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If you REALLY want to study tithing, I offer over 150 articles on my web site. Tel me what is right or wrong with the following:

1. Post-Calvary Christian giving principles in Second Corinthians are superior to tithing. (1) Giving is a "grace.” (2) Give yourself to God first. (3) Give yourself to knowing God’s will. (4) Give in response to Christ’s gift. (5) Give out of a sincere desire. (6) Do not give because of any commandment (8:8, 10; 9:7). (7) Give beyond your ability. (8) Give to produce equality. (9) Give joyfully (8:2). (10) Give because you are growing spiritually. (11) Give to continue growing spiritually. (12) Give because you are hearing the gospel preached.

2. Abraham's tithed in Genesis 14 in obedience to pagan tradition. (1) He did not "freely" give. (2) His was NOT a holy tithe from God’s holy land by God’s holy people under God’s holy Covenant. (3) His was only from pagan spoils of war required in many nations. (4) In Num. 31, God required 1% of spoils. (5) His tithe to his priest-king was a one-time event. (6) Not from his personal property. (7) Kept nothing for himself. (8) Is not quoted to endorse tithing. (9) Most commentaries explain 14:21 as pagan Arab tradition, it is contradictory to explain the 90% of 14:21 as pagan, while insisting the 10% of 14:20 was obedience to God’s will. (10) If Abraham were an example for Christians to give 10%, he should also be an example for Christians to give the other 90% to Satan, or to the king of Sodom! (11) As priests, neither Abraham nor Jacob had a Levitical priesthood to support; they probably left food for the poor at their altars.

3. Although money was common and essential for worship for over 1500 years, biblical tithes were always only food increased by God from inside Israel (Lev. 27:30, 32; see site for all 16 texts).

4. Since only farmers and herdsmen tithed, there was no minimum standard requirement for most. Tradesmen such as carpenters (Jesus), Peter (fishermen) and Paul (tentmakers) did not qualify as tithe-payers. The poor and Gentiles did not tithe.

5. Tithing was only commanded to national Israel under the terms of the Old Covenant. Tithing was never commanded to the Church after Calvary (Ex 19:5-6; Lev 27:34; Mal 4:4; Mt 23:23 matters of the law).

6. Those who received the first whole tithe did not minister atonement (Num. 18:21-24; Neh10:37b). Priests only received 1% (a tenth of the tithe) (Num 18:25-28; Neh 10:38).

7. In exchange for receiving tithes, both Levites and priests forfeited all rights to permanent land inheritance inside Israel (Num. 18:20-26).

8. Firstfruits are not the same as tithes. Firstfruits were a very small token offering (Deu 26:1-4; Neh 10:35-37; Num 18:13-17). Tithes were the tenth and not the best; only 1% of the tithes included the best (Lev. 27:32, 33).

9. There were 4 O.T. tithes: (1) Government taxes (1 Sam 8:14-17). (2) Levitical (Num. 18:21-28; Neh. 10:37-39). (3) Festival (Deu 12:1-19; 14:22-26). (3) Poor tithe every 3rd year (Deu 14:28-29; 26:12-13).

10. Tithes were often taxes used to support Levite [politicians (1 Chron, chap 23 to 26; esp 23:2-5; 26:29-32; 27:5). Tithes never supported mission work (Ex 23:32; Heb 7:12-18).

11. OT Levitical tithes were brought first to the Levitical cities and not to the Temple (Num 18; Neh 10:37-39; 2 Chron 31:15-19). Most Levites required tithes in their Levitical cities where 98% stayed (Num 35, Josh 20, 21).

12. Malachi 3 is the most abused tithing text in the Bible. (1) Malachi is OT and is never quoted in the New Covenant to validate tithing. (2) Tithes are still only food. (3) His audience reaffirmed the OT curses (Neh.10:28-29). (4) The blessings and curses of tithing are identical to and inseparable from those of the entire Mosaic Law (Deu 28:12, 23-24; Gal 3:10/Deu 27:26). (5) “You” in Malachi refers to the dishonest priests and not the people (1:6-14; 2:1-10; 2:13 to 3:1-5). (6) The “whole” tithe never went to the Temple! (Neh 10:37b). (7) The Levitical cities must be included in a correct interpretation. (8) The 24 courses of Levites and priests must be included. (9) The “storehouse” in the Temple was only several rooms (Neh 13:5, 9). (9) “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse” only makes contextual sense if it is only commanding dishonest priests to replace the tithes they had removed from it or had failed to bring to it.

