Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. (NLT) -Psalm 20:7 Think about it, we board a plane, get served hot meals, and surf the internet all while cruising at an altitude of 30,000 feet traveling at a speed of 600 miles per hour. Most of us, nonchalantly put our faith in the airplane and crew that we will have a safe landing. Against all those obstacles, why do we find it harder to entrust our lives to God?
Hey Sis,
God is harder to trust because He is not perceive by our natural senses, specially if we are yet to be in Christ. In a fallen state unless God manifest himself to the blind person, that person is not in a position to see God.
We however see God, but we still have a fallen body that wars against the Spirit and gets in the way. We are to put it to death and walk by the Spirit/love, faith, hope and not by sight .
The greatest weapon to destroy unbelief and build up belief, trust and unwavering mind towards him is cultivated Primarily through abiding in his will, His Word.
1 cor. 11When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.12For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known. 13But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.
Bev - Your comment made me smile and give a hearty hallelujah!!
Amen and Amen - my/our redeemer lives and He is the FAITHFUL ONE OF ISRAEL.
ROFL Amanda. I don't even know if I have that much.
He has never given me any reason not to trust Him
He hadn't me either, but many others gave me enough reason to trust that I couldn't trust anyone that by the time I realized the way I'd lived my life was selfish and insensitive and not at all who I wanted to be inside and asked for God to change that, He had to go to work on getting me to trust Him first cause I pretty much believed no one cared enough and if they said they did, it was only so they could get close enough to hurt you.
I was in and out of church as a kid because of my grandparents. And the church I'd at times attended with them was strict Pentecostal so I got a lot of wrong ideas about religion. Then my mom was saved when I was 13, and still needing to do some growing at that point, she jumped right into that religion she too had been taught and I saw it as being hypocritical to the point that I wanted nothing to do with religion.
By the time I turned to God, I hated myself and felt I was just unlovable. Why else did everyone who claimed to love you speak one thing and do another? Or say it just so they could gain your confidence to do things they knew were wrong and didn't care?
Things like this is what makes it so difficult for some people to get out questioning if they're saved, if they're loved, believing God loves them or wants what's best for them. And it makes it even harder when once saved, some well meaning Christians say things that do more harm. I'm not ashamed to admit I literally begged God to show me the truth on some issues. I didn't want to do the wrong thing, but I also didn't want to be doing what religion taught was right out of a guilt feeling.
Just as an example...paying tithes. I was taught God would only prosper you if you faithfully paid 10% of your gross income in tithes to the church. Some older Christians still hold to this. But when I came to Christ (or I should say He sent someone to come and get me - another story), I came with all the same bills and debts and barely able to survive that I had before I came to Him. But being taught this on tithes, I tried to pay anyway. Even when I had to decide between rent and tithes, I paid tithes. Then ended up in a jam on rent and had to borrow from 2 sources to get it paid. I would let daycare rack up for weeks while making sure tithes got paid. I finally had to realize I couldn't do it, and if tithing was what God expected of me, then He was going to have to show me how because I wasn't "getting it". I still hear messages on tithing 10% in order to receive God's blessings. I haven't tithed 10% since October 2013...when I couldn't pay my rent. Since then, I've received 4 bonuses now in a job I'd never before received bonuses at in the over 10 years I'd worked here, and several raises. So I just love to hear someone tell me God can't bless me unless I pay my tithes.
There was also the...God can't or won't help you if you speak negative. Go back up to the first paragraph. Everything bad happening to me, I pretty much figured God hated me, that I really was no good inside and had no hope of ever meeting His expectations...that religion again.
What these kinds of little quips did was to claim that:
The sad thing is, most of the people who make such statements are really stuck by religion themselves. They were raised up in it. The train up a child in the way they should go and when they are older they shall not depart from it scripture is spot on. And why I say I'm a bit envious of those who were raised in it. I can't claim I'm not to blame for taking all these years, but I do have to wonder would I have taken so long had I been taught properly when young...when we're most prone to developing our ideas and we're most capable of being taught.
Anyway, these are some ways God has been helping me to see the truth against what is a religious burden placed on people and how I can still put my trust in Him regardless of how "people" can burden me with thinking I'm not good enough. If it were up to me to be good enough, there'd be no sense in me even going a step further at this point.
I know probably wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy more than the topic, but all this to just say that I'd truly love to gain back all the lost years to have known God's love than to have waited 45 to turn to Him and 3 or 4 more to finally know. But I can't go back, only forward. It's still heart breaking nonetheless.
I'm sure all of us have some regret over things we can't go back and change. Though we shouldn't. It's still hard to know that so many years were just wasted years that could have been put to better use. It hit home pretty hard when my dad passed away in 2012. There were 300+ in attendance at his funeral. It had me thinking of my own and realizing I'd be lucky if there were 20. I know we're not supposed to put stock in things like that, but it's the "reason" that gets me. He had so many because he was loved because he'd helped so many people and had been a major part of the church since he was saved when I was a teenager. But I'd gone it alone for myself and hadn't helped anyone and would in fact try not to, making up any excuse in the book. Since I have a large family, I'm sure I'd have had 20 in attendance, but can't think of a soul who'd have even noticed my passing other than that.
I'm sure there are atheists as well who accepted Christ on their death beds. I absolutely loved the movie God's Not Dead. I actually believe there is no such thing as an atheist by the way. Atheists typically tromp all over anyone talking about God, like they're angered that you would even discuss Him. And honestly, how can you be angry at something you don't even believe in? ;-)
But like the 45 years I wasted away, think of how much God could have done with the atheist if he'd not waited until he was on his deathbed. It's just heart breaking to think about. I tell myself all the time to just not think but my brain tells itself to ignore what I say.
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