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Weekly Bible Study, July 1, 2024; It is believing or having faith in our position in Christ that improves our condition. Part 8; The Goal of Satan, AUDIO ONLY.

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<b><big><span style="color: #115588">

big></b></div> Weekly Bible Study, July 1, 2024; It is believing or having faith in our position in Christ that improves our condition. Part 8; The Goal of Satan, AUDIO ONLY.



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<b><big><span style="color: #115588;">ALL ARE WELCOME!!</span></b></big></div>   


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Weekly Bible Study, July 1, 2024; It is believing or having faith in our position in Christ that improves our condition. Part 8; The Goal of Satan, AUDIO ONLY.


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<font size="4" face="times new roman"><span style="color: #115588;">The following link is to a good news message describing how one can receive eternal life: <a href=""><b>Ticket to Heaven</b></a>, it was written for anyone not absolutely certain about their eternal future. </font></span></div>

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