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What does Roman 12:2 mean to you?


When I became a born again Christian, the Holy Spirit renewed my spirit. However, I need to change the way I think. God didn’t automatically give me love for everyone. I didn’t receive automatically the ability to stay at peace and not get angry. I didn’t automatically quit smoking. I didn’t automatically stop lusting for material things. I had to work on my own mind to receive these things. Therefore, it is my opinion that we all need to examine ourselves for what is in our minds that shouldn’t be there and change the way we think.

The Holy Spirit did, however, change my spirit. I am perfect and righteous in the sight of God. Yet I still have a ways to go. I need to work on the sins I still commit. I need to turn my mind from anything that does not please God.

I am interesting in hearing how others handle this verse and what it means to you.

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Praising the Lord for you freedom.


I had to actually look up the meaning of the word *legalism* before I could even come close to responding. I don't agree with that word because what I am saying has nothing to do with the law. What I am talking about is actually rethinking our way of doing things. As i learn more about God and how He wants me to be, I realize that I am a long ways from perfection. I yearn for perfection but I am far from perfect. I need to teach myself to be a better person, to grow in the Lord.

One place we might disagree is I think of having a spirit, a soul, and a body. You might think of having a spirit/soul and a body. If you think in this manner, you wouldn't see the soul as separate from the spirit, which is what I believe.

If that is how you see it...spirit/soul and body, I understand you position completely. I don't agree with it, but I understand it.

As I tried to explain earlier...I see my spirit, made perfect by the Holy Spirit, but I see my soul (mind) as a part of me that needs to conform to my perfect spirit, instead of my imperfect body. Prior to my salvation, my soul and body were in perfect harmony.

It is no longer that way. I know I need to change the way I think about putting spiritual things first instead of the fleshly things first, as I have done in the past.

So if we don't agree, I understand.





I see us as having all three, soul, spirit and body. The soul is connected to the spirit and the flesh. The flesh and spirit are buffered by the soul.


Regarding thinking. There is a difference between chaning the way we think (or what we think on) and changing our minds. We make selections thoughts and actions. The mind is changed by God. As He renews the mind our thought pattern will become more in alignment with Him and less laborous to do so.


Read 1 Corinthians 2


There is a growth process.


Lord Bless,



After nearly 3 months, and the passing of a rough patch for me, I might be able to clarify what I meant.

First of all, when I said *you* referring to belief in  *spirit/soul* I actually meant *you (plural)* and not *you (singular)*.

Regarding mind renewal, I do agree that as we are born again, that Holy Spirit starts the process of mind renewal. The progression of the mind renewal is allowing the Holy Spirit to further renew our minds. essence, we are responsible for it happening. The Holy Spirit stands ready to do it, but our free will prevails. If  it was completely done by the Holy Spirit, we would be perfect in our souls , as well as our spirit.

Unfortunately, there are some of us that have mountains (of our own making) to climb before we allow the renewal to take place. 

Blessing to you in abundance, Brother, and may your service this morning be God-breathed.....




On this we can agree.



Regarding mind renewal, I do agree that as we are born again, that Holy Spirit starts the process of mind renewal. The progression of the mind renewal is allowing the Holy Spirit to further renew our minds. essence, we are responsible for it happening. The Holy Spirit stands ready to do it, but our free will prevails. If  it was completely done by the Holy Spirit, we would be perfect in our souls , as well as our spirit.


Walking n the newness of life and the renewing of our minds is a process and it involves both. He starts the process and we have to surrender in order to engage in the process that it may be brought to fruition in our lives. 


Thanks for the blessing and may HE abundantly bless you this dau and int he days to come.


Lord Bless,



Greetings Brothers and Sisters,


The first sentence in this verse sets the stage. We are being told not to "conform" to the world. Plain words - don't be looking like, acting like, sounding like, smelling like, yada - yada- yada.......... the world. Now in Christ, we are a NEW person.

This is the physical, obvious part..... THE FLESH.


Now we get to the nitty-gritty part - THE MIND. No way can we as humans change our minds by ourselves.

The Holy Spirit does this. Remember we received Him as a gift upon Baptism (Acts 2:38). He is now dwelling in us and ready to go to work. Does He transform our minds all by Himself???? I think each new Christian has a part in this process without becoming legalistic.


Consider this: You walk up to an automatic opening door. That door wants to open for you. It is all set to open for go far enough to trip the hidden switch. If you don't proceed far enough, you'll be standing outside till the cows come home.

And this, I just found out today that the trash pick-up at our church building has been changed from Monday to Wednesday. What does that mean? I have to follow the new schedule and put the dumpster out at the right time if I want the trash removed and not sitting (and maybe getting pushed over) so it'll be picked up at the right time. The truck driver will do his part........IF WE DO OUR PART. And the automatic door opens WHEN WE ACTUATE IT.

My point is we humans initiate the action..........of the Holy Spirit transforming our minds.


Doesn't make sense? Don't agree? Please stay tuned............


