First things first, I am a new member to Thenet and pretty excited about the journey ahead. I have some questions and thoughts that I was hoping the community could help out with and clear my head.
It started about a month ago when I met a woman, a devoted Christian Woman. I've been seeing her on a daily basis for the most part and things are amazing as of now. The only real trouble between us is she is Christian and I am not. This poses a problem for her. She will not date a non Christian. Since meeting her and realizing how amazing she is, it's made me want to change to be a better person and I've become interested in her way of life and decided in the past few days I would begin my path to become closer to god and build the relationship I've never had. Having her in my life has struck the light on to make me want to pursue Christianity, I want to know if that is a bad choice on my part to pursue such things because of someone else's influences. All tho she has not directly tried to influence me I feel that to take the next step in a relationship with her, it is one I must make. Now is a time in my life I feel that God is calling me maybe and that is why I have decided to take proper steps.
thanks in advance all input welcome please
A great place to start is found on the home page of AAG and to the right in this discussion. It is entitled "The Good News." Read through it and at the bottom you will find "What is your response." If you have more questions you can click on it and you will receive help via email. You can also ask me specific questions and I will be glad to help you on the most important journey of your life leading to the most important decision in your life. You can do this in open forum or email me personally through the AAG email system. I will send a request to add you as my friend. Once you accept, if you choose to, you will be able to email me.
Lord Bless,
Thank you so much Lt, Bev, LB for your time to reply it is very much appreciated and was helpful to say the least. Over the last few days I have been over a lot of the site taking in as much as I can and just hoping I can do the best I can. I find many things to take on and do not know where to start. I have started reading the New Testament, Marc first. 232 is now going to be part of my day to day life. It sounds like praying for repentance is a most definite next step along the way.
my kindest thanks
Hello Nicholas, welcome to AAG. This community is a very loving and caring community, all about sharing the love of God. Firstly, having made a decision to follow christ is one of the best decisions, if not actually the best decision one can ever make in life. So, you are heading in the right direction. However, I conquer with Bev when she says the motive of your decision is very vital; are you accepting Jesus because you want this girl you like to like you back (since she will not date a non christian). As you go ahead in christianity, you will understand where she is coming from. The Bible actually instructs us christians not to be "unequally yoked" with unbelievers, thats why she says that so don't think shes being difficult. Or are you making this decision because you have now realised the need for Jesus in your life?Your motive is really important because you see, sometimes things don't always turn out the way we hope, even for us christians. So, if you come into christianity expecting God to give this girl's heart to you, you might end up disappointed if it turns out otherwise and then have a negative attitude towards christianity altogethr, thinking God is not a caring God. That's why its important for you to weigh your motives. On the other hand, when you accept jesus because you realise the need for you to have him in your life, he actually gives us even what we do not ask for. right now you may not understand everything so clearly but it will all come to light in due course. For now what you can do is find some place to sit quietly by yourself everyday and then talk to God, just the same way you talk to your friends. I usually like to do that when I need an answer or just want to be alone with Him, it helps. So sit quietly and ask Him to reveal to you what He wants you to do and ask Him to correct your heart if there are any wrong motives about your decision. You will be suprised at how magical this can be. You might think, "God I don't want to lose this girl please help me" but you will be suprised at how many things you don't deserve that He has given you and is yet to give you. In the first place, we did not even deserve Him to die for us but he did! And all this because He loves us. That's why we ought to seek Him first before we seek anything else read Matthew 6:33 from any Bible). You see Nicholas, god is jealous for you and He does nopt want to share Your love for Him with any other person except Himself, not even a spouse. when you give Him all the love and not hold anyone in higher esteem than Him, you will be suprised by the many things he will give you and you will never wanna be away from Him again. All the best brother, and I pray God reveals Himself to you as you seek the right way.
God Bless!
This is a fair question, one I ask myself daily
"the motive of your decision is very vital; are you accepting Jesus because you want this girl you like to like you back (since she will not date a non christian). As you go ahead in christianity, you will understand where she is coming from. The Bible actually instructs us christians not to be "unequally yoked" with unbelievers, thats why she says that so don't think shes being difficult. Or are you making this decision because you have now realised the need for Jesus in your life?"
