A little levity - When the Supreme Court kicked God our of our schools, maybe we all should have got up and left with Him. We didn't and ever since we have been guilty of giving our children a godless education. Could that have anything to do with what we are seeing today?
You are proving my point. You are stating that God is changing the Mormon religion. It is changing but still is not close to the Bible. The Mormons believe in a very different Jesus and god. They do not believe in your God. If the following is true then you are proof how easily it would have been for good Christian people to be deceived by Romney and his church:
There are major differences between the Jesus of the Bible and the Jesus of the Mormon church. Here's what Mormons believe:
- Instead of the eternal Jesus co-equal with the Father, the Mormon Jesus was once a man who achieved godhood by his own virtuousness during a preincarnate existence. His spirit was then impregnated into the virgin Mary by the "Eternal Father" who came from the planet Kolob for the physical union with her.
- Mormonism teaches that Jesus and Lucifer are brothers who competed for the opportunity to become the savior of planet earth. Jesus' plan won approval and Lucifer rebelled and became the tempter and deceiver of planet Earth.
- President Spencer W. Kimball wrote" "Long before you were born a program was developed by your creators ... The principal personalities in this great drama were a Father Elohim, perfect in wisdom, judgment, and person, and two sons, Lucifer and Jehovah." (Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, p. 32-33). James Talmage explains who Jehovah is: "Jesus Christ was Jehovah...Jesus Christ, who is the Jehovah of the Old Testament" (Doctrines of Salvation, vol.1, p.11,27).
- Milton R. Hunter (one of the LDS General Authorities) explains "The appointment of Jesus to be Savior of the world was contested by one of the other sons of God. He was called Lucifer…this spirit-brother of Jesus desperately tried to become the Savior of mankind" (The Gospel Through the Ages, p.15, 1945).
- Joseph Smith stated: "The contention in heaven was...Jesus said there would be certain souls that would not be saved; and the Devil said he could save them all, and laid his plans before the grand council, who gave their vote in favour of Jesus Christ. So the Devil rose up in rebellion against God, and was cast down" (Journal of Discourses, vol. 6, p. 8).
- "And Satan came among them, saying: I am also a son of God" (Pearl of Great Price, Moses 5:17). See also Mormon Doctrine, pp.192, 546-47, 589-90 and Gospel Principles p.15-16.
- Mormonism teaches that Jesus is only one of many saviors who are each responsible for the salvation of the population of other planets like Earth. Mormon men are working with the promise that they, too, will eventually become gods and be given a planet of their own to populate. This will be accomplished by their intercourse with many wives who will bear millions of spirit children to inhabit the bodies of the people on their planet.
The Jesus of the Bible taught that salvation is a free gift anyone can receive by accepting Him as your personal Savior, not by works (Ephesians 2:8,9; Romans 4:6 & 11:6; Philippians 3:9). The LDS Jesus taught that your level of exaltation was based on faith plus works determined by men. Thus, the Jesus of the Bible and the LDS Jesus can't be the same Jesus, as they taught mutually exclusive doctrine.
Jesus told us that many would come in His name as Chris has pointed out and you are contradicting. This christ of the Mormons is a false christ. It is not the true Christ. When a Mormon like Beck gets up and confesses his faith in christ, he is not speaking of the true Christ. He is speaking of the Mormon christ. They call him Jesus just as you do. They say that he is the son of god just like you say He is the Son of God. Yet, their jesus is not the same as your Jesus. This is a true example of the Words of our Lord. When I see some of the people that I have seen stating that they believe these people are true Christians and true followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, I am very disturbed. The true Jesus is eternal God. He is the only possible way to heaven. There is no other way. Many, many would have been deceived. I did not vote for Obama but I knew that night of the election something was wrong. I was very troubled as was Chris. I turned the TV off and went into mourning. I was so down, I needed something from God.
Do you remember me posting a year or so ago the question about whether or not Beck was a Christian? That should not even be a question to believers. Yet, several Christians heard him confess that Jesus was his savior and that was all it took. They are deceived. The deception is only beginning but Christ has given us a great opportunity to speak of the One true Christ that has come to save us from our sins.
We must do this. I personally believe that we were saved from a worse evil. I believe America is in trouble. I believe a storm is brewing but God is calling all His children to Him. Be separate. There is only one true Christ. You can find Him in the pages of that Holy Book we call the Bible. You cannot find Him in the Book of Mormon as Romney believes.
