In the story of Lazarus He mentions using words aloud for the sake of the people around but I was wondering over His' prayer time alone ?
.. was He In heaven with The Father ?
.. was He in a place where time/space limits didn't exist ?
.. in John He mentioned seeing him is seeing The Father.. did they operate interdependently for a season ?
.. or ?? a stretch ?? was He doing battle in the heavens at the same time.. ?? Thanks
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.. was He In heaven with The Father ?
John 1 and 6:33-38 tell us that He was.
.. was He in a place where time/space limits didn't exist ?
We do not understand took place befoe God created the heavens and the earth. That simply is not revealed in His Word. We know that He is self-sufficient and self-sustaining needing nothing.
.. in John He mentioned seeing him is seeing The Father.. did they operate interdependently for a season
Jesus came to be the Lamb of God (John 1:29) who takes away the sins of the world. It was necessary for Him to be sacrificed for us and His sacrifice serves as full payment for the sins of those who come to Him by grace ... through faith (Eph. 2:8-10). Equally important is the fact that He rose fromt he dead!!! Amen
Short response, but hope it helps.
Francis, I want to be sure I understand your questions before I attempt to answer. Are you asking that, while Jesus was on earth as fully man and fully God, during His prayer time:
.. was He In heaven with The Father ?
.. was He in a place where time/space limits didn't exist ?
.. in John He mentioned seeing him is seeing The Father.. did they operate interdependently for a season ?
.. or ?? a stretch ?? was He doing battle in the heavens at the same time.. ?? Thanks
While Jesus was here on earth I cannot say for certain that He was in heaven with the Father while praying. I know that even after His resurrection He said,
Don't cling to me," Jesus said, "for I haven't yet ascended to the Father. But go find my brothers and tell them, 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'"(John 20:17, NLT).
While He was praying could He have ascended in visions or been present in heaven in His spirit or had more experiences like the transfiguration experience or was caught up as Paul mentions in 2 Cor 12:2? I don't know. The bible doesn't say, does it?
Before Jesus came to earth as a babe in a manger we know He always existed as the second Person of the Trinity.
I believe Jesus was fully man when He walked the earth so I would believe that He prayed to the Father the same way we pray. I don't believe He was given anything special to help Him. God allowed His life to be similar to our own. He was most devout, but He was a human. The people who associated with Him didn't consider Him special. Perhaps His disciples did because He was their teacher but others didn't or He wouldn't have been crucified.
We all can have the same life that Jesus had if we could only have that kind of faith. Jesus had it, Paul had it (after the fact) both John the disciple had it as well as John the Baptist. In fact, all the disciples came to have it as well as Jesus' brother, James. His mother had it as well.
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