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Am not sure of your thrust here, but it seems to be that you are justifying tithing. If in fact that is what you are trying to accomplish, I must say that tithing is a limitation. It says if I give 10% of something (that really has no Bible definition other than our increase ... whatever that is), then I have satisfied God's demands. The fact is God owns everything we have. Because He does, He may want us to "give" 50% or 75% of what He has provided us. In those situations we are to OBEY His directives. Tithing really has NO meaning to a Christian!


Your view is noted, but I disagree on several fronts. 1) the tithe is the principle given by God and carries on today. 2) One is not limited too only the tithe. It is the base not the cap. If you choose to ignore tithing that is between you and God. It is your blessing to forfeit, but you cannot substantiate that the tithe was ordered to cease in any manner from Scripture, thus it applies to us who are Christian today.

Lord Bless,
The problem with tithing is it generates an idea that the other part is ours, when in fact all is God's. It also makes us feel proud when we have done it.

For some reason both you and Ron are assuming I think we should not give 10% to God when what I am trying to say is that we should give what God wants and that almost always is MORE than 10%. He wants us to turn over all decisions to Him, including the giving of $$.

And the only way you can say that I can't provide a Scripture eliminating the tithe is to say it was not part of "The Law" (but it most certainly was). Romans 10: 4 For Christ is the end of the Law - the limit at which it ceases to be, for the Law leads up to Him Who is the fulfillment of its types, and in Him the purpose which it was designed to accomplish is fulfilled.

The Law does not apply to Christians today.

I simply disagree with your last statement. The Law has no power over us in that it cannot separate one who has come to salvation from the Father, for Christ paid the price. The principles are still there. Christ fulfilling the Law does not negate the Law, but its power over us when we fail no longer condemn us. The Law's purpose is and was to point us to our sin and need for a Savior. Jesus fulfilled the Law enabling us to be saved through Him. If the law is fulfilled in the manner in which you depict, I repeat, by what authority did Paul call for rhe expulsion of the person in 1 Corinthians 6?

Regarding your first statement: People will always prevert the meaning of God's principles (i.e. the other part is ours). When the principle is taught and not ignored this fear and error will be at least revealed, if not removed. When I tithe I do not feel "proud." I experience a time of worship as I worship my Lord through the tithe and freewill offering. I am sure that many may feel pride, that does not make them right, nor does it change the command.

There is no question that we are free to give more and must seek God's guidance in the how much and the where to share His resources as good stewards. The Tithe is a base principle that guides people in regards to giving, especailly on the onset of their journey with Him. For most how love Jesus, my opinion, will surpass the tithe and truly give freewill love offerings.

Lord Bless,

Thanks so much for replying to my question. It was and will be very helpful. I am enjoying your spirited discussion on the Tithing issue with Larry.

God bless Ron, I will keep in touch for sure.
Hey Larry,

You agree with LT and I that we are free from the law regarding Salvation.
You agree with us that it is not wrong as a Christian to give a tithe or even more providing we do not consider doing this as a means of obtaining salvation.
You agree with us that the Law is still applicable when it comes to our personal behaviour.
Loving God with all our heart, mind and soul, goes without question.
Loving our neighbour is part of the Christian nature.
All three of us agree with each other... So what is the "problem"..............??

Absolutely nothing.

I love you both.
Wow..this has to be one of the longest discussion responses that I have ever read and while the answers are mostly valid and to the point, by reading this It seems to me that the responses are more of a debate of who is getting the last word (I apologize if I'm mistaken). While a little friendly debate is necessary to express different views, debating too eagerly can give off the wrong impression. My first intention was to start another discussion on tithing, but in a lighter sense. I believe that tithing is a biblical view mostly discussed in the Old testament that need to brought to the forefront of the present. Because the answers are so thought provoking, a question came to mind about tithing, given it is a present standard. If someone wanted to give, but did not have a church home (maybe in between finding a new church home) would giving 10%, or how ever much, to charity or to a voluntary oraganization be sufficient?
Hi There little sheep,
Well said young lady..... Yes sometimes we get carried away looking at the broad picture and not realising that we are all looking at the same picture, but possibly from different angles.
It's only when we are exhausted that we find common ground. The plus side of this is that it is open for all to read and possibly get a good understanding of what tithing is all about.

When you give to the church regularly it soon becomes a habit - a good habit best continued regularly. Sometimes "littlesheep" if you had no church, there are needy people out there, who are in desperate need, but here you have to be very careful. People are inclined to take advantage. So it would be far better to give to a church body who probably have a need themselves.

Littlesheep if you are without a place to worship, it can also become a habit - a bad habit - to not go to church while there are many around you. Just as people who are caught in a snow storm, huddle together to keep warm, so Christians must keep together in order to stay "alive" to Christ. Outside of the Christian community, the longer you stay away, the more difficult it is to get back.

The Lord Bless you with all the love that He has for you.

Your friend in Christ ~ Ron.
Well actually there are four different churches around my area that I consider to be place of worship. They are all great churches. The one that I have been going to most of my life has been a blessing to my mother who has taught my siblings and I the love of Christ, but doesn't seem to fit 'me' in particular. Another is my sister's church, then my brother's church, and a church that my mother goes to now and again. All are blessed, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost. I just want to increase my understanding of God and what He would have me to do here on earth. I guess what ever church I can get a ride to (because I do not have a vehicle right now) is the one I will go to Sunday morning and will also receive my tithes and offerings. I do not know if that is a bad thing, but I have certainly learned much in a small time from churches that preach that word of God and not their own opinions. I'm not sure what the Lord wants me to do or what is going to happen next, but like 'my pastor' said this morning trust in the Lord with all of your heart in all circumstances. He will order your steps and guide you to your God-given destiny. I thank God for all of them. It was just a question that I thought, if answered, could help someone else, maybe not the average church goer.

At the risk of sounding like I am trying to get the last word in :-)

The "debate" between Ron, Larry and myself has been a healthy discussion in my opinion. It was not about last word, but rather discussing our views openly. In this thread you will notice two things happening, I believe both are positive. 1) In this discussion we discussed the topic, were passionate about what we believe, but never attacked the "character" of the other person. Nor did we once insinuate that the other was not a believer because they disagreed with the other's view. I believe respect was shown throughout the discussion. Good discussions keeps to the topic and does not digress into personal attacks. 2) You may say that some of the time the discussion seemed heated. For sure there was some friction. The Bible tells us "iron sharpens iron" and often people forget that in the sharpening of the piece of iron by another piece that both pieces get sharper and both experience friction (heat), but in the end, both are the better for it. There is a third aspect. 3) as Ron put it "The plus side of this is that it is open for all to read and possibly get a good understanding of what tithing is all about."

Lord Bless,
Thank you for your response LT. God Bless!


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