A problem I come across, particularly in Infant Sprinkling, is that most people use the term "The Baptism of babies." when in fact we should be saying: "Sprinkling a Baby"
Some may argue: "What difference does it make?
Well as we all know, how wrong terminology can create confusion.
The only church I know of, that baptizes (immerses) babies, are the Greek Churches.
They do this to follow a distinct command:
<b><i>"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, <b>baptizing</b> them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Mat 28:19</i></b>
Who knows better than the Greek when he reads "<i><b>Baptizo</b></i>". There is no doubt in their minds what they have to do. They immerse their babies.
Whether immersing babies as well as adults is correct? That is another discussion - We will leave that for another day.
It is a pity that the Translators of the New Testament when translating the term <b>"Baptizo"</b>did not use the correct term "Immerse" as written in the Greek.
I believe, that by the time manuscripts were gathered in order to have them all in one book in order to translate them from the Koine Greek into English; People had already started Sprinkling their babies.
The reason why, was that families became concerned as to what happened to their babies that had died and had not been Baptised (Immersed)? The practice was then born, and Babies were possibly at first immersed and then for convenience or to ease a mother's fears of her baby drowning, they started to Sprinkle.
This all took place before these manuscripts were translated into English.
The Translators did not want to get into heavy theological arguments over the correct terminology regarding the term "Baptizo", so rather than correctly translate the word to "Immerse" they "Anglicized" the word to "Baptism"
Hence today we have millions of people, Christians and Non Christians Going against God's Word
Sprinkling their babies, which God never instructed them to do.
This change has broken down the true ramifications of Immersion and gone against the Commandment God gave us and that is to Immerse Believers as a sign of Being buried with Christ and raising up out of the watery grave to a new life.. Other than this Baptism (Immersion) has no hidden "extras" that God will bestow on people. It simply shows obedience to God's instruction which was given to all who believed.
Amongst all Baptists and many other denominations, this is known and called "Believers Baptism" because it requires Believers to understand and accept what they are doing and what they have personally committed themselves to. Babies are unable to make this commitment and parents can't do it for them.
In Addittion:
Should one wish to take a baby to the Church font and Sprinkle the child, or get into a discussion on the subject, they hjave every right to do so. But unless the right terms are used on the subject; namely baptize or Sprinkle, the observer or reader becomes confused. Simply because both parties are giving different arguments on Baptism,and both continually use the same word: "Baptism". Little wonder there is so much confusion on this subject.
Replies are closed for this discussion.
Good point and reminder Ama.
Love you sis.
LT - Praise God beloved. Well said.
How right you are Amanda.
We must also remember that God in dealing with mankind, will give them every chance to accept Christ as Saviour, only before they die and go into etenity......... My concern and fear is, that as they stand before God at the Judgment throne, they will look at me and say: "But Ron, you knew about this..... and you never said a word!"
"Go into the world and Preach the Gospel to every Creature" mark 16:15
Hi Amanda, Don't blame me, I never set the rules regarding salvation.
Naturally, should one incorrectly believe doctrines similar to the Tribulation period, or when is the time the rapture will take place or Armageddon, it will not affect your salvation. These are not Salvation verses.
But If I consider the verse you mentioned... Romans 10:9... It is not merely confessing with my mouth the Lord Jesus (Many do that every day but that does not mean they are saved) One has to continue reading through to verse 10 which says: "With the heart, man believes unto righteousness" It is not the mind Amand, but the heart.. I have listened to many folk speak of loving Christ,, but after awhile as they speak, one can easily discern that their Heart is not in it.
We are told in 1st Tim 3:16 that "ALL scripture has been given to us by God"
No where can I find a passage which says that there are other ways to attain Salvation
No where in Scripture can I find a verse that says: "Don't worry, if you get it all wrong, I'll forgive you any way"
But in Luke 12:48 I do find scripture that says: "But he that knew not and did things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes.
It seems to me that while this person has missed out through lack of knowledge, his punishment will be less than those who knew. The important thing to keep in mind is that he will still be punished. Please understand that while Christ died for the entire world, it is achieved only by those who accept and believe it with all their heart.. Otherwise Hey! I'll just do my thing and then beg stupidy or I just did not know or I never realized the implications
Is it possible that a man can know God without having the scriptures? Please read Romans chapter 1verses 19-24. In verse 23 you will read of the millions of educated people today who fit into this verse.
We can rest assured that God has everything in control and when we fully understand everything, we will admit that not one of us could have done it better.
May I close by saying that the Scriptures cannot be studied by taking a verse here and another verse there and make up a doctrine and believe this is the way it must be.
Amanda Keep searching the scriptures and come back with as many questions you like or even criticize the answers you get. and as long as you are looking constantly to God for the truth it will come.
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