About a week ago, I told her I would do anything to not let there be a gap between us. If it meant going to church or becoming Christian I told myself it would be worth it to make the change. Over the week I became interested in her life, well from the beginning I was already interested. We continued to hang out and she gave me a bible to start reading which I have and I started to do my research and begin my journey to find answers myself. I wish nothing more than to start my personal relationship with god as I have already. I would say she steered me towards it with absolutely no pressure but I have started to believe on my own and peaked interest myself and told myself its what I wish and want... Does that make sense?
I would say it is fair Nicholas. At first you may not necessarily have made the decision for God Himself but when you did go through, you probably realised this is what you actually needed yourself. The truth is, we all need Jesus Nicholas, even we who have been walking with Him for sometime still need Him everyday. You see, God Himself corrects our motives when He sees us going in the wrong direction. All we have to do is ask. And as the Bible says, "All things work together for good to them that love the Lord" Romans 8:28. So don't worry, continue seeking Him and He will make all things perfect for you in His time. Just let Him lead you and you will be amaze at how things will change in your life. So, all the best to you Nicholas, you are in the right direction. He will meet you at your point of need. Many blessings from the Father!
Stay blessed and much grace!
God is indeed calling you Nic. Repent and believe.
Repent that you have sinned against a beautiful holy God who provided a way for you and him to establish an amazing relationship. He is perfectly holy and cannot just give a blind eye to our sin, so
Believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, that He was crucified for our sins and that He resurrected from the dead after successfully appeasing God’s wrath against us for being disobedient and rebelling against Him.
This was my prayer I made when I answered Christ call in my life Nic:
If you are there, if you are real, please change me, I am sorry, I 'm sorry. I am tire. I am so tire, help me. In the midst of my sobbing I heard him say – I LOVE YOU. I WILL CHANGE YOU, as He embraced me, as I had never been embraced before. The peace that surpasses all human understanding came into my life that day. I have never been the same since then. As soon as I could get my hands on a bible I started reading it. I was led by the Spirit to start in the Gospel of John.
At the time I did not know anything about Christianity. Answered the call Nic - you will get to experience a life beyond anything you can think of or imaging - God is beautiful and faithful, holy and perfect - dude I am telling you - He is the bomb.
Blessings to you
Hi, Nicholas.
I pray blessings on you as you start on the most fascinating journey of your life. Regardless of where you choose to start in studying God's Will for your life, you will learn what is in store for you as a Christian, and learn what promises God has made to those who believe on Christ Jesus. You will read things in it and know that the words are spoken directly to you.
Many blessings to you as you start the adventure of a lifetime.
Greetings Nicholas,
Your situation is interesting, for sure. It seems to me that you want to do what is right, for both of you. And you`ve received some excellent posts to help in your decisions.
Question: Is this possibly a "marriage being made in heaven"? Or: Are you becoming a Christian to fulfill a requirement?
Here are some things to consider - When Jesus walked the face of this earth, He healed people of illness and infirmities to get their attention so He could testify to them.
The Holy Spirit can use another believer (like a certain lady) to get your attention so He can convict you of your sin of unbelief.
Question: Would you consider coming to Christ if this lady was not in the picture?
I only pose this query to compare Acts 8:21,"You have no part or portion in this matter, for your heart is not right before God." Only you, Nick, and God, know your heart. If you want to check the whole account of Simon, it`s Acts 8:9-24.
If you want to be a Christian, Jesus tells it like it is in Luke 9:23-24,"And He was saying to them all,"If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me, (24) For whoever wishes to save his life shall lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it."
Nick, you`re looking at the most important decision you will make in your life. Your soul is worth more than all the money and valuables in the whole world (Luke 9:25,"For what is a man profited if he gains the whole world, and loses or forfeits himself?")
But, keep this in mind: Romans 8:31,"What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?"
I`m praying for you both, my friend.
Grace and Peace.
Hi Nicholas,
Welcome to AAG. It's been a few weeks since you posted this discussion. How are you doing?
Blessings, Carla
I'm doing great Carla, Thank you for asking. I appreciate the thoughts, How are you doing?