Exodus 14:13-16 (verses 13 & 14 = Moses says, with the Egyptian cavalry bearing down on the children of Israel, who were freaking out, He says,No problem, no sweat! God's going to off these guys, and you'll never see them again. Just be cool."(My paraphrasing).

God says in 15 & 16, "Then the Lord said to Moses,"Why are you crying out to Me? Tell the sons of Israel to go forward.

(16) "And as for you, lift up your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it, and the sons of Israel shall go through the midst of the sea on dry land."

So, God had Moses do something TO START THE ACTION.


There are many Biblical instances of persons being instructed to do something before God acted =

Naaman  being healed of leprosy by washing in the Jordan River seven times,(2 Kings 5).

Jesus telling the servants to fill the waterpots with water, and then it was turned to fine wine. (John2).

Jesus putting mud-packs on a blind guy's eyes, then telling him to go wash in the pool of Siloam. (John 9).

Notice how the person/s had to DO SOMETHING FIRST?


O.K., back to the Holy Spirit waiting on us so He can get started transforming our minds. WHAT DO WE HAVE TO DO?

Let's go to John: 28-29,"They said therefore to Him, "What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?" (29) Jesus answered and said to them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent.".

There's our marching order - BELIEVE (Greek, pisteuo, to have faith, complete trust, commit, and to live a life exemplifying these attributes.).

How do we do that? Study the Bible, serious prayer, Bible-believing church, and following the greatest commandment - Matthew 22:37-40.

Then the Holy Spirit can start cleaning house............


Grace and Peace.



Well said.


I especailly like the followings:

Now we get to the nitty-gritty part - THE MIND. No way can we as humans change our minds by ourselves.

The Holy Spirit does this. Remember we received Him as a gift upon Baptism (Acts 2:38). He is now dwelling in us and ready to go to work. Does He transform our minds all by Himself???? I think each new Christian has a part in this process without becoming legalistic.




My point is we humans initiate the action..........of the Holy Spirit transforming our minds.


I like the way you explain it after you got going. AT first it sounded like when we became Christians, we forfeited our freewill and we know that can't be right. There is something that we have to do. We have to make the decision to change the way we think. We have to decide to love, or quit something that we shouldn't do. We have to decide not to be angry. WE have to decide to believe God. We have to decide to respond to the Holy Spirit. We have to decide to ignore our senses, the same senses that Joe is talking about and listen to the heart or the Spirit in the Word of God.

God draws us but we have to say yes. But each step in this growth process is dictated by us. God has made all things available to us but we have to accept....not only salvation but all the changes our mind will undergo.

We are all in a growth process and it will continue as long as we live on this earth, as long as we can be influenced by the world.

God gave us freedom but we have to accept the freedom. He opened the door, we need to walk through it. This isn't only for salvation, it is for everything that we do.

Blessings, Richard, and well said.


I found this: How can I have the mind of Christ?

Answer: In 1 Corinthians 2:16, Paul quotes Isaiah 40:13 and then makes a statement concerning all believers: “We have the mind of Christ.” Having the mind of Christ means sharing the plan, purpose, and perspective of Christ, and it is something that all believers possess.

Having the mind of Christ means we understand God’s plan in the world—to bring glory to Himself, restore creation to its original splendor, and provide salvation for sinners. It means we identify with Christ’s purpose “to seek and to save what was lost” (Luke 19:10). It means we share Jesus’ perspective of humility and obedience (Philippians 2:5-8), compassion (Matthew 9:36), and prayerful dependence on God (Luke 5:16).

In the verses leading up to 1 Corinthians 2:16, we note some truths concerning the mind of Christ:

1) The mind of Christ stands in sharp contrast to the wisdom of man (verses 5-6).

2) The mind of Christ involves wisdom from God, once hidden but now revealed (verse 7).

3) The mind of Christ is given to believers through the Spirit of God (verses 10-12).

4) The mind of Christ cannot be understood by those without the Spirit (verse 14).

5) The mind of Christ gives believers discernment in spiritual matters (verse 15).

In order to have the mind of Christ, one must first have saving faith in Christ (John 1:12; 1 John 5:12). After salvation, the believer lives a life under God’s influence. The Holy Spirit indwells and enlightens the believer, infusing him with wisdom—the mind of Christ. The believer bears a responsibility to yield to the Spirit’s leading (Ephesians 4:30) and to allow the Spirit to transform and renew his mind (Romans 12:1-2).

Recommended Resource: The Mind of Christ by T.W. Hunt.



Good word.




Wow! L.T.,

There are some astute godly minds posting the wisdom of God in this forum.

Thanks, Rita for this subject-matter.


Here's another gem I heard somewhere along my journey:

"The mind is the battleground for the heart." (Author unknown).

The devil likes to work on our minds. Isn't that his favorite battleground?

Isn't that where he worked on Eve, in the garden? Genesis 3:4, "And the serpent said unto the woman,"You surely won"t die".


Oh yeah, we have to have God transform, renovate, make-over, re-do, change.........our minds.

I agree, Rita, it's a life-long process. I think it's called SANCTIFICATION (1 Corinthians 1:30).


Grace and Peace.


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