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What does the Bible mean to you?

How would you describe what it does in your life?

How does reading the Bible make you feel?


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Q1: The Bible is God's Word given to us that we may come to know Him and understand how to live for Him. It is crucial to our faith. The gospel is revealed in His Word and the gospel must be shared for a person to be saved, ths it is life (in that sense).


Q2: The Bible draws me closer to Him as it reveals Him to me coupled with the work of the Holy Spirit.


Q3: This depends on what I am reading. I think 2 Timothy 3:16-17 covers it for me.


My response is very brief and could be expanded many fold to the point that I would run out of words, but will settle for the brief response as inadequate as it is.


Lord Bless,


What does the Bible mean to you?

        Without question, the Holy Scriptures are by far the greatest collection of writings of all time, universal and timeless in application, and an inexhaustible source of wisdom.  More than that, through the Bible, we come to know the one true God, the creator of all things, and his plan for our salvation.

        I believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and without error in its original writing. God and God's people speak to us through the Bible. The Bible was given by God through chosen people and thus reflects the backgrounds, styles, and vocabulary of human writers.

        It has been copied from many ancient manuscripts (the originals are no longer extant), and translated into many languages and various versions; but, at the core, the truth of the message has remained. And most important of all, the Bible proclaims to us the Good News of Jesus Christ.

        The Bible is reliable and trustworthy as the full and final authority on all matters of faith and life. No other writings are similarly inspired by God. The Bible's timeless and universal truth speaks to our everyday lives.

How would you describe what it does in your life?

        The Bible helps become closer to God and to understand his plan for my life.  No other book or collection of writings ever written has had such a wide ranging, positive and constructive impact on my life.  God's Word has the power to radically transform lives with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior of humanity.  The key is to make a regular habit of reading and studying the Scriptures and, most important, applying their precepts in my daily life.  Further, the Bible, as the inspired word of God (2 Timothy 3.16), not our subjective feelings and whims, is our final authority in matters of faith, morals, and practice.  The clear and compelling testimony of Jesus was, "Thy word is truth" (John 17:17)."

        Reading, studying and applying the teachings of Scripture is at the center of how we grow in the love of God; how we come to understand God and his plan of salvation more fully; and how we learn to live according to the saving gospel of Jesus Christ.

How does reading the Bible make you feel?

       I have experienced a wide range of reactions, emotions and feelings from reading God's Word depending on the circumstances.  Through the pages of the Scripture, God speaks to us.  I have found comfort in the words of Scripture during times of anxiety and stress, answers to lingering questions about my faith, purpose and direction for my life when I was unsure about what to do, a deeper understanding of what it means to love others, and practical advice for coping with life's challenges.  

        At times, I have felt challenged by the gulf between what I have believed or understood God's Word to say, which was distorted by the lens of my presuppositions and prejudices, and what the Scriptures actually say once I have carefully read and prayerfully pondered them.         

I posed your question to a friend of mine yesterday.  He gave this simple response.

Spritual guidelines for every decision I make in life.

Great questions Mich,


What does the Bible mean to you?


As it has already been said, the bible is the living word of God, by the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. I lack words to say what it is to me. I can tell you that, as silly as it may sound, from time to time I find myself giving my bible a gentle kiss. I love the word of God. I just wish I was more constant in studying it, because it means everything that is beautiful and lovely to me. God's word makes the difference in my life that I can't describe with words.  


How would you describe what it does in your life?


It changes everything. It makes all things better. It gives me strength, love, peace etc...


How does reading the Bible make you feel?


I can relate to what Colby said and I agree: "I have experienced a wide range of reactions, emotions and feelings from reading God's Word"


It makes me feel like nothing is impossible and very loved.

It's my lifeline 


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