I am very impressed by Romney. I believe he would have had a tremendous impact on our economy. I think he would have gotten everything turned around. I think he would have been loved by a majority of people in America. I also believe he would have brought great deception. We have a slight reprieve. We have an opportunity.
The truth is we had no choice in this election. We must turn to Jesus for guidance. He will lead His church. He will never, never leave us.
I put this on here to see how different ones would react. This is a day we need to hear from Jesus. If my view is wrong I will leave it in a heartbeat. I will listen to all others to get His Word. I do believe this is a case of a false christ that Jesus spoke of.
Yes, the storms do affect the righteous as well as the unrighteous ones. I pray for those who have been affected by Hurricane Sandy. We need to do more. We need to send money. I am sending money through a Christian organization and I don't have a lot of money. I believe the church should rise up and help those who have been affected.
The handwriting is on the wall. I do not believe Obama is going to get things turned around. We are hearing about the fiscal cliff. We will not reach the fiscal cliff because our beloved Congress will keep raising the debt limits, keep some of the tax cuts in force, and continue funding those unwilling to work at an alarming rate. Darkness is upon our land. It has very little to do with economics. Why did we allow the liberals to remove God from virtually every vestige of human consciousness in our land? We removed God and introduced a new morality that had virtually no limits. When we began to kill our unborn in volumes, our conscience went silent. For a short while there was a cry from some that this was extremely evil and should not be. In this electoral campaign virtually no mention of this national sin was mentioned. War claimed a part of the discussion but the discussion was mostly about the economy. The economy is a result of decisions made not the cause of them.
We are now on a strong path of destruction. The sin of abortion and same-sex marriage will now have free reign as we usher in our heralded leader of these grievous sins. Let no one for a moment think that I support these sins. I don't support them simply because God doesn't. Darkness is upon us. Once limits are removed on these and other sins, God will begin more and more to remove His protective hand from our nation.
We failed to take a necessary and required stand when God was kicked out of our schools. It was a sign of something much worse to follow.
Yet, God still loves all of those who will come to Him in faith. He will bless and comfort all those whose hope is in Him and not in this evil world. Jesus is our eternal God. I was troubled as well over how little opposition was claimed by the Christians to a Mormon leading our country. After Billy Graham met with Romney, he changed his stance towards Mormomism on his website I understand.
It all comes back to the essence of Christ and the nature of God. Is it necessary to believe in one true God and the Holy Trinity to be saved? Is it possible to believe that there are three separate gods and still be saved? I suppose we will be hearing more and more on that argument. Can we just follow someone claiming to be Christ and still be saved? There is very definitely a difference of understanding of the essence of Christ between the Christian and the Mormon.
You have done nothing to me. Absolutely nothing. Don't think that. One thing we all have a tendency to do is to put Christian and non Christian in one wad. We aren't. We are separated by following Christ Jesus, believing in Him and having Him as our Savior.
I was actually referring to the 6.4 million Evangelical Christians in this country that voted for Obama. also, the rest of the Evangelical Christians in this nation that didn't cast a vote.
It is difficult for me to believe that Christians stand silent, wondering about the Will of God when they have an Instruction Book. When I read *What is to come* I realized that many are praying for the end while there is so much to do.
It disturbs me that 6.4 million Americans, who know better, actually voted for homosexual marriages, and murder of unborn children, along with assisted (forced) suicide (actually another form of murder. We can also add nonsupport of our military and over support of the lazy.
I was and am venting but our nation's situation is critical and there is no help getting around it. Nothing was said by me against you but I am sure I was talking to someone here. We have been approaching the *end times* for over 2000 years. Many Christians are asking *are we there yet?* when we should be working.
Blessings always.....
Well said, Rita. Amen!
I wonder how a person can claim to be a Christian and following God, and vote for all the things that person stands for, knowing they are in direct opposition to the Will and the Word of God?.
You are proving my point. You are stating that God is changing the Mormon religion. It is changing but still is not close to the Bible. The Mormons believe in a very different Jesus and god. They do not believe in your God. If the following is true then you are proof how easily it would have been for good Christian people to be deceived by Romney and his church:
Actually, this paragraph could be offensive.
I am no expert on the Mormon religion. I haven't claimed to be. I simply read some things that were posted on the internet....the same as you. I voted for Romney based on his stand on the items posted in my response to Chris. Gay marriage, right to life, assisted suicide, support of military. It bears repeating that when a person confesses Christ, I listen to his words. I watch his actions.
