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From my knowledge & research, I understand that Sunday is the 1st day of the week & Saturday is the 7th day of the week, being the Sabbath Day. God created & did his works in 6 days & rested on the 7th day, the Sabbath day..& so shall everyone on earth. So in alignment with the 4th commandment, which also states what God expects of us on the Sabbath day. He wants us to rest & keep it holy as he did, & I surely know he wants us all to follow ALL 10 COMMANDMENTS...not 8 of them...not 9 of them..but ALL 10 COMMANDMENTS in order to recieve God's name in your forehead. From my research, I understand that worship & praise on Sunday originated from Ancient Rome in the catholic was told that praising on Sunday comes from worshipers of the sun...The Lord said praise him & nothing else. So my question is......Is Saturday the original day we suppose to praise & keep holy (which would be the sabbath day)? Or should we continue to praise on Sunday? But if you look at the 4th commandment, the answer is right there.

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The devil has been deceiving us for way too long...its time the whole truth comes out. The devil is working through Rome & have been doing so for quite sometime. There in Rome lies the seat of the dragon....the pope..the papacy..the anti-christ. Please do the research...they bow & praise images...I can go on forever. W e must wake up fellow believers.

It is an interesting theory to try and identify the pope as the anti-christ. Unfortunately it is only a theory. The Catholic Church has many issues, but we know several things about the Catholic church. 1) They focus on the same Jesus. 2) There are many born again believers within the Catholic Church.


The following is from Got Questions:


Question: "Is the pope, or the next pope, the antichrist?"

There are many speculations about the identity of the Antichrist. One of the most frequent “victims” of the speculation is the pope of the Roman Catholic Church. In the days of the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther and some of the other reformers were convinced that the pope of that time was the Antichrist. Pope John Paul II was commonly identified at the Antichrist until his death. The current pope, Benedict XVI, is an equally popular target. Why is this? Is there anything in the Bible that would indicate that a pope will be the Antichrist?

The speculation about the pope possibly being the Antichrist revolves primarily around Revelation 17:9. Describing the evil end-times system symbolized by a woman riding a beast, Revelation 17:9 declares, “This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits.” In ancient times, the city of Rome was known as “the city on seven hills” because there are seven prominent hills that surround the city. So, the thinking goes, we can know that it is somehow connected with Rome. So, if the evil end-times system is somehow connected to Rome – it does not take much thought to see a potential connection with the Roman Catholic Church, which is centered in Rome. Numerous passages in the Bible describe an “antichrist” who will lead the anti-Christ movement in the end times (Daniel 9:27; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4; Revelation 13:5-8). So, if the end-times evil world system is centered in Rome, and led by an individual – the pope is a likely candidate.

However, many other Bible commentators say the woman cannot be the Catholic Church and the seven hills cannot refer to Rome. They cite the fact that Revelation chapters 17-18 clearly identify her as the city of Babylon. (We know the city of Babylon by a different name today—Baghdad.) In addition, verse 10 clearly identifies the seven hills as symbolizing seven kings, five of which “have fallen, one is and one is to come.” Clearly this cannot refer to the seven hills of Rome. Rather, this is a reference to seven world empires ruled by the seven kings. At the time of the Revelation, five world empires had come and gone—Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece—one (Rome) existed, and one (Antichrist’s world empire) had not yet come.

Whoever he turns out to be, the important thing is to be warned of his coming and learn to recognize not only the Antichrist, but all who possess his spirit. First John 4:2-3 tells us how to identify the spirit of Antichrist: "By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God" (NKJV). The current pope, Benedict XVI, acknowledges Jesus as being from God and Jesus as coming in the flesh (see 1 John 4:2). While we disagree with Pope Benedict XVI on numerous areas of Catholic doctrine, his view of the Person of Jesus Christ is biblical. Therefore, it’s hard to believe that Pope Benedict XVI is the Antichrist. While we believe it is possible for a pope to be the Antichrist, the Bible does not give specific enough information to be dogmatic. A future pope very well may be the Antichrist, or perhaps the Antichrist’s false prophet (Revelation 13:11-17). If so, this future pope will be clearly identified by a denial of Jesus as coming in the flesh.

Somethings to ponder.


In Acts 15 where the council met in Jerusalem to discuss the believing Gentiles future it is interesting to note that the letter that was sent did not include the 10 Commandments or specifically the keeping of the Sabbath. In fact, James states that they should not put a burden around the necks of the Gentiles that they and thier forefathers could not keep.


