily made others question their own theology without ever taking sides.'
Thanks, that was a great reading, I particularly like when Jesus has the small child standing beside him and He tells: 10-11Don't be cruel to any of these little ones! I promise you that their angels are always with my Father in heaven. Amen to the Holy Spirit leading and guiding us and helping us learn.
Amanda, thank you so much for taking time to write that, you have given me much food for thought, I too have a investigative mind. But as you say for much of what we believe, there is no wordly answer. We must pick our battles wisely. Amen my sis.


That was well thought out and awesome!

Something you said caught my attention... human freedom in salvation allowed by a Sovereign God...

We rarely think of ourselves with human freedom in Salvation allowed by a Sovereign God...and yet we all have it. I, as a Christian have freedom to do whatever I want....BUT....most things I have the freedom to do, I no longer care about doing. They just don't interest me any longer.

It actually distresses me when people speak of Salvation and sin in the same sentence, especially when there is ridicule about a sin a person might commit as a Christian.

A solid *thus says the Lord* should always be the last word.

Great post, Amanda...



>>What has ever distracted you from the simplicity and profundity of the Gospel?


The world, the flesh, self and life.


For the most, all the Christian books about everything pertaining to Christianity (Apologetics, hermeneutics, prophecy, doctrine etc) will eventually work together for good for us who are and belong to Christ. Even when books have led a person to confusion and false doctrines, God uses that and turns that experience around for His glory, by teaching the person to establish balance in their walk and discernment. It does hurt people to get distracted by the blessings, instead of the blessor or to get distracted by the mechanics of our doctrines, instead of being passionate about the Mechanic himself, but ultimately it helps us grow.


The foundational beliefs of our faith are the foundation of our spiritual building and to depart from them will not cause the house to collapse, but it will halter construction in one direction, while constructing in another.


What we need to remember and this is of the most importance is that we are (the body of Christ) a living organism comprised of many members who are each called and gifted for specific purposes. Some will take a long time finding a balance from the addiction to examine doctrine to the point that their personal relationship is hurt by the mass amount of time spent researching instead of fellowshipping with their creator. Others will be able to balance it and will be used by God to teach others according to their calling.


The important thing is to understand that the arm needs the leg and the leg needs the ear. Some members have been given the passion to study everything pertaining to God and that is not wrong. Praise God for a Paul, for the Apostles who where in the most intensive University. The University of Christ himself. They were not mere fisher men once Christ was done with the disciples (Students), they were Apostles thought by the teacher of teachers and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit was upon them. It is important to increase in knowledge/wisdom, but never at the high cost of losing focus of what holds us grounded, the foundational teachings and fellowship with Christ. The eternal truths that keep our heart’s from fainting when the storm rages on.


there are numerous Christians who do not get distracted by theological issues, but they have fallen into a routine where the fellowship that we should have with the Lord has been turned into a chore. They feel they have to read a chapter in the N.T. and a Psalm or a Proverb, but is no longer a fellowship time or experience, it is simply doing what a Christian should do and that can be very hard to detect and distracting to the simplicity and profundity of the Gospel, which calls us to simply sit at His feet and learn from him.


God wants us to go from the milk to the meat without losing sight of the foundation (the basics). The basics are deep, really deep within themselves.




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