All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

  God has designed the church (that's us) in diversity.


I'm weary of seeing judgement in the body of Christ (particularly on this website).  I'm weary that we don't celebrate eachother enough, and recognize the diversity in eachother.


God's Creativity blesses us and helps us to grow, be sanctified, get the job done, and Praise Him in this diversity.  Are you praising God for the differences in others...or condemning the methods that others may use?  (don't worry, I'm posing this question to myself also)


Webster's online dictionary defines 'diversity' in this way:

Definition of DIVERSITY

: the condition of having or being composed of differing elements : variety; especially : the inclusion of different types of people (as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization <programs intended to promote diversity in schools>
The words that stand out for me are; variety, inclusion and different.
What about you?  ('you' means 'me too')
When can we start to edify eachother in our diversity?
Each of us has been given a gift from the Holy Spirit.  What is yours? 
How can we each build eachother up (not tear eachother down).
What are some ways we can recognize the gift in another person, and tell it to them.
Let's celebrate this diversity.
Someone may have a different way than you do...There is one common denominator which must be present..  That is --'In everything--Love--'. 
They may have a different way of studying. 
(do you take notes or not)...personally, I take notes..lots of them. It helps me to remember.
They may have a different way of evangelizing. bold (like Peter), intellectual (like Paul), sharing testimony (like the blind man [John 9]), serving (Dorcas Acts 9:36) , develop relationships first (Matthew in Luke 5:29), Simply inviting people (samaritan women)...  personally...I'm kinda bold.
They may have a different way of encouraging. (praise others, confront others, remind them of their gifts).  personally, I like to praise others, and remind them of past successes.
They may have a different way of admonishing. (boldly, with gentleness, write a letter)
What is your way? I said earlier..  I'm naturally bold.  I need to work on gentleness.  So...when a situation is calling for gentleness, I learn from watching someone else in action.
How can you encourage someone else to effectively embrace how God made them....and grow into who He wants them to be?  This is a big question.  I mean..  REALLY BIG!
Let's Celebrate Diversity! ....and let's learn from eachother in the process.
It excites me to know that others in the body of Christ will do things that I can't, and that I am gifted to do things that God has called me to.  Celebrate it.  Call on one another...  Learn from one another.
OKAY..  don't just sit there..  Get to work.
ps--for the sake of clarity..  In this discussion, I'm referring to 'The Church'. 


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Sharon, it is my understanding that Catholicism believes that their faith group is the "true" Christian religion, and that all others are in error. I know this because I have Catholic friends and I went to Mass every Wednesday with the daughter of my friends. The daughter was in a wheel chair and was unable to go alone. So I took her on Wednesdays while her parents were working. She was in her 30s and required a lot of care and her parents kept her in their home. I am not Catholic but I had no problem attending Mass with my friend every Wednesday at noon. I invited my Catholic friends to come to a service at my church and they declined, saying they could not do that and be true to their Catholic faith. No kidding.

Sister Carla,


Wow! Really great response to your diversity inquiry.

Let me add my $0.02 to the discussion.

Seems to me that diversity concerning God, started back at the beginning of human history......Adam and Eve disobeyed God through being unfaithful by partaking of the forbidden fruit. Why?........because THEY WERE THINKING ABOUT THEMSELVES.

At that time the secular trinity was born - "Me, Myself, and I"........ and has been at odds with the Holy Trinity of God, the Father, God, the Son, and God, the Holy Ghost ever since.


The secular trinity enters into every phase of our lives (unfortunately)..... secular relationships .....organizations..workplaces.....driving vehicles (don't get me started on that).........and the most serious environment - the body of Christ.

As a preacher/ sure is nice to see people smiling, nodding, maybe an audible amen whenever I'm expounding on the Word. Everybody is like that.......we want people to agree with our opinions and interpretations. It's that old secular trinity sneaking in to the situation. I'm afraid that sticky problem is going to be around until Jesus comes back. It does cause divisiveness ( a word close to diversity). Diversity in a church is good......Divisiveness generally leads to people leaving, or splits........bad.


