All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

My brother told a joke Sunday & I'm gonna try to sell it to you because I don't have it in front of me like he did.

There was this young boy sitting on a parked bench. He was reading the Bible when he shouted, "Wow!!! Praise God. He is so good." A passerby asked him what he was so excited about. He said, "I'm reading the story of Moses where God parted the waters so Israel could walk across." The man sat down & said, "Son, they have proven that back during those days, the Red Sea only had 10" of water so that's what made it possible for them to cross." The man got up & was proud of himself for showing the young boy the truth. As he was walking off the boy said "Well, Praise God. He is awesome." The man being somewhat confused at this point said, What is all the excitement about now?" The boy said "Not only did God make it possible for His people to cross the Red Sea but He also made it possible to drown the Egyptian soldiers in 10" of water".

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This man should have read the scriptures, Exodus 14:22, "The Israelites went into the sea on DRY ground,,,"   "With God nothing is impossible!!!!!!!!!!


Remember what Jesus said in John 14:1, "Let not your hearts be troubled.  You believe in God; believe ALSO in me."

Reminds me of a story of an elderly widow well known for her faith and boldness in talking about it.  She frequently stands on her front porch and shouts "PRAISE THE LORD!"


Well, her next door neighbor, a non-believer, would get so angry at her proclamations that he would shout back at her, "There ain't no Lord!  Ain't no such thing as God!"


Sadly, hard times set in on the elderly lady, and she prayed for GOD to send her assistance.  She stood on her porch and shouted "PRAISE THE LORD. GOD, I NEED FOOD!   I AM HAVING A HARD TIME.  PLEASE LORD, SEND ME SOME FOOD!"


On the next morning, she went out on her porch and there she found a large bag of groceries. In thanksgiving she shouted out "PRAISE THE LORD." But just as she shouted, her neighbor jumped from behind a bush and said, "Aha! I told you there was no Lord. I bought those groceries, God didn't."

And the widow jumping up and down and clapping her hands exclaimed, "PRAISE THE LORD. God not only sent me groceries, but God made the devil pay for them.  PRAISE THE LORD!"


That's hilarious Colby. Terry, laugh a little. It won't hurt you.

I guess I have a tendency (good or bad, you decide) to take my faith seriously as a matter of 'life and death.'


Any way, may all of you have the best day ever!!!   God bless you and He loves you!!!!


 Hi, Terry,

                     Faith is something. It's more than believing. Actually I take it (faith) as believing the message + trust in the subject. It is more solid than the things we see.  The book Hebrews  declares in the eleventh chapter, "Faith is the substance......." After all Our Lord actually died for this faith. If that does not make faith a matter life and death then I don't know what it is.

                       Without faith, one has no share in the Kingdom of our God. Then why not take faith seriously?

                    You are blessed.

Thanks Terry. I always do. Laughter is a good medicine so I use it as often as possible. Doesn't mean I don't take my faith without seriousness. It just means the Lord has given me an awesome sense of humor. Thank God for all of our different personalities. May He bless you as well

In His Name


It's precious moments like that, the small things He does for us personally, that means so much

Thanks. I liked it as well. Colby's was pretty hilarious as well.


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