A little levity - When the Supreme Court kicked God our of our schools, maybe we all should have got up and left with Him. We didn't and ever since we have been guilty of giving our children a godless education. Could that have anything to do with what we are seeing today?
It is a wonderful blessing to have someone hearing from God and not using the gift to profit. We do have many new christs coming into our world. Any religion that uses His name and yet does not give Him the glory as God, are misusing His name and claiming a false christ. I was somewhat concerned with a Romney win as I felt he would have the whole world at his feet. I felt he would be very popular. I felt he would be able to turn America's economy around and really the economy of the whole world. The words that he spoke were very good as to how to get things turned around. Yet, he was representing a false christ and that frightened me. The church is struggling to define its borders. Some were even calling Mormons Christians. There was a great amount of deception happening. When I see people like David Barton and others with Glenn Beck, I get concerned. Some Bible-believing Evangelicals are saying that he is a Christian. Mormonism brings a false Christ into our world. They are not the only ones. I felt that God stopped his momentum. Although we Christians did not feel that voting for him endorsed his religion, we turn around and say that voting for Obama endorsed homosexuality.
With Obama, there will not be a quick turn-around. He is not fooling many Christians even though some are being fooled. His position that there are many paths to God and that Jesus is just one of them is also a false christ. That is not the Jesus of the Bible.
Jesus said they would come distorting His name. We are most definitely in the day when many are turning away from Him and hating one another. There is only one Jesus and He is the One you will find in the pages of that Holy Book.
Blessings to you as you continue to hear His Word. In Jesus name.
His Blessings to you my Brother.
Stepping out can be difficult at times. I am Blessed that by His Grace you are able to see my heart. No matter what the future holds, the One Who holds us, has a handle on the future.
...“I am the First and the Last;
there is no other God.
7 Who is like me?
Let him step forward and prove to you his power.
Let him do as I have done since ancient times
when I established a people and explained its future.
8 Do not tremble; do not be afraid.
Did I not proclaim my purposes for you long ago?
You are my witnesses—is there any other God?
No! There is no other Rock—not one!” Isa 44:6b-8
When things went as they did on the night of the election, very early on I was able to see how things were going. At that time I turned the TV off and read The Word and Prayed. Not because who I voted for lost, I do not know if it had been the other way around I would not of done the same thing. I have been involved in knowing about events in this country and around the world for a long time. Not that anything is wrong with these things. I do not believe being informed is wrong. I will pick up some of that, Lord Willing at His Time. I just felt and saw we are in the beginning of the end, No matter who was in office. I felt one would hurry things along, yet only He Knows when "The Time of Times will arrive."
I to was uneasy about the mormon thing. Less of two... I do not like voting that way, yet many times we are not given the choice we should or need to have. We know as you have said, many will come claiming this or that, yet we are not to lose heart. We are to be lead by The Spirit of Peace. Again, Bless you Brother, your words are like a cool drink.
I felt like Mormonism was getting too much attention throughout the campaign. If Mitt, would have won, Mormonism, a religion from Satan, would have had a huge victory and acquire a lot more acceptance worldwide, so in a way, in that way, is best that what has happened has, but on the other hand, Obama winning also continues to move us closer to a one world order, which in my book is welcome, cause that means Jesus will be coming soon. I am ready to go I tell you. We voted for Mitt for obvious reasons, but God knows what He is doing.
Come Lord Jesus come.
I believe the correct response to the election is to glorify God in all things. I believe this election is an excellent example of God's sovereignty. Some people live in the idea that all bad things like hurricanes come from the devil. We all mostly voted for Romney but God intervened for reasons we don't know. Our praise must go to God for His intervention. If the flood came from God, so do the hurricanes and other disasters. We have a sovereign God Who is in complete control of this world and universe.
I absolutely agree with your statement. Our Lord holds the universe in the palm 0f his hand. Satan is not in control, not even close, we are not in control, thank God. Our beautiful Savior is.
Good morning all...
Edmund Burke said "Evil prevails when good men do nothing." What has happening to this country that greed above all else is dominant! Which religion should prevail...Mormonism or Islam?
If there are few jobs now, where will we be when Obamacare kicks in? Any employers here? You are footing the bill, but the congressman you elected won't be covered by it. The US won't back Israel. (What does the Bible say about that?)
Christ told us the end results of our wrong decisions. We could have prevented the next 4 years and what they will bring to us...but we failed.
What happened to our military vote? Do you know? I believe it went the way of the funding that the military needs. We won't be able to protect our own borders.
Welfare per year is 3 times what my daughter and her husband make. It is double what one of my sons makes. Now why don't they quit work and draw welfare?
Anyone who backed Obama in this campaign has got to be out of their ever-loving mind! Let alone that they have not understood on word in God's Instruction Book.
You call this the Sovereign Will of God? This election wasn't God's Will. God would have all men to be saved and come unto the knowledge of the truth! It was the will of a bunch of greedy people!
Am I angry? I believe I am!
If my post is offensive I will remove it. But, I have a question: if the hurricane is what stopped Romney from being elected (and many believe it is much responsible in addition to all those other factors that you mention in your post) did God have anything to do with that hurricane? I am convinced that if the hurricane had not come, Romney would be our new President. He had all the momentum. He was ahead in some polls by some four or five points. I think he would have won. He only needed a point or two in some cases to win the entire thing. He was at least that far ahead in the polls. And then the hurricane came. Some are calling it the October surprise.
Anyway, those are some thoughts from a guy that doesn't believe that things happen by chance. We will not know these things on this side of heaven. We must trust in our loving Father and do all we can to stop the onslaught of evil that is so permeating our society. I, for one, am not sitting around. I go over to the school everyday to teach children that God's Word is true. I teach them that Jesus is their only hope. I gave my life to this. I have been doing this now for thirty-two years. I believe His Word is more important than any other resource we have to use to teach our children. I believe we should have never allowed His Word to be removed from our children's curriculum. I think that is the greatest mistake American Christian have made. That is why the question but it is no question in my mind: when God got kicked out of our schools, we all should have gotten up and left with Him.
That is my take. We are suffering here in America for our lack of action in the past, not in the last few months. We have what we deserve. We are the ones responsible for what we are seeing. And, if we want that to change, we better had be willing to do more than just sit around and gripe.
Anyway, God bless you and all your descendants. In Jesus name.
I am not made with you....I am mad with the situation. There is nothing that I by myself, can do.
I regards to the hurricane, the Bible says the wind blow where it will. What did Obama do for the suffering on the Eastern coast? Showed his face on TV. There were people stranded on their roofs days after the hurricane had passed. The only thing that happened that their voting rights were extended til today IF they applied for it. Now, how could they apply if they were stranded on a roof?
I agree with what you say about where we are at and how we got here, but.....why continue to support it? Pray was taken out of school for one reason, one woman who didn't want her child subject to influences of hearing about God. And the USA folded like a $2 suitcase. We folded! But what are we doing? We are continuing on the same path to destruction that we have been on at least 50 years and we are continuing to follow that same path. 6.4 million Evangelical Christians voted for the same path! What does that tell us?
MAny blessings to you, Roy.....
I agree. All Obama needed was Sandy and Governor Christie. Christie was perhaps even more responsible for the turn around.
Another thing: why doesn't your son get on welfare instead of working? The reason: you raised him with morals.
Yes, I did.
You should be extremely proud of him and I know you are.
You posting the term "what is to come" added along with
14 if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
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