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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

This is a true (to the best of my knowledge) testimony.
A couple weeks ago my pastor went to the hospital overnight and while he was there he ran into a nurse who he knew but hasn't seen in years (before he was saved). This woman has a woman evangelist friend who told her what happened to her. The following is her story.
She was driving back from a revival in Ohio headed home and when she was driving on the highway through Kentucky, she saw an old man walking. Now this woman said she never picked up hitchhikers ever and this man wasn't hitchhiking but but the Holy spirit led her to stop and offer him a ride.
So, she did and he got in the car not saying a word, they traveled about 10 miles down the road and like any preacher would do she started telling him all about Jesus. During all the time she was talking he never spoke a word so after about 10 minutes of talking she asked him, "Do you have anything to say?" He said: "The lips are on the horn." This kind of stunned her hearing that so she decided to pull over so she could talk to him about what he had just said.
So, she pulls over the car, looks over to ask him what he meant, and he was gone! And the door never opened.
While she was pulled over trying to make sense of this a state trooper pulled up behind her with his lights flashing. He walks up to her car and asks if she's ok. She says yes, and what was the problem was she doing something wrong like speeding? The trooper says: No ma'am, but I was following you the last mile or so and you were kinda swerving, I was wondering if you might need any help.
She tells the trooper well, your gonna think I'm crazy or delirious or something but I have to tell you I stopped for a man on the side of the road and was preaching the word of Jesus to him and I asked if he had anything to say and all he said was "The lips are on the horn" so I pulled over so I could ask him exactly what he meant and when I pulled over and looked over at him he was gone.
The trooper said to her: No ma'am, I don't think your crazy, your the 6th person today that has told the same exact thing.
The lips are on the horn, to me I think that means the trumpet is getting ready to sound and Jesus will return soon! Hallelujah!!!!

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Heard a few similar stories in South Africa.
Our savoir is coming SOON!!!
Come quickly Lord Jesus come..
I heard of two similar stories. The first was on March 23rd, 2009. A lady was driving from Bayard, WV to Cumberland, MD and picked up a hitchhiker. The man said to her "The lips are on the horn." and disappeared from her car. She went off the road and a state policeman pulled over. He could see that she was upset and he asked her what happened. She told him the story and he told her that she was the sixth one to tell him the same story that day. The second appearance happened about the second week of May. This lady was a nurse traveling from Charleston, WV to Beckley WV. She also had the exact same experience. The same words, "The lips are on the horn" and disappeared from the moving car. Both ladies said that they do not pick up hitchhikers but felt compelled to stop. Both are reported to be honorable Christian ladies not known for making things up. I truly believe that God is trying to let us know that he is coming so very soon.
I have a question. Does anyone know where the 7 seven seals fit in? For some reason I keep thinking the 6th seal is about to be opened. Am I crazy? When you talked about "The lips are on the horn", I thought what if it's true.

God bless!
Mary O.
Hello Mary Ellen. I am presently reading 'The Rapture' by Tim LaHaye. He is teaching a preTribulation Rapture. He outlines the Seal Judgements as taking up the first 21 months of the Tribulation. The Sixth Seal can't take place until the others have happened. It is described in Revelation 6:12-17. The Wrath of God is poured out in the form of a mighty earthquake..the like of which has never been experienced. It is so severe that people call on the rocks to fall on them. This is all outlined on pages 60-65 of his book...with strong scriptural support.

Tim La Haye presents a stong case for a preTruibulation Rapture...and describes according to scripture why we will be raptured before any of these events occur. He exhorts us to keep our eyes on Jesus returning...rather than the anti-christ revealing himself.

On page 73 Tim LaHaye says this:
"It is a sad commentary on the church that in its twenty-century history, only five centuries have featured imminency. But those have beent he most consecrated, soul-winning, missionary-minded, and spiritually productive days of the church.
Frankly, one of my principal objections to the mid- and post-Trib theories is their destruction on imminency. For if Christ cannot come at any moment, then we cannot be instructed to look for His return. Instead, we are advised to look for the inauguration of the Tribulation, when anti-christ signs a covenant with Israel for seven years, and to watch for the rebuilding of then temple, the mark of the beast, the advent of the anti-christ himself, and the 31 events listed in Chapter 4 of this book. Only the pre-tribulation view retains the promise of Imminency!
Pre-Tribbers are looking for Christ, not the Anti-Christ.

The seals cannot be opened until after the anti-christ is revealed....which Tim presents a strong case...and great reason to believe, will not happen until after we are Raptured!
Great book! I recommend it! It has caused me to stop and realize that the attention I have been giving in looking for the anti-christ (not a lot, but any at all) can be better spent becoming closer and more and more intimately connected to Christ by prayer. We must keep our eyes on Jesus....especially in such a time as this!

Blessings, Carla
Thanks Carla! I will look for this book.

I'll be so glad when our Lord returns for us. It'll be a joyous day.

Mary O.
My 401k is completely gone, but what can be a better retirement plan than going to heaven for eternity! hair is standing on end


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