How to live for Christ, the marks of a true disciple.
Over the past 3 years much time and energy has been spent on AAG by many, including myself, debating whether a person is eternally secure or if they can lose their salvation. The discussion rages back and forth. People throw out their favorite support Scriptures. One accuses the other of not living for Christ, while one accuses the other of making salvation being based on works. In light of all this discussion I wonder, what does it profit the disciple of Jesus? How is one “truly” benefited by this discussion that will not go away? I am sure there is some benefit, especially to some, but most go away believing just what they believed to start and are as sure as ever that the other side is still wrong. What if we had spent all that time and energy on something a little different, say … “How to live in a manner that pleases God”?
If you wish to pursue the circular debate of eternal security vs losing salvation, knock yourself out. My challenge to you, and me, is that we focus on teaching people, including ourselves, how to live in a way that pleases God. I am sure that we will disagree here on some things as well, but I ask … “What are the marks of a true disciple?”
Note: This discussion is not to entertain how we can lose or not lose our salvation! This discussion is about following the path of God that pleases Him.
Lord Bless,
Greetings Jesse,
The base answer is to live a surrendered life. Not my will, but Your will be done. This is part of the sanctification process, being conformed to Christ and striving for experiential holiness.
Salvation has three parts that make up its whole:
Justification: The judicial act of forgiving our sins when we accept Christ as Savior. We are born-again from above.
Sanctification: Growing in Christ likeness.
Glorification: The final phase when our bodies are changed and united with the Born-again spirit.
How do we accomplish this surrendered life once we have experienced justification? It cannot be done alone. One must depend on the Holy Spirit to work in them and through them. We must learn to walk in obedience to the light we have been given today. Choosing to do what is right in order to please our heavenly Father. Sanctification is a process as well. As we grow spiritually God will shine more light into our lives through illuminating His Word and through our trials and tribulations. The goal is to live a life that is completely aligned with God and His will.
At the same time we live in the unregenerate flesh that wars against us, a world that is fallen and have an enemy that tempts us. These three things will not surrender, but war against us the rest of our earthly lives. The power to overcome and live the victorious life is found in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit working in us and through us. As we mature we find that we grow in spiritual strength and become more apt to subdue the flesh and resist temptation. Life is not without failure, but those who love God and fail will come under conviction, repent and move forward seeking to overcome next time.
Here are a few pertinent verses:
EPH 5:18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.
3JN 1:3 It gave me great joy to have some brothers come and tell about your faithfulness to the truth and how you continue to walk in the truth.
LK 9:23 Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
LK 9:24 For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it.
MT 11:29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
MT 11:30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
JN 17:19 For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified.
1TH 4:3 It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality;
1TH 4:4 that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable,
1TH 4:5 not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God;
1CO 10:13 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
Especially read Romans chapters 6-8. Do not be discouraged while reading 6 and 7, for chapter 8 brings it all in to focus.
I will also include the following:
There are four things that I recommend for us to be involved in regularly. These four help to strengthen us when things are going well and help us overcome when things are difficult or God feels far away. These four are 1) Read the Word 2) Prayer 3) Positive Christian Fellowship 4) An Accountability Partner or Group.
1) The Word: When times are tough I like to read Colossians and 1 John. They inspire me, pick me up and help me to see past my current storm, which will pass.
2) Prayer: We need to be in prayer seeking the Lord's presence and comfort, while crying out to Him in our difficult times as well as good times. He tells us to come to the throne of grace in our time of need. The door is open and He is always waiting attentively to meet with us when we come to Him. Remember that part of prayer is silently sitting at His feet listening for what He wants to say or reveal to you. It is not all about talking, but communicating.
3) Positive Christian Fellowship: We are referred to as sheep for a reason in the Bible. We need each other. There are no Lone Ranger Christians. When we feel beat up and down our natural response is to run and hide, which is the worst possible choice at that very time. We need the love, comfort and fellowship of fellow believers that are traveling the same path we are in life. Do not stop at one church if it is not right for you. Seek until you find the peace and comfort of the Holy Spirit come over you in the midst of that group.
4) Accountability: We need people close to us that we can share with. These people have to be people that we can trust and open up to. They are not "Yes" people, but ones that will ask the difficult questions and loving challenge us when we are wrong and encourage us when we have victories. One must seek God's guidance as to who one might choose as an accountability partner. One must choose wisely.
Lord Bless,
You are welcome. I will gladly pray for you. May God's hand of provision and protection be upon you.
Lord Bless,
Another great input.
Looking forward to more.
Lord Bless,
Amanda, Robbin, and Carla,
Amen my sisters-in-christ! Speak the Word!
Amanda AMEN!!
Being a disciple, truly, is persevering. They live the Word even when no one is looking.
That speaks volumes in my life!! I have been learn exactly just that lately and your right "Perseverance" is key so being His disciple at least IMO! Love to you sister and thanks you for what you do as you serve others! Blessings to you Amanda
AMEN! Again I say AMEN! Thank you for this post. From the time my eyes open in the morning I am choosing. Choosing to be grateful. Choosing to take on the day "with" the Holy Spirit as my guide. If my physical being is causing me strife I can choose to live not as one stricken by pain but as one drawn closer because of the pain I know he will take from me. How will I be a blessing today? Who, what or how will the Holy Spirit lead me too? When doubt and frustration stackup against me. Who will I be? When people show no love towards me and no consideration. How will I react? Will my tongue be guided by God's word or my anger?
Patience, kindness, compassion not only to others but to ourselves as well. If it is difficult for us to act towards ourselves with these gifts. How will we relate to others? To practice truly listening to others. To actually be "with" the person as they share with us. Time is so precious if we choose to "listen" to others then you will find that time spent listening as a blessing from God.
I know how weak I am. I know that by nature I am sinful. But, thank God I know that his precious gifts to us of his son Jesus and the Holy Spirit is our counselor. Now when I am falling I turn God. Now when I am lost I seek God. Jesus would seek a quiet spot to pray and so do I.
I can honestly say that each day I struggle in some way or another. But God has shown us how great his love for us is. We must remember that others have struggled before us. We must remember that Jesus died for us and rose from the dead. We must change our old ways and seek God each and every moment of our life. Remember. Repent. Reclaim. Rejoice!
When we are really honest with oursleves God really has made it much easier for us to see the way to him. God's word is our guide book at all and in all times.
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