My take on judging...... Jesus' warning in Matthew 7 concerns damning a person to eternal torments. Yes, "damning".... which several forms of this word is printed 15 times in the King James Version - all in the New Testament.

But we MUST discern...or judge people constantly for day-to-day decisions concerning our walk with the Lord.


Again, Carla, thank you for introducing the body to this issue.


Grace and Peace.


Hi Richard,


I like the way you describe the secular trinity... i am in total agreement.


I also agree with what you say about judging....a good word to use is 'discern' as you already said. ;-D

We do need to discern false teachings and wrong paths.


The judging that is draining the body of Christ is judging the salvation of another person.  That's simply something we can't know the answer to.  I think the next question could be..."How do you respond to someone who is saved, but is walking the broad way rather than the narrow way?"  Rather than judge that they are not saved...we need to lovingly hold them accountable, and encourage them in the right direction---always to Jesus.
Paul Washer is a great preacher to address this issue. :-D


Bless you brother,


Bless you Mischelle.. 

The Diversity in the body is beautiful.


Each person created by our Lord for a special purpose.  Each one of us needs to respond in obedience to His call on our lives.  How beautiful and irrestible would the body of Christ be if we actually did... 

..."How far has the church gotten away from truly caring for and loving each other as Paul has described?"


It starts and ends with each of us.  We are all accountable, and will one day have to answer for our actions and our words.



It would help if the church tried to act like a hospital instead of a religous organization. The body is meant ot function for the good of the whole and not as if it were riddled with cancer attempting to destroy itself.


Lord Bless,


Amen and Amen LT





Important discussion.


May already have been shared, but I will state the following anyway :-)


The Bible describes us as different parts of the whole. Each one is unique and has a unique function and is necessary to the completenes of the whole. None is less important for the body to be complete. Whether people understand this or not, we are created to need Jesus and to need each other. Our need for one another is different than our need for Jesus, but still at the center of God's plan for mankind. We are called singularly the church, the body, the bride. There is only one church, one body, one bride.


Praise the Lord!!!


Lord Bless,


Thank you LT. 


Indeed..  and Amen!

Praise the Lord indeed.


It would help if the church tried to act like a hospital instead of a religous organization. The body is meant ot function for the good of the whole and not as if it were riddled with cancer attempting to destroy itself.

Just as with someone with a physical illness, a person that may not have all the knowledge needs to want to get *well*...they need to want to learn more. They need to want to learn the right way, keeping their own minds and hearts open to an aspect different from their own. A different viewpoint. I don't have all the answers...but, I want to have them. You all, at some point or another, introduce me to a different way to look at things. I thank you for it and hope that I, too, am able to shed new light on something that you haven't considered.

What we need is to listen to the other guy, not dismissing what they respond without consideration. The speaker, on the other hand, needs to express their thought....not just something that may be right. Just because a person is not a world renowned writer, doesn't mean that they have no knowledge or experience in a particular area.

I listen to you and consider what you say because you are a pastor, you have experience. I believe, because of you position as pastor, that you will lead me in the right area. I trust what you say. WE are all here for the same reason, basically, and that is to communicate with each other, sharing the Word of God and what it means to us. We can all teach one another.

However, some of us don't feel that way. Such a pity...that.





Three things I think I am hearing you say:


1) We all need to remain teachable.

2) We need to listen carefully and respond in love with as much clarity as possible.

3) Learning is a two way street. None of us have all the answers.


There is a fourth point I think you are making as well: Some are not teachable, do not really listen and thus there can be no two way street of communication and learning.


Let me know if I understood you fairly well on this.


I would add that in each of these important points it all starts with us looking in the mirror.


Lord Bless,


I agree with you, LT, and we all need to inspect ourselves to see if we are ready to learn BEFORE we inspect others.




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