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I have changed my life, to follow God's word.

I try to trust him, but that old devil seems to win, I don't know why.


I have fasted, prayed, but tonight, I can't even sleep, like satan himself is attacking me.

It's been 8 months, and I'm tired of it.

Mental torment, no peace.

I know God is powerful, why is He not helping me tonight? Or why am I not free of this?


Just for a brief moment 2 days ago,(1/2 day) I felt better. I said I would trust in God with a child like faith.

But the oppressive spirit always always always returns.

 Why, God, for whatever reason, does not answer my prayers?


I feel like God is punishing me, more than I can bear.

I mean this....God could give me peace, instantly ( I have had about 1 month of peace in the last 8 months).

I know it's wrong, but I just want to give up. I won't, but i sure feel like it.

 I'm just a brother in Christ.

It's like this,

 I WANT God in my life.

 I do not know WHAT I am doing wrong. I really don't.

I'm fasting Thursday,



Perhaps I need faith as a mustard seed, i sure don't have it sometimes...

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Praise the Lord! I'm very happy for you! You are showing true and marked spiritual growth.

I'm going to see my pastor in a little while. He's a very Godly man.

And I'm going to a singles retreat, Many people have been set free at this retreat (I have never been there).

I expect God to sert me free
Well, here is an update. Its 3am. I cannot sleep. I have had the most wicked dreams, about casting out demons in the name of Jesus..Satan does not want to let go. He WILL be defeated in the name of Jesus.

Pleae keep praying.

Amen to this dream John,it`s a clear sign of victory,in the name of Jesus every knee shall bow ,you casting out demons clearly shows that God is beginning to work in your behalf,i also went through this in dreams,John your deliverance has began and the Lord God will surely perfect it in Jesus name, never you stop now John,continue to pray and fast,it shall be over soon,i love you brother john and please keep the fire burning,the spirit of the Lord protect you,the fire of the Holy Ghost of God consume every evil spirit causing you to have sleepless nights in Jesus name,AMEN!!!!
Brother John, A lot of people make the mistake of always asking people to pray for them,the best weapon is praying by yourself for yourself,it goes a long way,you must learn to pray,the bible says i quote" LET NOT MY WORD DEPART FROM YOU MOUTH,MEDITATE IN IT DAY AND NIGHT"
The word of God is sharp it penetrates through anything you are going through,brother john what you need is the word of God,study it always, there is always a solution for every problem we encounter in our life`s,try to pray at mid night before going to sleep,if you like i can send you a prayer point,stay blessed brother john!!!
I have been praying a lot......

what's a prayer point?
Brother John, A lot of people make the mistake of always asking people to pray for them,the best weapon is praying by yourself for yourself,it goes a long way,you must learn to pray,the bible says i quote" LET NOT MY WORD DEPART FROM YOU MOUTH,MEDITATE IN IT DAY AND NIGHT"
The word of God is sharp it penetrates through anything you are going through,brother john what you need is the word of God,study it always, there is always a solution for every problem we encounter in our life`s,try to pray at mid night before going to sleep,if you like i can send you a prayer point,stay blessed brother john!!!

Could you please show us the Scripture that states it is a 'mistake' to ask people to pray for us?

Also, please note that in your post the word 'always' could be taken as an insult. The fact is you and I have no way of knowing that John 'always' asks others to pray for him. It could very well be that this is the first time he has ever in his life asked for prayer support on a Christian community message board. You don't know and neither do I.

The point is, since we don't know everything about John, or any other Christian, it is best to be Charitable in our assessment.

And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.1 Peter 4:8 King James Version.
Dear Maxwell,

You said this:
A lot of people make the mistake of always asking people to pray for them,the best weapon is praying by yourself for yourself,it goes a long way,you must learn to pray,

You are right when you say that we must all pray for ourselves.. but in scripture we are also instructed to pray for all believers everywhere:

Eph 6:18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

Acts 2:42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

2 Thessalonians 1:11 With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith.

When we pray for others we build up unity in the body:
John 17:22–23 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: 23 I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

Clearly we are to pray for ourselves and for others.. There are no lone-ranger Christians. Our God is personal and relational with us, and He desires us to be the same with eachother... This involves praying for brothers and sisters in Christ.

Blessings, Carla

There are no lone-ranger Christians.

I love it!

That's a keeper!

Dear Carla.
Thank you for this corrections, but what i really meant was that,most christian has become lazy in the things of God,now i`m not saying John is,we so much want to be prayed for all the time and not wanting to spend quality time with God our self,we rather depend on the prayers of christian brothers and sisters,the bible says when ever two or three are gathered there I am,and also remember what God told Moses in the wilderness,He said tell this people,whatever they say I hear and whatever I hear I do,they said something for God to want to do it,because our words are powerful.
When ever we open over month to pray, God hears us and when ever people pray for us God hears too,its good for people to pray for us it encourages us and build up our faith in Christ and shows that we are loved,my point is that we need to pray in all season by our self`s or in the gathering of the saints,prayer help build our faith and help us grow in spirit and brings us closer to the spirit of God,we as Christians must learn to spend quality time with GOD!
Hey Maxwell,

Yes dear brother, I agree with you.. Amen to your post! :)

Blessings, Carla


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