What is going on in the world these days? I am no expect in marriages but I used to think marriage was sacred and was instituted by God. Is it because man has become so intolerant or is it a change in our value system? Many couples these days take the easy way out - divorce when trouble shows up. This does not affect only non - believers, it affects us, christians as well. I know this issue is very sensitive, but if our reason for being here is to honestly help one another, I would be grateful if those who have survived in their marriages would share with us, how they manage. I hope this discussion will not be of beneffit to only me, but also to others who are struggling to survive.
On the other hand, if there have been earlier discussions on this topic, I would be grateful to receive any references to such discussions.
Thanks and God bless.
Food just sounds so much better to me than clothes and shoes.
It was reversed; look who wound up being the garden. ie) “ SOIL” (as a euphemism) in which seeds are sown.
I think I see now why God made man first; He wanted to make sure the woman would have someone to blame.
But it takes two halves to make a whole. Right?
I’m very happy with His plan, aren’t you?
Actually, men are to serve their wives the way Christ loves and serves the Church and nourishes and cherishes her. The biggest problem in most marriages is that a wife cannot see the love of Christ in a husband. Men are to lead by loving and serving and then women will respect them.
The Scriptures have been given and the truth is that what women want most is love, and what men want most is respect. By God's design there is supposed to be a perpetual cycle of love and respect in the marital relationship.
When a marriage fails BOTH are to blame.
Look at who is as beautiful as the garden. Amen Amanda.
When I truly accepted the Lord's plan of marriage & totally submitted to my husband, it was made so clear how the Lord would have our homes to truly be. It also gave me such a sense of freedom & unloaded the burden off of my shoulders & accepting that he was the head & was held accountable. I love His design.
I am so grateful to you all for the contributions you've made towards this discussions. After going through all your discussions, I noticed the following; Christ should be the foundation of all marriages. Instead of fixing people in our marriages, we need to fix what isn't working. Time is wasted trying to fix each other until things get out of hand. Amanda thanks for this tip. It seems one gets what one puts into a marriage and all couples have to work hard to make it work. Thanks for the reminder Tammy, one adult can't make a marriage work; it takes '2 complete willing adults', I like that. Bev, I have realissed that the part people find most difficult is being submissive. No one wants to be submissive to the other and that is the basis of all problems, but I think if we make Christ the centre of our marriages we'll have less problem.
Roy, congratulations! Its good to know that there is still hope for us, if you have managed it this far, and I know you still have a long way ahead. God bless you both. I think it helps if both partners have the same faith and belief system, it makes things much easier. Family prayer helps us put our lives into perspective.
I talked to a friend whose marriage was at the brink of falling apart two years ago, but before their separation her husband requested that they part on a good note. They knelt down to pray and the prayer they started together was, Our Lord's prayer..When they recited,'... and forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who trespass against us', they stopped and looked at each other. The rest was history. This helped them settle their differences and they have been together since then. This shows the importance of praying together as a family. Thank you all and God bless!
This discussion has been an eye opener, we truly need each other. Male and female He made us and certainly wants us to be together as helpmates. For two people to stay together through thick and thin for that many years (58), is by the grace of God. By God's grace I hope to be back here many years to come still happy in my marriage and still praising God.
Remain blessd!
God's plans are always good; it is us His creatures that mess up His plan. I accept that ' there's no smoke without fire', as the saying goes. It is part of our system to aportion blame to someone when something goes wrong, but with the Lord on our side brother Joe, we shall overcome some day. If couples can take responsibility for whatever happens in the matrimonial home, peace will reign.
God bless
This is a topic that the world needs to revisit through God's eyes, after all, He instituded it. Marriages today, can be a struggle, especially when we consider the track record of prominent people. Thing is, Satan is doing his best to destroy the institution of marriage as a way of "thumbing" his nose at God. This is unfortunate, especially where Christians are concerned--they should be better grounded in the Word and not allow themselves to fall prey to the evil whims of the devil. I admit that when two people of different backgrounds unite in marriage, there can be a whole lot of struggle. What can be done? Christians have to keep focused on Christ; they have to do their very best to resist the devil's temptations "the grass looks greener on the other side" or his familiar lie "did God really say marriage is forever?". Remember how he tricked Eve in the garden of Eden? My second suggestion is that two cannot be dominant in a marriage. Let the man be the head as Christ is the head of the Church. It is okay for the female to be in the "backlground" knowing that behind every successful man is a "Godly" woman. Men need to be praised and encouraged often. This should not be a problem for us wives to do because we are confident in who we are in Christ. Too many wives today want to "control" their husbands. Men don't like that.
I am in my 38th year of marriage which was not at all smooth in the beginning, but I learned how to step aside and let hubby "feel" that he's in control. I learned to stop "telling hubby "what to do". Instead I make "humble" suggestions, which he takes onboard only to suggest them back to me as if they were his suggestions. I'm okay with that, though it makes me smile. At least there is peace, right. But most of all, I faith in Christ and the written Word sustains me in the face of the devils temptations and lies. Marriages can work beautifully, in spite of trials and tribulations, once we recognize the need for Christ in it.
Well, that's it from me!
Thanks Lena, your suggestions are apt and as I've observed, successful marriages often involve ' women of strength' and not strong women. It takes a woman of strength to be submissive, a strong woman puts herself apar with her spouse and therefore finds it difficult to see eye to eye with Him.
Marriage forms the basis of a good family and good families build a good or great nation. Being submissive doesn't mean, to just keep quiet even when things are getting out of hand. Correct or complain in a humble way.
I have a great deal of respect for women who are able to resist the pressures of society and hold onto their marriage for so many years. The Lord instituted marriage and since the devil seems to be against all things made by God, he is at war with marriages. It is his desire to see the fall of this institution which is the backbone of all families. The family plays a big roll in the upbringing of the children to become responsible and God fearing adults. When marriages break down, family life is affected and moral values are compromised.
Let us keep praying for God's intevention in all marriages so that they can be successful for the good of all mankind.
God bless!
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