All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I've read the Word of God and read the Good News of our LORD Jesus Christ. I've also heard preachers and teachers of the Word of God. I've never read any scripture that talks about fun and joking around? Does God accommodate Fun and Jokes? Do we have to have fun and enjoy our lives on the? Are we neglecting Gods call over our lives?

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Jesus has a great sense of humor.   :-)   Using me as an example, I can be a little stubborn.  Jesus knows this.  That's when I know He's watching and teaching me.  Instead of being angry when I'm stubborn, He will use humor.  I can feel His humor. If I turn on the tv late at night, I will find a show about the things He wants me to learn. I'll get surprise e-mails, postal letters, books, tapes. He'll show me information for days. The first time I realized He was teasing me (like a big brother sense of humor) I rejoiced. I'm like...Okay, I get the message. He's a personal saviour.

Love and God bless,

Have you ever gotten up early and shared the sunrise with Him and just talked?

We are made in God's image. Why would He make us different than Himself in that area? We have humor because it's in our genes passed down from our Father.

I was once asking God about driving a route He'd told me not to drive to spare myself pain. When I felt strong enough to not be hurt by it I asked if I could take that shorter route again. No sooner had I spoken the question, we're talking as the last word was leaving my mouth, I passed a church sign that read "What about thou shalt not do you not understand?" Some call that coincidence but in doing so, they miss a lot of what God offers.

Jesus spoke many parables (stories) that were perhaps considered humorous in that age. And you can often see irony in some of what He said like give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and straining out gnats and blind leading blind.
Oh, dear. What does this mean? Over the weekend I was on my way to the mall, and I take a multi-vitamin and biotin everyday, but I passed a church sign that said: The best vitamin for Christians is B1! 

The funniest account to me in Scriptures is found in 1 Samuel 5:1-5 when the ark of God is taken into the house of Dagon. But I like irony.
Well if you had just said "all those high and mighty Christians looking for eternal life. If they really wanna live longer they should just take vitamins"...then I'd start to worry. LOL!

Great question –

Keeping humor through translations from Aramaic, Greek and Hebrew to English is problematic. It is even difficult to translate an English joke into Spanish and retain the humor. But the bible has plenty of humor.


Not only does it have humor, but it tells us that OUR JOY IS IN THE LORD. WE CANNOT BE TRULY JOYFUL WITHOUT GOD.


Neh 8:10b For the joy of the Lord is your strength.


Ps 5:11 But let all those that put their trust in You rejoice: let them ever shout for joy,

because You defend them: let them also that love Your Name be joyful in You.


Ps 16:11 You will show me the path of life: in Your presence is fulness of joy;

at Your right hand there are pleasures for evermore.


The bible goes on to tell us to rejoice always. You can say that it is a command.

I find many stories with humor, such as Elijah mocking Baal's prophets during the contest on Mount Caramel.

At noon Elijah began to taunt them. "Shout louder!" he said. "Surely he is a god! Perhaps he is deep in thought, or busy, or traveling. Maybe he is sleeping and must be awakened." hahaha I Kings 18:27

I had another thought...Baalam being lectured by a donkey. LOL


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