What happens to our souls after we die? Up until I began reading the Bible, I always believed that once our physical bodies died, our souls would be judged and then we would enter either Heaven or Hell. After reading more verses of the Bible, I am confused whether this happens. Once verse I read says that Jesus will raise from the dead Christians who have died for the Day of Judgement. If we die before the second coming, are we judged right then or linger around until Jesus' second coming?
Hi This is a wonderfull subject. Eevrybody agrees that it makes no sense that after we die everything ended. God knows it better.Yes we keep living in spiritual world with all the emotion that we develop here on earth, thats why true love is so important. Jesus will raise from the dead those that lived in true love. Others will wait until they can be rescued from hell.Not a great place let me tell you, is full of pain and suffering.
Do Yout have some Biblical scripture Bernardo that I can reference. Mary Doris
Hi Hodie, my understanding is 'absent from the body - present with the Lord'.... To be "absent from the body" is to be "present with the Lord" (2 Cor. 5:8). When we die our spirit will go to heaven or hell, at the second coming all those who have died in Christ will be raised and and their bodies will be reunited with their spirit but in perfect form without any disabilities or disease etc. Hope this helps, God Bless.
There are some 'basic' beliefs about what will happen.....but there is a lot of controversy about some of the details of 'what exactly'....and 'when exactly' and in what order. There are countless arguements and speculation....but don't let that worry you. Trust your Saviour with all your heart; it is not His intention to 'trip you up' or deceive you into condemnation. He came to 'save' you, and His promises are tue. There are a lot of people who will tell you that you have to do a lot of 'hard to understand' stuff, and they preach an exclusive private salvation. There's an old song that children sing, "Yes Jesus loves me, Yes Jesus loves me". It is just that plain...if you accept that He loves you, and believe He died to save you and did for you what the bible says.....all else will follow. Jesus said, "Thank You Father that you have hidden these things from the wise and prudent, and revealed them to babes". Be as a child and believe Him.
Good Question I would like to know also. Mary Doris
Good questions, because I have wondered that myself, I was going to attempt to explain my explanation but I am not that well versed to answer this one or comment. I agree with Ailson comment I read the scripture concerning this and I agree with her wholeheartdely. Mary Doris
The verses you reference are (I believe) an actually happening...not a parable as many may believe. The reason I say this is because Jesus calls Lazarus by name. He doesn't however, reveal the name of the rich man. I mention this in passing, just to let you know what I get from the verses.
He is teaching this when He was walking the earth, which leads me to believe that this is what happened during the age of Law.
Stephen tells us that as he died, he saw Christ standing to receive him. Paul tell us to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. (Age of Grace)
Paul tells us what will happen to us (Rapture) when Christ comes back the first time (my belief). The dead in Christ will rise first, and those of us who are alive will be changed (to our glorified bodies) caught up to meet Him and them in the air and we will be ever with Him.
If we are Christians, our spirits are already like Christ's Spirit, perfect in every way. We already know that if the Lord tarries, our bodies will die because they are corruptible. Paul speaks of our works being tested by fire. I believe this happens after physical death. Christ will *burn up* our faults, and reward our Godly behavior. This I believe, deals with our soul. Our soul won't necessarily be destroyed, but we will receive correction and the things we think, that are incorrect, will be banished. 1 Corinthians.
No part of the Christian will see hell or any part of the second death. We are already saved from that. However, no imperfection will enter Heaven.
The White Throne judgment is for people who never accept Christ's gift of eternal life. They never believe in Him as Savior...they have no part of accepting His death on the cross as their atonement. Their souls are directed by the flesh. A Christian will never see the White Throne Judgment.
The Revelations tells us that there are *myriads* of persons saved during the Great tribulation. They will be present and tested during that time. During the One Thousand year reign of Christ, there will be more who grow up in the Lord, following Him...but, there will be those who will reject His rulership. After the thousand years, Satan will again be on the scene to be destroyed permanently by the Lord. And the eternity.....
The Bible speaks of the Second coming of Christ. During the *Rapture* Christ never comes to the earth. We will meet Him in the air.
to continue...
The second coming is at the end of the Great Tribulation and the beginning of His millennial reign.
The explanation of people being brought out of hell isn't biblical, but it is a teaching of the Catholic Church.
Blessings to you all....
Good word.
I will add also this for everyone that if we simply slept or ceased to exist Paul's words where he basically states that he would prefer to depart and go home than stay and teach, but will stay because it is better for them would have the following meaning if we were no conscious after physical death: He thought would mean that he prefers to be dead or asleep than to stay and teach them. Think about that. What would be his motivation to depart if he only was to go to sleep? That just does not add up. Paul would never choose sleep over the opportnity to teach about the Lord. He would prefer the Lord over all things, and yet remain and teach because that too is for the glory of God.
Philippians 1:20-26 (NIV)
Php 1:20 I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.
Php 1:21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
Php 1:22 If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know!
Php 1:23 I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far;
Php 1:24 but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body.
Php 1:25 Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith,
Php 1:26 so that through my being with you again your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow on account of me.
Lord Bless,
i have wandered the same thing myself. Do we as follwers end up being juged even when we choose to follow Christ?
Christ has paid the penalty for us. The Holy Spirit has convicted us. He has called us to accept Christ. We accepted Him as our Savior. When we die, we go straight to the Lord. There are rewards for saints who have lived exceptionally well and have been obedient to God"s Word. Saints are to be judged by no man, but the Bible says that we will judge. I can see no judgment that is left for us. The Great White Throne Judgment is Christ judging those who did not choose Him.
The Holy Spirit, through His teaching, is convicting us daily as He points our our wrongdoing. The conviction stops as we correct our errors through His leading. Our salvation is secure. Through His teaching, we actually judge ourselves, as well. Therefore, I can't see any further judgment.
Blessings to you as you listen to the guiding of the Holy Spirit....
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