According to Psa.51:16-17, God does not delight in burnt offerings or sacrifices. For the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit and a broken and contrite heart He will not despise.
2 Co. 9:7, Every man according as he purposes in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loves a cheerful giver.
I will take the bridge only if the river running under it has crystal clear waters haha
>>And if someone purposes not to give, isn't that selfishness?
Absolutely sis, but noone in this thread is teaching not to give. We are commanded to give, but we cannot teach tithing to knew Testament born again believers as commands to be obey today without using scripture erroneously, without taking scripture out of context. Giving has not been the subject nor is it in question. Every member of the body is called to give and to give joyfully and at times sacrificially.
Usually when a Christian purposes in his heart to give or do anything, it is by grace, a Divine influence on his heart to act. "Called obedience to the Spirit"
Do Not Stop giving to the Church. God will always guide you to give to his people. We need places to fellowship and there is much need in the body of Christ and among the unbelievers as well. This thread is not about not giving to the Chruch, may it never be. It is about an Old Testament command being twisted to be a New Testament command, when it is not. But that is for every member of the body of Christ to learn as the Holy Spirit continues to renew our minds.
JB - Spot on!
Blessings y'all.
I just read this today. I've been so behind on my emails but I needed a break off of this thing. Thank you so much brother. I appreciate all you do here thru the Lord. Have a Merry Christmas
FOR ME , tithing can be anything your heart can afford. It does not have to be 10%, but what soever your heart deights, it can be more then 10%. LOVE YOU SIS BETT.
We just had a Biblical Financial Seminar over the last couple of weeks performed by Horizon Financial Services. John Young, CFCA and his son Matt Young run it in our area. They provide free financial counseling services, free financial seminars...all Biblical based. And as always, the question of tithe on gross or net came up. He said he used to try and answer that Biblically, but now, he answers it by asking them a question: How much do you want to be blessed on?
It is something I warred with cause I honestly could not see HOW to pay on my gross. So what I did was paid on net and then paid on my tax refund. Plus, I felt so guilty I gave and gave in offerings and other areas, I guess trying to "make up" for it.
I just had my free session with Mr. Young last night. After he viewed what I made and my expenses (all reasonable and necessary as even he could see), he asked: Where are your groceries. LOL That's why I live off my tax refund through the year. I don't know how I've sustained this long if it weren't for God, cause expense (daycare, housing - which is minimal, utilities, car, insurance, gas, etc.) leave me about $100/mo. I had never put it on paper before. Doing so really depressed me. And then he said....it's not as bad as it looks. Most people owe $500 more per month than they bring in. LOL I guess I needed someone to put it in perspective for me. To me it looks bad. To a financial advisor, it's not the end of the world.
He wholeheartedly believes in tithing and sees that I pay that and I explained about how I warred over gross or net. He didn't even touch on that or make me feel I was in the wrong for making up my 10% off of my tax refund. Even all the extra I put out, he said God knows that I want to give, but I honestly don't have it to give out that freely. I have a responsibility to my son, my family, a responsibility to my bills. Offerings and gifts are above and beyond and one day maybe I will have it to spread. But right now, I do not and need to stop feeling the guilt of that.
Aside from that, most people concern themselves with tithing in a monetary sense and yet don't once consider their time. Do you tithe 10% of your time? This to can bring guilt, it has for me. I pray daily, read my Bible regularly. Yet when I'm thinking 10%, it's 10% spent working in my church and that's not so. Am I giving GOD 10% of my time? Not my church, but GOD. Am I spending 10% of my time engaged in those things that are of God? Thinking on God, meditating on scripture, reading my Bible, attending church, listening to sermons (God's Word), etc.?
Tithing is such a debated topic and so many say gross, and others say net is fine and still others say tithing was an OT belief. God said....give according to your heart cause if you give grudgingly, He doesn't even honor it anyway. And if your heart truly feels you cannot do gross or you question that, doing it just because someone says you should, is grudgingly, it will not be honored.
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