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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others


I have changed my life, to follow God's word.

I try to trust him, but that old devil seems to win, I don't know why.


I have fasted, prayed, but tonight, I can't even sleep, like satan himself is attacking me.

It's been 8 months, and I'm tired of it.

Mental torment, no peace.

I know God is powerful, why is He not helping me tonight? Or why am I not free of this?


Just for a brief moment 2 days ago,(1/2 day) I felt better. I said I would trust in God with a child like faith.

But the oppressive spirit always always always returns.

 Why, God, for whatever reason, does not answer my prayers?


I feel like God is punishing me, more than I can bear.

I mean this....God could give me peace, instantly ( I have had about 1 month of peace in the last 8 months).

I know it's wrong, but I just want to give up. I won't, but i sure feel like it.

 I'm just a brother in Christ.

It's like this,

 I WANT God in my life.

 I do not know WHAT I am doing wrong. I really don't.

I'm fasting Thursday,



Perhaps I need faith as a mustard seed, i sure don't have it sometimes...

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HI John...

Have you ever been involved in the occult? Or do you know of any members of your family who have?

If so, this would account for the repeated involvement of the sprits of darkness in your life.

How much have you read the word??????

Do you have a pastor over you?

Are you involved in a bible believing church.....who actively prays for its members....or are you standing alone...trying to fight back the darkness by yourself?

All of these things factor in.....

as well as who you are involved with..... and where you sometimes, oppressive spirits can be connected to a place....

any open doors to the enemy, that you are aware of???

Do a lot of research on Spiritual it...there should be much available.....and also on this site, there has probably been much teaching on it....type it into the search box in the upper right hand corner, and it should bring up the blogs on it. And I am sure that you will get many good replies, and helpful answers as well as prayer for this.

Father God, I come to you on behalf of my brother, asking you to open his eyes to the truth. He needs to see what is behind the oppresseive spirits that are coming against him. Help him to know how to fight this fight. Enlighten him, on what he is missing. We are victorious thru you.....and you have given us all that we need to win.......what is he missing? Help him to stand....... send the angels to assist him..... help him to know his rights in you....and what tools to use to fight this enemy. Speak to him, and thru him, teaching and training him in warfare. Bring him thru this, and strengthen him, in every area. Amen.

One thought that comes to mind, in addition to what I have already written, is to rebuke the Jesus name. Also, if he is bringing certain sins to mind, ask for forgiveness for each one, individually. I went thru a period where this was happening, and this is how I dealt with it.

The rebuke may have to take place a spirit is just like a spoiled has been used to getting it's way in our lives, and will try us often and hard.....until we learn how to resist it.....and remove it's right to being there..... (any sin in our an open door to the enemy ) (also, sins that have not been repented of ) and also..... generational curses that have not been broken.

To break a curse we must be aware that it is working in our lives, and that Jesus paid the price for everything........then we must actively speak to it, breaking its power over us.....thru the precious blood of the Lamb.

Be aware of what it is that is happening....and as much as you know about it....speak to it, saying "I break your power over me, thru the blood of Jesus Christ, and I repent of every sin that has been committed against him, thru the years, and thru my bloodline, on both sides, my mothers and my fathers, I ask for forgiveness, and I break the power of the enemy that has come to steal, kill and destroy, that which Jesus has redeemed.... I rebuke the powers of darkness that are coming against me, and I plead the blood of Jesus over my life, over my thoughts, over my mind, over my body, my home, my health, my relationships, my peace of mind, my well being, my finances, my sleep, my family, etc. and I give you praise, Jesus, for working in my life, and precious Holy Spirit, I thank you for revealing anything and everything that I need to know, in order to live victoriously thru your power that lives within me, as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, who is victorious over all. Amen.
We will pray for each other. Lord, set him free, and set me free, Amen.
I thank all here who have prayed for me.
WHY I have not have peace from God, after 8 months, I don't know, so keep praying, I'm not giving up!

thank You,
Brother John, A lot of people make the mistake of always asking people to pray for them,the best weapon is praying by yourself for yourself,it goes a long way,you must learn to pray,the bible says i quote" LET NOT MY WORD DEPART FROM YOU MOUTH,MEDITATE IN IT DAY AND NIGHT"
The word of God is sharp it penetrates through anything you are going through,brother john what you need is the word of God,study it always, there is always a solution for every problem we encounter in our life`s,try to pray at mid night before going to sleep,if you like i can send you a prayer point,stay blessed brother john!!!
Avril -

Are you a born again believer?

John 3:3 (New International Version)

3 In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."

God Bless you! We have all been exactly where you are right now, and you want to know something? The angles in Heaven are singing praises to the Lord over your faith and whole hearted devotion to the One True God! Praise the Lord! You are doing so well! Here you are struggling and from the depths of your being you are crying (not to mention publicly affirming!) I WANT God in my life!

You are not doing anything wrong. You could not do anything 'wrong' because, Jesus is our Judge and He Loves You! The part of you that thinks you must be doing something wrong is just the old devil himself, satan the liar and the father of the lie! He's lying to you, trying to get you to turn away from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Don't listen to him!