My work schedule is a bit hectic, but I am steadfast in my path right now. I guess I have a question about repentance. Is there a certain way I should do or go about it? Right now, I guess while I pray I ask for forgiveness of my sins. I just like to do things right so that is something I've wanted to have cleared up
Hey Nicholas, welcome to!
Jesus essential message, from the start was "repent and believe". That's our weak English translation for something that the Jews understood much more clearly in Jesus' times. Repent meant to Make a Turn - the concept being to turn to God. You see, your Heavenly Father is pursuing you. He wants you to hold up for a second and get to know Him. Yes, it starts with confessing our sin, but it doesn't stop there. God is calling you to know Him and he wants to know you.
The second part of that is to "believe". This is also a word we don't get the full meaning of in English. We tend to think of "believing" as making a mental acknowledgement. That's not what Jesus was saying, though. He calls us to a relationship of trust. This idea of "belief" is like when you rappel down a cliff and you "believe" the ropes and karabiners are going to hold you. It's an interactive concept that God is saying "I want you and I to develop a relationship that gives you courage to trust in me".
Now, we get pretty busy talking about Sin and sins. They keep you from God, like tossing mud in your dad's face would keep you from having a meaningful discussion. It's important to understand that you and I need God, not the other way around. And we have to come to the place where we are willing to humble ourselves and accept that our Heavenly Father has a plan that works.
When we do that other plan - the one we want, it doesn't work. It fails. Every time. My plan? Fail. Your plan? Fail. God's plan? It works every time. Because He works it.
Our problem is that most of us keep tossing mud at Him and not listening. We get going a little His direction, try to do our plan on the way and toss more mud at him while He's warning us about the next fail.
So, the way to get that working is to read His word and pray. Turn away from evil and selfishness - by turning to God.
The Prophets, Jesus and the Apostles all told us that "the secret of God is in His Word". Check out these references:
Deuteronomy 29:29
Isaiah 45:3
Mark 4:11
Matthew 13:1-14
1st Corinthians 2:7
1st Corinthians 4:1
Get ahold of a Bible and read these verses. They will open your soul and your spirit, if you have a willingness to receive from God. Jesus said a wise man is like someone who builds his house on a Rock. It can withstand the storms and floods. And Jesus says that the idea of building on a Rock is "to hear the word of God and do it".
Personally, my recommendation is if you are serious about God - start in Matthew and keep reading through the Gospels and then keep reading the rest of the New Testament. The Holy Spirit will guide you, if you do.
Hi Nicholas,
It isn't bad on your part when you want to pursue Christianity, because of one person. I find it grateful and amazing that you found someone who loves the Lord and you see her beauty shining. By one person, God uses them in our life to help us through and find our way with him. It is by someone's character, actions and Godly love that you know God truly reign's in their life. God uses our surrounding to speak to us. By her alone, God used her in your life and you find it amazing on how you really want to know the God she serves. He has planted a seed in you by the way she presented herself to you, and even maybe by her telling you a little more of who he is. That is one remarkable thing that you are doing, pursuing and trying to know how to seek him the right way.
When you pray to God, don't worry about the steps of how to pray for now, you'll get it later and you'll become more in tune with him on how you should pray. All you have to do is talk to him and be honest with whatever is on your mind, because God already knows your heart and what you will say or do, before you even say or do things. God just wants you to acknowledge it. When you go to God have the right motives, ask him to direct you, show you, teach you, and lead your life and let His will be done in your life. Ask him to help you let go of things in your life that you need to let go of, such as past hurts, bitterness, hatred, forgiveness in your life, forgiveness of others you may have mistreated, and forgive others who have mistreated you and anything you could think of. If you think you don't have anything to let go of, ask him to reveal things to you, he will show you as time goes by. Love, Repentance and forgiveness is the key thing to do with God. Keep your prayer simple that comes from the heart.
You may not feel him or think he is there with you, but he is. God is with you always. In his time, he will bless you and show you who he is when you seek him diligently. When you learn to know more about him by reading the Bible, going to church, praying, and being around people who loves the Lord, you will see and know how truly awesome God is.
May God bless you,
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