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Why Are churches and congregations still think that it doesn't matter which day you worship the lord on?? Is it because they are blinded by self-righteousness or just plain arrogance??
One of the Lord's Commandments is, Not forget the sabbath, and to Keep it Holy. So why will they obey some of the commandments, yet disobey others??
It is by who keeps the Sabbath, that God will know who his children really are.
I would like to know what others think about what I have written.

Your Sister....Denise

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I believe it is a pretty good assumption that the Churches of today are trying to conform with everyones schedules and they are reaching out to all they can how they can. And honestly if we are to respect the Sabbath as God intends us to do, then all we would do is study His Word and nothing else. And I do not think you can find one person that does just that. If you say you do you are being dishonest with yourself and others. Do you go on the internet on Sunday? Do you watch TV on Sunday? Do you mow lawn or run errands on Sundays? If you can honestly say that you devote 100% of your Sunday to the Word of God than I bow to you but I should never see you respond on here on a Sunday.
The sabbath day was always recognized on Saturday in the Old Testament.
Every Sunday keeping Chirstian acknowledges that Jesus the first day of the week, which is why most Christains go to church on Sunday.
So, if Sunday is the first day of the week, what day did God tell us not to work?
It is not impossible to keep the Sabbath according to God's word. It is possible to go a day without going on internet, watching t.v etc.
God asks us to do this for him! I think if God, the almighty, maker of heaven and earth, asked me to do this for him, I would be on my knees and fully comit myself.
If you can not give up television for one day of the week, then ask yourself, how strong really is your love for God.
He can give his life for us, yet we can not give him one day of our week.

The commandments says; Exo 20:8 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Exo 20:9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
Exo 20:10 but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates.
Exo 20:11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.

In order to keep the Sabbath Day properly we must want to, for all things are possible with God.
Jenny what a lovely email, yes when we think of what God has done for us at the cross and on and on it goes, Reverance, Love are just two words that comes to mind, every day let us do something for God in Love out of reverance, worship, fellowship, at home with the kids with our friends on our own or planning on running to church on time!! lets make that day whatever day we do have with Jesus day off as special as every day. As God says, all things are possible with God

You said you wanted to know what others thing about what you've written. I think you jumped to conclusions that people are self-righteous, disobedient and arrogant. It appears, instead, that they have many sound biblical reasons for not keeping the Sabbath. In the future, you may wish to withold judgment and get all the facts first.

In summary, I think you would do better by conveying your question in a loving and gracious manner.

TheNET Coordinator
Hi Denise,
I am very blessed to hear from you. :-) I do honor the sabbath. It's a day to think about God and to honor Him. I remember the sabbath because I choose to.

After researching the subject and searching my heart, I decided the sabbath was the day of rest for me. However, my reading the word, worship, praise or any other way that I honor the Lord isn't limited to the sabbath. If I can do good and help someone on the sabbath, I will. Most interesting is the record of the man with the withered hand. (Luke 6:6-10) Jesus chose to heal the man with the withered hand on a sabbath day. I think I will follow his example.

God bless,
Mary O.
Colossians 2:16-17 (King James Version)

16Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:

Romans 14:5-6 (King James Version)

5One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.

6He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks.

The fact is Christ became our Passover and Sabbath (Sabbath meaning REST)- 1 Cor. 5:6-7 (KJV), 1 Tim.2:6 (Heb.2:14/Ps.22)/ Sabbath- Heb.4:8-10/ (Ps.37)/ Matt.11:28/ Jer.6:16/ Matt.11:29-30 (Is.63:14)
And we can partake of the rest everyday!

It is my understanding that Jesus died, becaue we were unable to keep the, he did it for us, setting us free to love.

I think the golden standard by which we will be judged is whether or not we loved God with all our heart, and our neighbor as ourself, and whether or not we have the blood of Jesus applied to our lives.

God started us out with one commandment...and now, he has returned us to one....commandment, and that is to love.
What is LOVE?

(2Jn 1:6) And this is love%2
Denise, did you know that God fore-ordained Sunday as the day of worship for the Church, from the beginning? It is true and it is not hard to demonstrate.

First: Saturday Sabbath worship was given to the Jews, a people "under the Torah" (under law). They were given specific mandates and one was that there were very specific "Sabbaths". Not just the Saturday "weekly" Sabbath, but many feast day Sabbaths. If you will read through Leviticus, you will find that there are many specific commands about the "Sabbaths" of Yahweh and the people of the Covenant of Moses were forbidden to forget or "break" those Sabbaths.

One specific Sabbath was unique from all the others. It was the one Sabbath that had the unique distinction of being held on the "First" day of the week, rather than the seventh. The first day of the week is Sunday. That Sabbath was kept from the days of Moses until Jesus. That Sabbath is the Sabbath of "First Fruits", also known as "Pentecost". If you will research into the book of Leviticus, you will find that Pentecost is exactly 50 days from the Passover Sabbath. (Hence the term "Pentecost").

