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Why Are churches and congregations still think that it doesn't matter which day you worship the lord on?? Is it because they are blinded by self-righteousness or just plain arrogance??
One of the Lord's Commandments is, Not forget the sabbath, and to Keep it Holy. So why will they obey some of the commandments, yet disobey others??
It is by who keeps the Sabbath, that God will know who his children really are.
I would like to know what others think about what I have written.

Your Sister....Denise

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Ask yourself, what day was Christs' resurrection? . Also, what feast day was it , and what is the 8th day all about in God's timetable. God isnt mixed up about days and months. If you keep the law legalistically then you have missed the intent of Grace and its reality. The origional sabbath was the day God rested. Now ask yourself what did God create on the 7th day
and You'll discover He created Rest. He also stated that those who fail to believe will never enter into His Rest. Rest and Salvation are synonymous. No salvation , no rest, no sabbath. Hope that isnt too deep, think about it. By the way, the Law is just baby food. Jesus took us from prohibition of acts to the intent of the heart, so its no longer did you commit the act but did you harbor it in your heart. We are held to a higher standard. The jews continued to keep the sacrifical sabbath after the final Sacifice was given{The Lamb of God] So God destroyed the temple and put an end to the practice. It was not the reality but only a picture of the Reality. I celebrate the First day, because it s the day my Lord rose from the dead and was seen of men. It was the Jewish feast day of First Fruit, of while our Lord is the first fruit of those born from the dead. I celebrate our Lord Jesus,who kept the law, and the One who kept the law , keeps me. Galatians 5:4 Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace. Be careful not to allow tradition or false piety to interfere with your personal Christ. He sees your heart. Galatians 3:3 Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh? I know it seems like an obligation to keep the commandments, but they were the school master to teach us. Well in Christ I dont have to just know about Him vicariously. I can know HIm personally. I would ask sabbath keepers why they keep one day above another. No part of my daily communion with Jesus is done out of obligation, its all a celebration of His glorious defeat and victory over death and the grave, so that my future is sure. Dont just talk about God, talk to God. He will give you peace about what day to celebrate HIs Life. A photo of a loved one is not your loved one , only a facsimile.Your loved one is not a photo. Your loved one is warm and caring and lovingly tangible. Christ is the same way. God gave us pictures of the reality before Christ came. But they were not the Reality. Celebrate the Reality. WE love Your Lord God, teach us to love you more. God bless you. ps. When we meet to join in corporate worship, it should be just that, a celebration of Life, His life in us and our new life in Him. It should be such a joyous occasion that we cant wait to get there. Are you excited by the opportunity of this the unity of our faith. Its synergetic.Stop trying to pay God back with pentence , its false humility. Just thank Him for your new life and glory in His presence continually. His Spirit will energize your mind and set your heart free from shame, guilt and grief,. Celebrate the King
Why do you?

the articles on the sabbath clarifies many questions as well as answers on keeping GODS seventh day sabbath.
thank you for the post. lets remember to each pray for haiti.
Hi Everyone,

Mar 2:27 Jesus said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.
Mar 2:28 "So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath."

What is the purpose of the sabbath?
The purpose of the sabbath to me is a continual resting in Christ, Knowing that He, being God, is fully in control! It is true worship at it's best! It is not being lazy... It is picking up our crosses daily and prayerfully trusting in Christ for all things, while we 'do life' for His Glory!

When we are truly at rest we are assured that everything is in the hands of God. This rest is a Spiritual rest...It is a knowing and peaceful rest....In the purposes and curcumstances that we find ourselves matter how hard they matter what we see with our eyes.. God is always at work, and He is in Control! He knows how weak we are, and He knows we need to rest in Him...That is why sabbath is for man ...not man for the Sabbath. It benefits US to rest in God. This is what we all need. We need to know how infinitesimal we are in comparison to God....That is when we will truly rest!

God's Word tells us this:
Colossians 2:16–17 (NIV)
16 Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. 17 These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.

2 Corinthians 3:17 (NIV)
17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

These following points are taken from Louie Giglio's book: "i am not...but i know I AM":

*The more we point to Jesus through our actions in our lives, the more rest---True Rest of the sabbath will take roots in our hearts. Knowing and resting in how GREAT GOD IS, is true and uncorrupted worship at its best. Worship and Sabbath go together.

*Taking rest seriously doesn't mean laziness or lack of momentum. It's not a 'let's just sit back in the easy chair of life and let God do everything for us' kind of rest. Sabbath rest is furious rest---it powers our journey!

*Today is the sabbath, it is a state of mind and attitude of the heart.

*Sabbath happens anywhere and everywhere we let go of the controls and lay the cares of our lives at His feet.

*sabbath is to mean it when we say that we want our lives to count for His Glory----this is to drive a stake through the heart of 'self'. This is a painful determined dying of 'self' every day---self power and self glory. Our flesh will not die quietly. We must carry a moment by moment attitude of humility.

Praise God for the sabbath...
In Him, Carla


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