NO ONE, absolutely NO ONE pays the Biblical tithe today.
Leviticus 27:30-33, Numbers 18: The First Tithe - a tenth of crops and animals and commanded to take the tithe to the Levites.
Deuteronomy 14:22-27: The Second Tithe aka The Festival Tithe - a tenth of crops, plus add to that the firstborn animals, and take for the yearly feast.
Deuteronomy 14:28-29: The Third Tithe aka The Three-Year Tithe aka The Poor Tithe - a tenth of crops, kept at home, and invite the Levites, widows, orphans, stranger to eat.
Now, tell me. Which of the above three tithes commanded by God does anyone follow today?
The ONLY people in the Old Testament that were commanded to tithe were those who INHERITED THE PROMISED LAND WITH EVERYTHING ON IT. They got the land, house, animals, crops, etc. ALL FREE AND CLEAR. No mortgage payment or rent to pay. And THEY were commanded to tithe on the crops and animals and take it to the Levites who INHERITED the tithe INSTEAD OF the promised land with everything on it. No one else tithed. Wage earners did not tithe. Jesus didn’t tithe. Paul didn’t tithe. Peter didn’t tithe.
I find it quite offensive that pastors have appointed themselves to be the receiver of what belongs to God. After all, the pastor says the tithe belongs to God. Then he self-appoints himself to receive the tithe!!!
God never gave any pastor or church permission to receive his tithe or his gifts. God commanded His tithe be taken to the Levites, FOREVER, in Numbers 18.
Since the tithe belongs to God, if your pastor accepts it isn't he stealing it from God?
Lucky for those of you who think you tithe, you are merely giving a tenth of your income to your church. You aren't paying the Biblical tithe or you would be disobeying God's command to take His tithe to the Levites. But then, if in your heart you are paying the Biblical tithe, wouldn’t that be sinning by breaking God's commands?
The New Testament teaches generous, sacrificial giving, from the heart, according to our means. For some, $1 might be a sacrifice, while for others, even giving 50% of their income might not induce a sacrifice. In the Old Testament, ONLY the farmers tithed, and it was equal percentage (a tenth). The New Testament teaches the principle of equal sacrifice instead of equal percentage. Equal sacrifice is much harder to achieve, if not impossible, than giving ten percent. You are free to give to anyone or any organization you choose.
You don't tithe per the scriptures. You tithe according to your pastor's teaching which is contrary to the Word of God. Just open your Bible and read it.
Levite - A descendant of the tribe of Levi.
NONE of the following tithed on their income:
Arts and Crafts: Ex. 31:3-5; 35:31-35; 2 Ki. 16:10
Baker: Gen. 40:1-2; Jer. 37:21; Hos. 7:4
Builder: 2 Ki. 12:11; 22:6; Ezra 3:10; Matt 21:42; Heb. 3:3; 1 Pet. 2:7
Carpenter: 2 Sam. 5:11; 2 Ki. 12:11; 2 Chr. 24:12; Ezra 3:7; Isa. 44:13; Matt. 13:55; Mk. 6:3
Cook: 1 Sam. 8:13; 9:23-24
Doorkeeper: 2 Ki. 22:4; 25:18; 1 Chr. 15:23-24; Jer. 35:4
Fisherman: Isa. 19:8; Jer. 16:16; Ezek. 47:10; Matt. 4:18; 13:48; Lk. 5:2
Foremen: Ruth 2:5-6; 1 Ki. 5:16; 2 Chr. 2:2, 18; Matt. 20:8
Fortune Teller: Deut. 13:1-3; Acts 16:16
Goldsmith: Neh. 3:8, 31-32; Isa. 40:19; 41:7; 46:6; Jer. 10:9, 14; 51:17
Hunter: Gen. 10:9; 25:27; Jer. 16:16
Innkeeper: Lk. 10:35
Mason - Stonemasons: 2 Sam 5:11; 2 Ki. 12:12; 1 Chr. 22:15; 2 Chr. 24:12
Merchant - Trader: Gen. 23:16; 37:28; 1 Ki. 10:15; Neh. 13:20; Ezek. 27:3, 22-23; Matt. 13:45
Musician: 1 Ki. 10:12; 1 Chr. 6:33; 9:33; 2 Chr. 5:12
Perfume Maker: Ex. 30:25, 33, 35; 37:29; 1 Sam. 8:13; Neh. 3:8
Prostitute: Gen. 38:15-24; Lev. 21:14; Josh. 6:17, 25; Judg. 11:1; 16:1; Jer. 3:1; Joel 3:3; Matt. 21:31-32; Lk. 15:30; 1 Cor. 6:15-16; Jas. 2:25
Scribe - Teacher of the law: 1 Chr. 2:55; 1 Chr. 24:6; 27:32; Neh. 8:1; 13:13; Jer. 36:26; Matt. 2:4; Mk. 2:6; Acts 4:5
Silversmith: Judg. 17:4; Prov. 25:4; Acts 19:24
Spinning - Weaving: Ex. 28:3; 35:25-26; 2 Ki. 23:7; Prov. 31:19; Acts 9:39
Stonecutters: 1 Ki. 5:15; 2 Ki. 12:12; 1 Chr. 22:15
Supervisor: 2 Chr. 31:13; 34:17
Tanner: Num. 31:20; Acts 9:43; 10:6, 32
Tax Collector: Dan. 11:20; Matt. 10:3; Lk. 5:27
You are giving and being blessed for it. Being Spirit led, I give far more than a mere tenth of my income. But you are confusing the Biblical tithe with giving.
It is very unfortunate that church leaders changed the definition of God's tithe in 1870 and now teach the tithe incorrectly.
IF God is in your church, God will put it in the hearts of the members to give generously. IF God is not in your church, the pastor will have to teach tithing. Pastors who teach tithing lack faith that God will take care of His Church. It's a faith issue. Tithing = little faith. The pastor is relying on the world instead of God.
If a person is giving to the church, it should be given to the church, not the pastor. There is a thing called pastor appreciation, when the money goes directly to the pastor. It is a gift to him directly and not associated with the church whatsoever. The church should then pay out of its stores a salary to the pastor without regard to gifts given to the pastor.
Our church is a small church, with the offerings barely covering expenses, even the pastor's salary. When I know that the church is having difficulties paying the salary, I give gifts to the pastor to tide him over 'til the church has more resources.
Tithing is an Old Testament law. We are under grace. However, churches can't exist without tithes and offerings.
I don't tithe. I do give. I give as the Holy Spirit leads me to give.
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