You see, Roy, I don't know how much of these confessions are taken from the Mormon religion. I can't read minds, so don't know what the details of what they believe is from Mormonism. What Satan means for evil, God can turn to good. That I do believe.
I really don’t know how to put in words, the things that came to me this morning as I lay in bed contemplating the predicament that the liberal mindset of today has brought upon this nation.
How one woman could influence or convince our leaders, that taking prayer out of schools, would be a good thing for this country, I thought about those that think, God would use such catastrophic means: as a Katrina or a Sandy to bring about His will for this nation. I thought those that voted for a conservative to be the leader of this nation, could be in direct opposition to the will of God, if God wanted a liberal in that position. I thought, would God use such extreme measures, knowing there are a lot of those killed, didn’t know the Lord? I really don’t mean to question the foreknowledge, integrity, or the sovereignty of God, but somewhere down the line we come to the conclusion, that we as Christians are not acknowledging Him in all our ways, and are now reaping what we have sown.
I thought; that to choose the better of two evils for leadership, I would put my trust in a Mormon god, over that of Islam. I would rather have our system of law, rather than that of beheading a person, and saying “glory to allah” just because he doesn’t believe the way we do..
Bible says in, Jer. 17:5-10 “Thus says the Lord; cursed be the man that trusts in man and who makes the flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord. For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not know when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited. But blessed be the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is; for he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, that spreadeth out her roots by the rivers, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, and neither shall cease from yielding fruit. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the Lord search the heart; I try the reigns, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.”
We read in the Word also, Ro. 13:1, Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
Though they are ordained of God, but we ask how does God operates in this world, to put in certain positions those He wills? Is it not by His Grace; that divine influence upon our hearts? When we look at Jesus, in Jo.5:30, says, “by myself I can do nothing, I judge only as I hear, and My judgment is just, because I seek not to please myself, but to please Him that sent me.” But we usually (not speaking for all) just make judgments, based on our own desires or intellect.
Some might think, that maybe I should have spent more time in prayer before writing this. HUH?
I agree wholeheartedly with you. I truthfully cannot see how we can talk about grace and then in the same breath accuse God of all the bad things that happen...whether it is storm, or death in some way, etc. I believe this is passing the buck. Do any of us understand anything about God?
Blessings to you, my brother.....
Do any of us understand anything about God?
Obviously, not as much as we should!
Blessings to you as well
Maybe we should take a fresh look at God. God takes responsibility for the disasters in our world:
Isa 45:7
I form the light and create darkness,
I bring prosperity and create disaster;
I, the Lord, do all these things. NIV
It would be passing the buck by saying He was not responsible. Blaming Satan for all the disasters is ridiculous since God absolutely controls Satan.
We either believe God is sovereign or that He just puts certain physical laws into motion and lets them roam the earth by chance. There definitely is a reason that Obama is now in office. I do believe he was put there by God. We must submit to him as we submit to God until, of course, he rules in opposition to God's law. There are institutions that are struggling to submit to his ruling that they will have to pay for abortions. Some will submit, others will not. God is bringing us to the point where we will have to decide who our king is. I think we are just about there.
Most will submit. Jesus said in the last days there would be a falling away. Are we about there? Has it happened and we just have not noticed it? How many Christian businesses will pay for abortions? Maybe some will sue the government for causing them to go against their morals. I don't think they will win. Christian morals have been basically overthrown in our government. Will we see in the next four years "under God' removed from our flag salute and "in God we trust" removed as the American slogan? How far are the Americans willing to go? We bowed pretty easily when they threw God out of our schools. They told us that it wasn't constitutional to have Bibles in our schools. I was just a young guy but I don't remember a whole lot on that one. I certainly don't remember an uproar.
We either believe God is sovereign or that He just puts certain physical laws into motion and lets them roam the earth by chance.