Fifty days is exactly seven weeks (or seven Sabbaths) and 1 day. (49 +1). So, in Acts Chapter 2, you will see that the very first Church worship service, the only one blessed by the arrival of the manifest presence of God the Holy Spirit, was held on a... yes it was... on a Sunday. That day is commonly known throughout Church history as the "Birthday of the Christian Church". There is ample evidence to show that ALL of the original Apostolic churches gathered and worshipped on Sunday, from the beginning. [Please do not be drawn into fruitless discussions of the Roman Catholic church and their decrees - they are only one of seven original Apostolic churches of the 1st and 2nd Century.]

Therefore, the Church, that is the Holy Church of Jesus Christ organized by the Apostles, was born on a Sunday. It was from that day forward called "The Lord's Day" because Jesus had also risen from the dead, as you know, on a Sunday. In fact, Jesus had risen from the dead exactly 7 Sundays prior. This is therefore God's way of showing us that He blessed Sunday worship and that He in fact intended for Christians to keep this day as a sacred memorial of the Resurrection.

Unfortunately, Sabbath-keepers cannot celebrate the Resurrection as a weekly or annual memorial because they are focused on the Old Covenant and not focused on celebrating the weekly memorial of the "New Creation" (2Corinthians 5:17), that is the new life of the Resurrection of Christ. Instead they are focused on the Old Covenant, which the book of Hebrews calls "obsolete" (Hebrews 8:13). And they cannot recognize that Jesus has brought us a "New Covenant" (Jeremiah 31:31, Luke 22:20, 2Corinthians 3:6, and Hebrews 9:15); So therefore they are not able to be ministers of that New Covenant (2Corinthians 3:6) and are rather in danger of falling away from the faith of Christ by neglecting to see that Christ himself is our Sabbath, as it clearly says in Hebrews chapters 3 and 4. Jesus is greater than Moses and our Sabbath Rest is only found in Christ himself.

If we are still to keep the Mosaic Sabbath, then that would mean we are bound to keep the whole law. The Sabbath is merely one part of that system. If we are bound by Moses still, then we are bound by ALL of Moses (James 2:10).

Rather, we are called to live through the law of the Spirit (see Romans 8). The purpose of the law of Moses was " that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to God." (Romans 3:19).

Consider carefully before you demand for yourself or others to keep the law. As it says in Galatians "Tell me, you who want to be under the law, are you not aware of what the law says?". Realize that in Galatians 4, Paul is very clear that putting ourselves "under the Law" that is, "under Torah" is tantamount to choosing slavery. Read that passage carefully. Galatians 4 is very clear that choosing to be under the Old Covenant is to reject the New Covenant.

To be a follower of Jesus is to be under the New and Eternal Covanent. It is to be freed from the Law (Torah) and to live by the "Law of the Spirit of Life, in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8). We dare not think ourselves to be under the Law, nor compelled to keep it (lest we be drawn in to keep the WHOLE LAW, which has 600+ commands).

Christ has fulfilled the Law for us and we are no longer "Under Law", but under Grace. That is, we live by the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus. We are a "new creation".
Thanks for the comment. Christ is amazing and his grace covers like the waters of the seas.

When I first got saved many years ago, through a Gospel radio program, I was not connected to any church or other believers. For about 6 months I was basically on my own with the Holy Spirit, a Gideon's Bible and a radio preacher. The devils sent every kind of cult and "ism" after me to try and drag me into their warped beliefs.

As a result, the Lord led me to test everything by the Word of God and prayer. It still amazes me to this day that the Lord gave me revelation enough to withstand JWs, Mormons, Bah'ai and more with the word of God when I was a mere "babe".

Later, I got connected with a good Bible believing church where they relied on the Holy Spirit as an active part of everything they did. However, I had a healthy skepticism about everything I was taught, because of all of the cults that had tried to recruit me in that 6 month period. The Lord taught me to be a "Berean". For a season, the SDA church's message seemed very compelling with their "Sabbath keeping" and obeying the "whole of the commandments". But, I knew that I had to test everything by the word of God and that I needed to pray and research "to see if these things were so". The Spirit led me to the Leviticus passages and "led me to do the math".

When I found this, I wept with joy for the picture of total salvation that God showed me. I knew that I was never clever enough to have discovered that and put that picture together without the Spirit of God leading me.

Over the years since then, I have become amazed (over and over again) as I learn of the amazing gift of the New Covenant, "founded on better promises". I wish that every believer could come to the point where they realize that Christ truly is "our all in all". WE ARE FREE TO PRAISE HIM! WE ARE FREE TO LOVE HIM AND ADORE HIM! BECAUSE WE CAN "REST" IN HIS SALVATION. CHRIST IS OUR SABBATH.

The thing is that if we are spending our time trying to live a life that is focused on external laws, we fail. If we live a life focused on honoring Christ and loving him by trusting in HIS completed work, He will succeed in us and we "shall love the Lord our God with our whole heart, soul mind and strength" because He fills us with his grace and mercy.

Blessings to you and all seekers. God is amazing and we are his workmanship,


I agree with Charles. An excellent explanation of factual information.

Thanks for sharing.

Lord Bless,


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