13. The OT Temple and priesthood have been replaced by the priesthood of every believer. NT elders and pastors more closely resemble OT prophets who were not supported by tithes.

14. Tithing was not legalized as a church law until AD 777. If was not introduced as a local regional law until the 6th century. See any reputable encyclopedia.

15. NT giving principles are: freewill, sacrificial, generous, joyful, not by commandment or percentage and motivated by love for God and lost souls.

From the book, Should the Church Teach Tithing?
Good Morning Russel,

The post you submitted, is huge and certainly covers Tithing from many angles.
Because of it's size one would need time to work through it all. But I - and I am sure all on AAG - appreciate your input. Although this will take a number of hours of study, I believe it to be necessary and the time will not be wasted.

While reading your post I realised the need for another "convenience" not available here on AAG. I speak of the ability to simply place one's cursor over the text reference and read the text as it "pops" up into view.
E-Sword the Bible Program created by Rick Myers has this ability and it certainly removes the burden of continually searching through the Bible to read the verse references.

I will be passing this post on to Greg, the founder and chief co-ordinator of AAG to inquire whether the above suggestion is at all possible to program into AAG.

If it is possible to have this convenience, it would certainly help one in keeping focused on a post such as yours and not allow the "burden of searching" scriptures to make one lose interest.
This would be a pity. Firstly because in depth studies are necessary and secondly
your effort would have been wasted.

Once again thank you for your interesting post - I have yet to go through it - and I will be calling in at your site to look for further offerings.

The Lord Bless you in your service to Him.


I feel really bad for you. Is that your true opinion of all churches, for you make no distinction? Do you believe that most exist to buy signs and support lavished lifestyles? I know congregations and denominations that support hospitals, orphanages, missionaries, and relief ministries around the world and in the U.S.. I encourage you to run from the kind of congregations that you detailed, but encourage you to not stop looking if you have, for the church that loves Jesus and lives for Him. For there are many loving and vibrant congregations out there that are a blessing to the community, world and to the believers that attend it.

P.S. Why would I get mad at Jesus regarding His church. He loves His church, the body of Christ. You are the one combining churches in error with churches that love and serve.

Let me see if I can end this matter, before it gets out of complete control.

TODAY, it is common practice for Christians to speak of "tithing" when what they really mean is "giving". A Christian may well give 40% one month and 35% of his salary the next, yet still refer to it as "tithing".

I believe j.CEPHAS, that you jumped into the discussion, ready to ridicule your brother.
Your reply lacked concern or any consideration for your brother's feelings. It is not a reply that would have been given by the Holy Spirit.
Neither was there any offer to help your brother in getting his terminilogy correct other than telling him "He has no say in the matter".

I leave it to you as to the road you wish to walk in this, with either proper advice given in Christian love or an apology.

But after that let us not persue this post any longer.
Hi all the saints in Christ, pls let us consider well matt 5:17-20 about the law and matt 23:23.Our master says i come to fulfil the.we are in Him as his body when He said this. Also ,he kept tithing on one hand and justice mercy.:. on the other and said do the justice side which is vital and not to leave the tithgng undone
Does anybody ever actually STUDY the Bible any more?

Matthew 5:17-18 MUST be interpreted in the context of 5:10-48 where Jesus was talking about obeying ALL 600+ commands of the Law. There is no legitimate principle which allows Christians to pull tithing out of those 600+ and throw most of them back as irrelevant.

I believe that Jesus perfectly fulfilled the righteous requirements of ALL of the Law and that I died to Law principles when I became a Christian per Romans 7:4. My new "spirit of life in Christ Jesus" per Romans 8:2 has God's new law written in my heart. That new covenant law of love tells me to give SACRIFICIALLY without any regard to any percentage!! For many that means MORE than 10%.

And Matthew 23:23 is a discussion (if you read the text) of "matters of the law." The conversation took place before Calvary and is in Old Covenant context. Tell me how Jesus could have possibly commanded His GENTILE disciples to tithe. And tell me which Christian church today commands its members to tithe mustard seeds as Jesus commanded. Do you count them out one at a time?
Dr. Kelly,

I too compliment you on your extensive work on this subject. I have visitied your web site and the web sites of your contemporaies. It has helped me to adjust my thinking and understanding on the topic.

