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A little levity - When the Supreme Court kicked God our of our schools, maybe we all should have got up and left with Him. We didn't and ever since we have been guilty of giving our children a godless education. Could that have anything to do with what we are seeing today?

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I agree.

This part:

Or the part that says; “that should be our epithet as well ”?


Roy I know your confusion concerning this “Christ”, But this “Christ” means “anointed”

We could say Roy “the Christ” or “the one anointed” by God to preach the gospel to Olathe.

Matt. 1:16  
And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called “Christ”.

I know we never use this word “Christ” in our everyday conversations, or descriptions of others, but you know what I am getting at. When people sees us, they should be seeing “Christ” in us, especially when the New Creation becomes  a reality to the believer, we will be acting differently than the world, or even differently than some believers; those that are just new believers in Christ.

The Word of God has never become a reality to most of us, if it were, we wouldn’t be questioning what is right or wrong, or wouldn’t have to ask God what His will is in certain situations, ie.) what we should pray for, as in Ro.8:26, He says we should know what to pray for, but because we don’t, we pray in the Spirit (this is the Spirit making intercession for us, because we don’t know what to pray for, as we ought.) and God reveals to us how to intercede for the saints according to His will. A good example of this is born out in Acts 1:23-24, they didn’t know who to appoint to fill the vacancy left by Judas. So they prayed and God showed them to appoint Matthias. Having the mind of Christ, we wouldn’t have to pray and ask God if He wanted so and so to come to Him, because we know it is not God’s will that any should perish. His will is spelled out for us in the Word, we just need to act on it. Peter and John didn’t have to fast and pray for the man at the gate beautiful, they just said, silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.  What did they have? The mind of Christ, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit.   




I am going to have to say here that I believe that Jesus, our Lord, is the Christ. I have been saved by Jesus the Christ now known simply as Jesus Christ. This title belongs to Him. Christ is truly in me but I am not the Christ. I would like for people to say that I am a follower of Christ or Christian. I don't think any of us can use that title. That is His alone. None of the instances you refer to above make them or us Christ. Yes, it is Christ in us but that still does not make us Christ. There is only One of those and His name is Jesus.

I know you believe this. Sometimes faith people get so carried away that they actually believe that is them causing these miracles. It always remains God at work through us accomplishing anything. Paul and Peter could not do those things at will. They could only do those things as the Spirit enabled them. Sometimes the Spirit did not enable them like that and they could not do those things.

Jesus pointed out to us just how little faith we all have. If we had faith the size of a mustard seed we could say to this mountain, "Be removed from this sight," and it would obey. Obviously, none of us have and ever had that much faith. Some people only have enough faith to believe there is a God that loves them and saves them from their sin. Some might have a little more but none have the faith the size of a mustard seed - the smallest of seeds in Israel.

You will never get to the place you can do these kinds of things unless God does them through you. That is where we are today. That is why these kinds of miracles are called gifts. We do not have the kind of faith that we can go around demanding storms be shifted, mountains to be moved, etc. You and I still go through a pretty rough life. Things happen that we realize that we have no control over. It is as God wills.

I am going to reserve that title, "Christ" for Jesus. But, I would be overjoyed for you to call me a Christian.

Blessings to you,


Good morning Roy,

I agree with you that we do not use that word today for identifying a person, I don’t think it was used anywhere else to identify any of the other prophets, I was just bringing out the fact that, “Christ” is not the last name of Jesus, but an epithet, describing who He was.

I never once thought it was me moving any mountains in my life, I am well aware that it has always been Christ in me doing the work. Jesus even said Himself couldn’t do anything on His own, He could only judge as He heard, Jo.5:30 NIV, and neither can we. This is what Ro.8:26-27 is telling us, and the same with Acts.1:24. We make judgments based on what we hear from the Holy Spirit. In Acts 3 Peter is telling them that it was not them doing these things, like raising the impotent man up at the gate beautiful. He said, “why look on us as though by our own power or holiness we made this man to walk, The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob the God of our fathers, has glorified His Son Jesus…..and His name through faith in His name has made this man to strong, whom you see and know; yea and the faith which is by Him has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of ye all….. ”

Remember Jesus Himself couldn’t do anything in this certain town, except heal a few folks because of their unbelief. We restrict Him ourselves by our unbelief, or wavering faith. Right?  

So Roy, I am in complete agreement with you, without Him, we can do nothing. And He is definitely THE CHRIST! , the redeemer of mankind.

Must get to work, May God bless,


You too, Joe. Have a great day!

And some churches are supplying brick and mortar for construction......... I liked that. I did have to fix your typo on construction though. lol

I knew if I didn't correct it, you would come back & say something.

Taminator........thanks, I need all the help I can get...........


And Char, two peas in a pod, looking for a  "c".........


Grace and Peace.

Excuses Excuses. I'm not big on typos like I once was. Being an executive secretary, it comes naturally. Being on the net, I've let it slide. My husband hates when I read a devotional or sermon he's written because I see the typos before I see the content. lol


To all,

I just now read the last 2-3 pages of this thread with some interesting observations.

JB quoted some very important verses from God's instruction Book but there was a lot of criticism over some of the things he said and the words he used. But....his quotes are accurate! HE has stated exactly what God's Book says and it was ignored. The comments made were in conflict with what the Word of God says, I think probably because he was the one who reminded us that we are not doing what God says to do! Personal protests were taken because he reminds that we have the mind of Christ, that Christ told us all we could accomplish if we believed. There is protest on what we should believe and yet these words were spoken by Christ. Christianity would never have gotten off the ground except for the spoken Word.

So my question is: What do we believe if we can't believe of what is written in God's Word? Also, why do we insist on putting our own particular slant to everything the Bible tells us?



Quoting Scripture is fine with me. I believe the Word from Genesis to Revelation & yes, I've read Romans & studied it all. If it was just straight Scripture, who can disagree with it? I wouldn't. It's not straight Scripture. It's Scripture with their interpretation. Not saying their interpretation is always wrong but I disagree with it on this one point. 


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