How to live for Christ, the marks of a true disciple.
Over the past 3 years much time and energy has been spent on AAG by many, including myself, debating whether a person is eternally secure or if they can lose their salvation. The discussion rages back and forth. People throw out their favorite support Scriptures. One accuses the other of not living for Christ, while one accuses the other of making salvation being based on works. In light of all this discussion I wonder, what does it profit the disciple of Jesus? How is one “truly” benefited by this discussion that will not go away? I am sure there is some benefit, especially to some, but most go away believing just what they believed to start and are as sure as ever that the other side is still wrong. What if we had spent all that time and energy on something a little different, say … “How to live in a manner that pleases God”?
If you wish to pursue the circular debate of eternal security vs losing salvation, knock yourself out. My challenge to you, and me, is that we focus on teaching people, including ourselves, how to live in a way that pleases God. I am sure that we will disagree here on some things as well, but I ask … “What are the marks of a true disciple?”
Note: This discussion is not to entertain how we can lose or not lose our salvation! This discussion is about following the path of God that pleases Him.
Lord Bless,
This is an excellent discussion LT. Very refreshing and important.
I am brought to this scripture:
2I urge Euodia and I urge Syntyche to (C)live in harmony in the Lord.
3Indeed, true companion, I ask you also to help these women who have shared my struggle in the cause of the gospel, together with Clement also and the rest of my (D)fellow workers, whose (E)names are in the book of life.
4(F)Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!
5Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. (G)The Lord is near.
6(H)Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by (I)prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
7And (J)the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will (K)guard your hearts and your (L)minds in (M)Christ Jesus.
8Finally, brethren, (N)whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.
9The things you have learned and received and heard and seen (O)in me, practice these things, and (P)the God of peace will be with you.
Galatains chapter 5
22But (AQ)the fruit of the Spirit is (AR)love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
23gentleness, (AS)self-control; against such things (AT)there is no law.
24Now those who belong to (AU)Christ Jesus have (AV)crucified the flesh with its passions and (AW)desires.
25If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk (AX)by the Spirit.
26Let us not become (AY)boastful, challenging one another, envying one another.
Micah chapter 6
6(N)With what shall I come to the LORD
And bow myself before the God on high?
Shall I come to Him with (O)burnt offerings,
With yearling calves?
7Does the LORD take delight in (P)thousands of rams,
In ten thousand rivers of oil?
Shall I present my (Q)firstborn for my rebellious acts,
The fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?
8He has (R)told you, O man, what is good;
And (S)what does the LORD require of you
But to (T)do justice, to (U)love kindness,
And to walk (V)humbly with your God?
Blessings, Carla
ALRIGHT, LT, way to go!
I see the marks of a TRUE disciple in a person who lives and demonstrates a combination of FAITH, BELIEF, and OBEDIENCE in Almighty God through His Son, Jesus Christ.
This person is living and walking in the Holy Spirit (if I may tap into Sister Carla`s excellent post).
What does this business with the Spirit mean? Simply this - It is allowing the Spirit to generate the nine fruit of His, in us, where it can be observed through the window of our lives for the world to see. This brings glory to our Heavenly Father. A TRUE disciple is always showing 30-60-100 fold returns of God`s Word (Matthew 13) to this dark world.
Well, how do we do this?............. One of my favorite Bible passages:
John 6:28-29,"Then said they unto Him,"What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?"(29) Jesus answered and said unto them,"This is the work of God, that you believe on Him whom He hath sent."
Very simple answer, right? What was Jesus actually saying here?
It`s all in the Greek meaning of the word "believe" (pisteuo) which means to trust, have faith in, full assurance of, to the degree of living one`s life displaying this belief. It`s putting complete spiritual faith, without doubting, totally into (eis) the Lord Jesus Christ.
So when we live the life of a TRUE disciple, it`s a regular harvesting that the Holy Spirit is able to produce through us, in a natural manner, not as duty.
All glory, honor, and praise to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.
Grace and Peace.
A True disciple...
~will be tempted and tried.
~at times have to endure sickness, disease and loss of loved ones
~will sometimes cry out 'Why God?' in anguish and distress
~will sometimes not hear from God...and even doubt their salvation
~will eventually fight through the temptations and trials with God's help
~will come through a battle with dented armour...but with a stronger character because of it
~will endure
~will fail and experience broken fellowship/relationship with God
~upon failing...will repent and be restored relationally with God
~will succeed
~will pray for others and self
~will continue to learn and grow.....but sometimes will go through periods of being stagnant
~will sometimes succumb to worry---but the Holy Spirit is right there to remind us 'Cast your cares on Me for I care for you'
~will want to be in continual fellowship
~will desire the things of God
~will want to please God...not out of duty, but out of Love
~will want to defend the truth
~will want to tell others about Jesus...even in the face of persecution
~will not turn away from Jesus and stay away
~discipline will bring them back if necessary
~will love the bretheren
~will exhibit fruit
~will be humble...though they may struggle with pride, they will hate the pride that the Holy Spirit is revealing in them
~will hate all the sin they once loved
~will have a growing desire to get rid of the sin
~will worship God and put Him first
That's all i have for now.. I am looking forward to others adding to this list. I am speaking from my personal experience..
Blessings, Carla
As Ron P., who I wished would come back and be more active again, would say ... "Spot On!"
Lord Bless,
Thank you for the kind words.
Lord Bless,
To add to Carla's list:
--will know that God's truth is in His Word (the Bible)
--will recognize when something stated isn't God's Word
--will search out the truth of God's Word
--will not argue with what is clearly written in God's Word
--will not make verses of God's Word of no effect to explain a point or win an argument
--will continually search for God's truth
--will yearn for God's truth
--will try to know when to be quiet and when to speak
Something that I am learning--some people get things wrong when talking about the Bible and what it says. However, one person can't throw another out without considering everything a person says. We hear, see and read untruths every day. My goal is to stop throwing people out of the Christian community because they have said, done, quoted an untruth.
The Bible says "whosoever believes in Christ shall not perish but will have eternal life." Anything past that deals with receiving rewards. We are going to err ---in speech, in actions, and very unfortunately in faith. A true disciple will know when he is erring and will strive to turn his thoughts and actions around and get them going in the right direction.
Blessings to you all.
Thanks Carla, for letting me hook onto your list! :)
I am eternally secure. Don't know about anyone else!
A disciple will attempt to reach out to a brother who is in error, in trouble, or strayed. The love for the brethren will compel them to help others and not be "ME" focused.
A disciple dies to self, picks up his/her cross daily and seeks to subdue the fleash that wars against him/her daily.
There is an old saying, and I think it speaks primarily to the level of maturity, "Christ is not looking so much for people who are willing to live for Him as He is people willing to die for Him." We have to die to this world and self. We must be willing to die physically for Christ if our earthly life is demanded of us. Christ died for us, are we willing to die for Him. Some will argue that Jesus came to give us life, and He did, but what life did He truly assure us of? This earthly life or eternal life?
"Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." MT. 10:39 (NIV)
Food for thought.
Looking forward to more comments.
Lord Bless,
LT you said and I quote below:
"A disciple dies to self, picks up his/her cross daily and seeks to subdue the fleash that wars against him/her daily."
Right now I am in a listening phase because most of my life I was always talking! Never did much listening but what you said above I have been dealing with and struggling to truely understand this. I have read it several times in God's Word and I pray about it all the time. So I guess what I am trying to get at is what does it mean? Your incite on this from a mature man of God would be greatly welcomed! Thanks and great discussion!!
God bless all in Jesus Name!
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