All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

How did God reach you with the gospel?


--Did He draw you to a church?

--Did He send someone your way?

--Did He use circumstances?

--Or was it a combination of things?


Testoimonies are always encouraging.


Would you be willing to share your journey of salvation?


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Due to circumstances, a medical doctor requested that I start school a year early. The public school system would not allow it, but a Christian private school was open to it. I went to a Baptist private school in 1st grade and met Jesus through the love and faithful teaching of the Word by my first grade teacher.


Lord Bless,


I gave my life to the Lord when I was a teen (i was probably 15 or 16)  at a youth conference..  My conversion lasted about one week at that point.  I didn't understand the need for repentence at the time, or the fact that my sin had separated me from the One and only true Holy God.  It wasn't until years later in my late 30's that i started to truly understand what was needed for a saving faith and began to surrender and walk in obedience.  All these years Jesus never gave up on me or leave me...  but it took severe panic attacks, a form of depression for Him to really get my attention.  God did use the combination of things to get my attention.

He sent someone my way--  my mom (primarily) and other various people saying things that would cause me to think about Him.

He drew me to a church-- I'm stilll involved in the same church today.

He used my circumstances-- panic attacks.


God is good all the time--  Oh how He loves us.


Blessings, Carla

I was raised in the church. I don't go by religion now that I have gotten older, but my Dad was a minister of music and my Mom in the choir at baptist churches. I was 8 years old when I accepted Jesus Christ in my heart. I have fallen away from God as the years have gone by. I thank God for my family, and love being a grandma of 2 sweet little girls. I am so proud of my 2 children. I want to be closer to God, and feel the excitement I felt when I was younger, especially the day I invited Jesus in my heart. I have a group here on All About God, God's Word, so I can share The Word and God with other believers and they with me.

God's Word



I didn't realize that you had already started a similar thread in the new group you created yesterday when I created this forum. That is interesting.


I was raised in church as a child.  Mom was involved with every childrens crusade and vacation bible school that came around, of course I was drug along.  When I got older I fell away during my teen years.  But God would not let me go.  He just kept hounding me, year after year.  In my late teens early twenties I started attending different churches on my own.  Kind of like a fish messing with a hook Jesus finally caught me. I was kind of in chruch and out of church during that time.  I just did not like where the world would take me, not just in this world but the next.  So at 21 I came to Christ.  Praise the Lord!
A really crappy three year  relationship that I ended last August. It proves that my judgement in the decisions I make alone is not suffice. I need God's help with everything!

Good input from everyone. i look forward to reading other replies in the future.I

Lord Bless,




Thanks for being willing to open up a part of your life and sharing this. I am sure God will use this to encourage those who have gone or are going through similar things.


Lord Bless,



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