Roy! He did put all these laws in the earth, but He also gave us wisdom to use them for our good. He created gravity, but if we jump off a building that is about ten stories high and hit the concrete below; Christian or not, the chances of you dying are pretty good. If we walk in the darkness, we will stumble over objects, just like any other person. We are in this world, but we are not of this world, we have been translated out of the kingdom or power of darkness into the kingdom of His dear Son.Col.1:13. We have Christ in us to direct our paths, He is able to keep us from stumbling, if we will hearken to His voice, that says, “this is the way, walk ye in it” I think some here sees the sovereignty of God a little differently than I do. I see a God that has all power over all heaven and earth; But He has given to the new creation, the use of His name. So, what does it mean when we say “in the name of Jesus? We come to God in the name of Jesus, In His character and or His authority. We have no authority out side of Him. We can do nothing without Him. We can only judge as we hear from Him, as Jesus said in Jo.5:30.
If the work hasn’t already been done, we can’t do it. One thing I see here on this discussion group is. They do not understand the importance of the little word {IF}. To some it has no significance in interpreting scripture. But He tells us in many places throughout the Word {IF} my people who are called by my name, would humble themselves and pray, then.2Chr.7:14. Deut.28:1..It shall come to pass that {IF} thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God…Num.33:55, but {IF} ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you…2Tim.2:20-21. But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth, some to honor, and some to dishonor, {IF} a man shall therefore purge himself of these, he shall become a vessel of honor, sanctified, meet for the Master’s use, and prepared unto every good work. So what is the antithesis to that? We could go on and on with this, but what I am trying to get at is, {IF} we don’t use the authority that God has given us, it is not going to get done. Why is it that we can’t seem to understand who we are in Christ. Is the Christ in us a different Christ than was in Jesus? How can we take on His nature and or image, if we don’t have the same power and authority as He? We are to obey the laws of the land, that’s true, as long as those laws are not in opposition to the laws of God.
There definitely is a reason that Obama is now in office. I do believe he was put there by God.
I don’t believe that for one minute. The reason Obama is in office is the same reason prayer and God has been removed from all public places, the Christian community hasn’t had the backbone to take a stand against the system. We haven’t taken on the whole armor of God so we can stand against the wiles of the devil and spiritual wickedness in heavenly or high places.
And if it was God’s will for Obama to be in office, why didn’t we hear from God to vote for him? We then were voting in opposition to God’s will by voting for Romney. And if we thought it was God’s will for Obama to be in office, then we were sinning by voting for Romney. Whatsoever is not of faith, (conviction or a persuasion of the heart) is sin.Ro.14:23. We think or believe one way, but vote another and try to justify our actions. Wouldn’t this be the same as trying to make the bible line up with our beliefs, rather than the other way around?
We must submit to him as we submit to God until, of course, he rules in opposition to God's law. There are institutions that are struggling to submit to his ruling that they will have to pay for abortions. Some will submit, others will not. God is bringing us to the point where we will have to decide who our king is. I think we are just about there.
I will have to agree with you here, Roy, so I think it is about time we start practicing what we preach, I know I have to make a few changes to get to that point myself. I am getting so tired of living a substandard life, when God’s promises are, that we might have life and have it more abundantly. I know it doesn’t necessarily mean, we will be walking in affluences, but it doesn’t mean we are to be a door-mat for the devil to wipe his feet on either. These promises of God are not to everyone but are only to those that will or can believe.
Most will submit. Jesus said in the last days there would be a falling away. Are we about there? YES!! Has it happened and we just have not noticed it?
Yes! I believe it is metamorphism, and I believe it is so gradual, we don’t realize it.
How many Christian businesses will pay for abortions? Maybe some will sue the government for causing them to go against their morals. I don't think they will win. Christian morals have been basically overthrown in our government. Will we see in the next four years "under God' removed from our flag salute and "in God we trust" removed as the American slogan? Yes I do, and the attempt to delete the first and second amendment. I believe if Obama has his way, the whole constitution or the bill of rights will be in jeopardy as well. How far are the Americans willing to go? We are so divided, some will be like the 3 Heb. Children and take the heat, but some will be as Rita said, will crumble like a $2 suitcase. We bowed pretty easily when they threw God out of our schools. And why did we bow so low? After all the bible use to be the text book in schools. They told us that it wasn't constitutional to have Bibles in our schools. I was just a young guy but I don't remember a whole lot on that one. I certainly don't remember an uproar.
Roy, I know there are a lot on this forum, that will not understand, or agree with me on this, but I believe that unless the Word of God gains the ascendency again in this nation; all of our ideals of this Republic, will fade away and a new type of despotism that will be very detrimental or destructive to Christianity as we know it will take its place, and I see this happening even now.
So, I also believe it is time to get our houses in order and start looking up, because our redemption draweth nigh. Amen?
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