When those thoughts and doubts come to your mind just say, "be gone satan" and then immediately start to praise the Lord, out loud! Sing His praises! Sing His glory! Get out your well worn copy of Sacred Scripture and read, study the Word, the Eternal and Living Word! Read the Psalms and praise the LORD! Read the Gospel and open your heart to the love and wonder of Jesus the Christ, the Son of the Living God! Ask God, the Holy Spirit to fill your heart, mind, and soul with His Light! And then fall asleep in the peace that passes all understanding!

You are His! Rejoice! You are His!

Please stay in contact with us! We are a family, your family, your brothers and sisters in Christ, and we care for you deeply. You are not alone. You are never ever alone. I will be praying for you continually.
I have read every post here, THANK YOU.
I am fasting today, Isaiah 58:6 KJV
Is not this the fast that I have chosen ? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?

Have you ever been involved in the occult? No

How much have you read the word?????? TONs, I really have, I just got done (except 1 book) of the whole N.T., part of my rededication to Christ, is reading through the bible.

Do you have a pastor over you? Yes, a very godly man who is praying for me, and others in the men's group.

Are you involved in a bible believing church.?....Yes Yes Yes
any open doors to the enemy, that you are aware of??? No open doors, or unrepentant sin, that I know of.
I am expecting God do do a work in me.
I opened the door to sin, now that I have shut it (back in Jan,2010), the evil one just keeps those darts flying.
So, I think what I need is more faith.

So pray with me in that area, I desire to be a strong strong man of God.
You need not pray for faith, it is a free gift and it comes with knowing Christ and accepting HIm as Savior. Also it is one of the fruits of the Spirit. And it comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Grace be unto you.

I will pray for you to be strong in your faith and that you will continue to walk in His Light.

God bless you, John. I trust your fast went well. Life is a struggle sometime. I think I can understand your struggle. Oftentimes when we are struggling it is because the Spirit wants to reveal Christ in us in an amazing way. Be encouraged. You have not yet resisted against sin to the point of death. He will help you. Your period of temptation will subside.

Whatever it is that is getting you down, if possible, remove it as far away from you as you can. Take charge. Show Satan you are not going to just sit around grumbling about your problem. Resist him and he will flee.

The victory that overcomes the world is our faith. In the end, it is your faith that counts.

Be encouraged.
Ok, here is the latest. No, no bolt of lightning, or anything like that.
I made a decision to TRUST GOD, no matter how I feel.
This is a big step for me,
Thanks for you prayers...
Hey bro,

I am so happy to read the wonderful advise you got and realy happy to hear you are going to trust God. We sometimes try to find a live a part from God and to do things our way even as children of God and we fail everytime. You will find that God is faithful and when you abide in Him and trust Him all things work together for good for us who love God.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; Proverbs 3:5

>>I WANT God in my life. I do not know WHAT I am doing wrong. I really don't

Are you abiding in the Word, in Christ? Are you studying? If you answer, Yes I am studying, then it maybe that God is putting you through a time of one of the lesson He wants all of us to learn. To learn to trust in His love apart from the feeling and the confort we received by His manifested presence. He wants us to still have the confidence that He is with us even when the feelings have not come and our emotions are telling us, you are all alone, when the fiery darts are getting through. Even if the circumstances have not change, God remains with us, it may just mean there is more for you to learn through the ordeal. He is refining you throught the fire and testing your faith through these times.

If you are not abiding in the word then you will not be Spiritually healthy, but rather you will be a malnutrition beliver. who is starving for the pure milk and meat of the word.

These two verses have been my favorite verses of the bible since becoming born again and the ones I most often quote. It amazes me how God can place so much beautiful truth in few words. It blows my mind the amount of teaching these two verses have. When I quote them I verily scratch the surface of them, but there is precious truth in them.

John 8:31-32 (New International Version)

31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Who is speaking here?"Jesus said"The perfect one, the Alpha and Omega, the Holy one, the creator of heaven and earth, Our King, Lord and Savior. Wow!!!! The one that cannot lie.

1. If you hold to my word/teaching - condition

What does it make you?
2. you are really my disciples.

What will happened then?

you will know the truth. What truth? The truth about everything pertaining to God and Godliness.

And then what happens?

3. the truth will set you free.

Free from what? From everything that wants to keep you down and enslaved.

Break Free with the Word.
The Christian life is to be the best life any human can have on earth. Paul even with all the trials and tribulations would have not change a bit of it. Christianity is exciting, IT'S BEAUTIFUL. GOD MAKES US BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE (of course then there is me, hahahaha a knuckle head, but don't be a knuckle head hehe).

To be in Christ, WoW nothing compares to it. We have not been left to our own wits; we have been given the Holy Spirit, the counselor, teacher etc...

Blessings beloved
"He is refining you throught the fire "

A pastor once said, "The hotter ther fire, the better the refining".
And reading lots of scripture.
Psalms 112:7 KJV
He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed , trusting in the LORD.

Blessings to all who prayed, and gave encouragement,



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