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Just curious if anyone believes they existed at any point in time. Is there any reference in the Bible to them? Could the existence of dinosaurs be totally false?

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The body of Christ is a group of individuals with specific giftings, given by the Holy Spirit...all working together in the Strength that God gives we in all humility rely on Him completely. If any one person claims that they have a special knowledge or that they know more then others...that is far from a spirit of humility.. that.. my dear friend is pride!

I could get into the specifics of what I find faulty in his teachings..but frankly, I don't want to cloud my thoughts with those things... as Paul tells us in the book of Philippians "And now dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. phil 4;8

This man claims to know who will go to heaven and who will go to hell..
Isn't God the judge?!?!?

He claims that anyone who believes in a literal 7 day creation will go to hell...
He believes in a serpent seed doctrine.
He refers to people who study the bible as 'bible thumpers', Aren't we supposed to search the scriptures for ourselves..and test all things?
He believes that we are pre-existent spirits.

That's enough for me...

anyhow.. Rev. 22:18-19

Stear clear of anyone who promises special knowledge that no one else has..
Thank you LaBrock.. I believe our conversation here is done.
Enjoy your evening, Carla
LaBrock.. one more thing! just because I'm a stickler for specifics..and accuracy.. I don't personally believe in a literal 7 day creation.. I believe in a literal 6 day creation. .. God rested on the 7th day!

Many Blessings... Carla
Littlesheep and Ms. Carla

There is a blog post by Ms. Carol Poisson that talks about Dinosaurs and the creation of the earth. I found it informative, you might want to check it out for some answers that actually make sense and line up with the word of God.
Hi Dee.. Thanks, I will check it out..
I believe that dinosaurs did exist...absolutely!
I believe in the creationist biblical account as it is described in Genesis....and the references in the book of Job.
The one thing that confuses me about this issue is that scientist claim that dinosaurs roamed the earth billions of years ago.... About what time frame is Genesis.. I watch so many documentaries on the History Channel/Discovery Channel and they always do shows about the earth and the beginning of the world. They claim they have proof and artifacts that date back billions of years, I have looked in the bible to compare some of this and I haven't found anything.
Hi Dee,

It can be very confusing...especially as schools are teachings this stuff as fact! I will recommend a couple videos to you..Dr. Jobe Martin is one of my favourite Christian scientists...he is a born again believer.

Incredible creatures that defy evolution 1, 2 and 3


The Evolution of a Creationist--A Four part video series

I also have a couple new videos which I haven't watched yet.. They are called "The Privledged Planet" and "Unlocking the Mystery of Life" They are called "Discover the truth about intelligent design".. I don't know about these yet.. but I plan to watch them sometime in the next couple weeks. I got them from an online Christian bookstore.

I am thankful for Christian scientists who are willing to truly study and reveal what science actually reveals.. and not manmade ideas.

Happy searching...
God Bless, Carla
Thank you Carla,

I am going to check these out. I have always wondered when exactly did God create the earth as it is now.. Meaning when did he create Adam and Eve and the animals. I know it had to take sometime for the world to populate the way it did from two people. Sometimes science can be very convincing, but I know that a lot of scientist try to debunk the bible and the whole existence of God.
I'll check out those christian scientist, it should be interesting.
Hi Carla,

I know you are searching and want answers from Bible references only, and I can understand that. There are many fine Bible teachers out there, but I haven't found one that I can agree with on every thing.
The closest I agree with is E.W. Bullinger. But there are some things I don't agree on with him either. He put together a wonderful teaching Bible called 'The Companion Bible'. It is an Authorized Version of 1611, with structures and notes in the right hand margin. There are also 198 Appendixes. It has words that are important in Hebrew & Greek where needed. It has been my bible of choice for over thirty years. I also use the Strong's Concordance. If you want an easier way to learn from the bible I recommend this one. You can pick one up on E-bay or Amazon for a few dollars.
I've been told Arnold Murray teaches out of the Companion Bible, I say good for him. No reason for me to stop using it.


p.s. I also believe dinosaurs roamed the earth.
Hi Rick.. Thank you for your suggestion.. I use a strongs concordance.. The bibles I have are NLT and KJV...and a few others which I don't really use.

I don't support Arnold Murray's teachings, I do not wish to get into a debate about it.
Thanks again for your suggestions..and welcome to AAG.
In Christ Jesus, Carla
No debate. The Bible teaches me, Bullinger helps.

In Jesus

p.s. Thanks for the Welcome!!
Hi Littlesheep88,
They were real. We have bones and fossil remains. Not very much is known about the dinosaurs. I know that something cataclysmic happened that caused them to die off.


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