All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I justread this short devotion:

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. (NLT) -Psalm 20:7 Think about it, we board a plane, get served hot meals, and surf the internet all while cruising at an altitude of 30,000 feet traveling at a speed of 600 miles per hour. Most of us, nonchalantly put our faith in the airplane and crew that we will have a safe landing. Against all those obstacles, why do we find it harder to entrust our lives to God?

The question is interesting and has me wondering what the answer is. Especially in light of the struggle I had with trust and I'm sure most everyone has had to an extent.

After many things I went through growing up, it damaged my ability to trust. And yet...I love flying. Always have. Or we ride in a car while another drives. We trust many things throughout the day to humans...the ones who've hurt us somewhere at some point. Whether it's one you trusted ending a relationship or letting you down in not keeping a promise...whatever the reason. But we'll walk away from our hurt and board a plane or have someone drive us home while we're in a haze of tears.

So with all that, why is God harder to trust? Even Christians falter in it at times but unbelievers still refuse to trust God while trusting mankind which proves itself untrustworthy time and again.

I it because we're prone to blame? We always want a scapegoat. We point our finger at another before we'll accept blame. When someone hurts us, we can point our finger at them.

But who do we blame when we've done it ourselves or when we feel someone could have done something?

If we can trust a pilot we don't know, is there a way we can reach a complete trust in the God we do know without ever doubting or having even a moment of fear or worry?

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>>>We trust what we know, or at least what we think we know. If we believe lies, then ...

I think we just discovered what's wrong with America. LOL

Sadly this is a common practice.

Hi Seek, God bless you!

I don't know if this is a good answer.??? We make choices. Where do we make choices to put our trust? I asked God why He would want me. I'm not exactly what I would have chosen if I were Him. He said I chose. I'm someone who could look to what satan could offer now but could also look at God and I chose. We all make choices. We make choices to trust and board the plane, get in the car.



Mary, I agree with your take on this.

We do. However...would we give that answer to someone who won't board a plane because they spent 6 months on life support from the last plane they boarded that crashed and they barely survived? That's how God does us. He knows our trust is shattered and needs repaired. He doesn't say it's up to you. If you can't accept it immediately then I have no use for you. He will build our trust...if we want him to. He knows where it hurts and how to heal it. Such hurts make it harder for some to trust.

Now that I think about it, someone who survived a plane crash would likely fear planes yet still have no trouble with cars. Guess it's all what we fear the most.

Seek, this is an interesting question.  I was just reading something similar to this. . God is "not out there"  You are in God and God is in you. -R.R.   A while back I told a friend that I don't trust people and she replied "maybe it is you  that you don't trust" This made me think and she was right.  Just food for thought Thanks...


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