At the same time I too am troubled by the manner in which you addressed people, especially in your last post. To assume someone has not studied the Bible is presumptuous on your part. We may not have studied that topic or even the whole of Scripture as much as you, but that does not mean one has not studied. There are many on this site who are new believers and need to be guided. A harsh response will cause them to not only not share a view, but also to not ask questions. These forums are designed to help people grow and most grow through encouragement as the Word of God is discussed and taught.

PR 15:1 "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." (NIV)

Lord Bless,
I am aware that this question will attract some raised eyebrows but I will ask anyway.

What actually constitutes STUDYING the bible. I mean I read the word every day and even listen to it on an audio translation via an Ipod in an attempt to increase my knowledge and enhance my chances of living my life in accordance with the example set by Jesus.

I am sure however that this does not consitute study of the Bible.

Clarification from one or more of you lovely people would be appreciated.

I too am open to instruction, guidance, correction. Anything that will bring be closer to God and assist me in being able to dwell in His presence every single day.

God Bless

Rob Burns
Hi Rob,

Bible Study can take may forms.
Gifts of the Spirit
etc etc
It all depends on what interests you have.
Naturally it is best to start on Salvation. A) In order to know who, what and where you are in Christ and B) To enable you to lead others to Christ.

May I suggest one of, if not the best Bible program that is available free of charge on the Internet.
This is the e-sword program. www.esword
Besides downloading the Bible program you can also download any number of the following.
1. Any amount of different versions of the Bible. (I have 36 different versions)
2. Any amount of Dictionaries. (There are 13 in my library on esword)
3. Any amount of Commentaries. (I have 18 that I can use to pick the brains of experts)
There are also many other advantages in the form of Maps, Biblical Topics etc.
All of the above is free. Rick Meyers, who is the author of esword has the following for a motto.
"Freely have you received, therefore freely give."
One of the excellent addittions is a "Search" ability. Find any verse in a second or two by simply filling in one or two words of the verse.

Trust this will be of help to you

Christian Greetings ~ Ron
Bev, Ron and Charles,

Thank you so much for the provision of such fantastic advice and direction. Advice and direction that I truly believe is inspired by the Holy Spirit. I will ensure that I will use this wonderful advice as I seek to draw closer to the Lord my God.

Ron, Thanks for your tip on esword. I will make my way there as soon as I have finished here.

Charles, I thankyou for the clear and concise way you presented your response. It certainly does help a novice like myself.

Bev, As usual thank you for being you. My new best friend in the Lord.

God bless you all.

Rob Burns

Just downloaded the esword program you mentioned. Wow. What an amazing resource.
What versions of the bible would you recommend for download. Remember, be gentle - In training here.

My wife won't be seeing much of me now. :)

Thanks again

Rob Burns
Hi Rob,
I am so glad that you did yourself this favour by downloading eSword.
Every version of the Bible, simply says the same thing. Some are clearer than others.
I down loaded the lot, simply to be able to compare and get deeper into the Word.
The KJV (King James version) The BBE (The Bible in Basic English) and the GNB (Good News Bible) will be an excellent choice for a beginner. As you move on you may download more.

Just remember that when you want to "Search" for a verse, you must use the version from which you are quoting.
You will never find the verse if you are searching in the Good News Bible by quoting from the King James Bible. "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet"
The reason being that the Good News Bible says it differently: "But when you pray, go to your room,"

I would also download as many commentaries as you have space for as they will help you to understand the verses you are reading.

You will also need a couple of Dictionaries, eg. "Easton" "Torrey" and "ISBE"

I leave the rest of this enormous library for you to download free of charge as you grow in the Word. Get excited because all of the works found here, are sound and will give you
a "Theological Library" at your finger tips. I would recommend esword to all on AAG who do not have a Bible program. Before I heard of esword I purchased a program and it cost me over R2000.00. Also I had to pay for every extra Bible or Commentary etc. I wanted. It was not a patch on esword. For those in need of a Bible program, the address for esword is: www.esword

The Lord Bless us all ~ Ron


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