You will also note the absence of any mention of the Sabbath in any of the Epistles to the exception of 2 times. Once in Colossians and once in Hebrews. Colossians tells us to not be judged by these things and Hebrews is talking about our true Sabbath rest which is in heaven.


Also, not that Sunday worship is identified in the Bible (Acts 20:7) and as early as Jutin the Martyr in the early second century as seen in his writting called "Dialogue fo Justin."


The question is not can we or should we worship on Sunday, but are we compelled to keep the Sabbath (7th day worship and withdrawl from all work) as born again believers. The answer is "no" we are not compelled to do so.

As we swiftly approach the END of this present age of man's rule under the influence of Satan the Devil, it is vitally important that we consider whether or not we are really obeying the God who gives us life and breath. For the Jesus Christ of the Bible taught time and again that "empty faith" is NOT enough! In His concluding remarks in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven" (Matthew 7:21).

In this regard, He asked, "But why do you call Me 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do the things which I say?" (Luke 6:46). And in a heated discussion with the Pharisees, Jesus quoted Isaiah's prophecy, saying, "Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: 'This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And IN VAIN they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men'" (Mark 7:6-7). Think about that! Jesus clearly stated that it is possible to worship God—and yet worship Him IN VAIN by following the teachings of men! Then Jesus said to them, "All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition" (v. 9).

Clearly then, when the traditions of men conflict with the commandments of God, we face a HUGE problem according to Jesus Christ!

Did you know that your willingness to keep holy the true Sabbath day, which God made holy, directly affects whether or not you will be granted eternal life in the Kingdom of God? Did you know that keeping the true Sabbath is—and always has been—a special "test" commandment in God's sight?

Which Day Is the Biblical Sabbath?

Jesus Christ taught us, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God" (Luke 4:4). Jesus also made it clear that the Bible does NOT contradict itself. He showed that the teaching of Scripture is consistent. For Jesus said, "the Scripture CANNOT be broken" (John 10:35).

The Apostle Paul expanded on this theme, saying, "ALL Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

If you are willing to BELIEVE these inspired statements, then you will have no problem understanding this vital subject. For the Bible teaches us about God's true Sabbath day from Genesis to Revelation. In fact, it is one of the clearest and most easily understood subjects in the entire Bible—IF you honestly look at the facts and are not fearful about "what other people think." Remember that in Jesus' day many of the religious leaders knew that He was the Christ, but would not confess Him for this very reason: "For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God" (John 12:43).

Do you have the faith and courage to do what God clearly commands—regardless of what others think?

All right. Let's get down to clear, absolute PROOF regarding the true Sabbath of Almighty God. Let's assume that you were beginning your search for the true Sabbath on the proverbial desert island and that the only written materials you had managed to preserve after a shipwreck were the Holy Bible and a calendar. If you began your search with a completely open, objective mind, and had perhaps even forgotten the day you had previously observed, which day would you HAVE to keep after such an objective study?

"Sunday," you say?

"No way!"

WHY? Because the Bible never commands anyone to observe Sunday as a weekly day of worship! Rather, it instructs us to work on that day. In fact, from Genesis to Revelation, many verses in the Bible clearly show that, rather than observing the first day—Sunday—it was the seventh-day Sabbath (from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset) that was kept by all of God's faithful servants in both Old and New Testament times. And this same seventh-day Sabbath will continue to be observed by Christians on this earth during Christ's soon-coming 1,000-year rule! (cf. Revelation 20:4-6).

Notice the teaching of Jesus Christ in Mark 2:23-28. Jesus allowed His disciples to pluck heads of grain to eat as they walked through grain fields on the Sabbath. He was challenged on this point by the Pharisees, who had added more than 60 legalistic "dos and don'ts" to the Sabbath—of their own human devising. But Jesus said, "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. Therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath" (vv. 27-28).

The day known as the Sabbath has always been for the Jews Saturday (Sunset Friday to sunset Saturday). This is not in question. What is in question is the application to Christians today.  Thus, I repeat, is it mandatory for Christians to observe the Sabbath in the New Convenant? The answer is "no." We are not required to observe the letter of the Law, but are living by the Spirit free from the Law. Our true Sabbath is Jesus, as our rest and life are found in Him and Him alone by grace through faith. A true worshipper of Jesus will worship in spirit and truth and no longer in Jerusalem where they were commanded to go once a year, and at other times to go. This is not binding on us today as the church, which is not the Jewish nation.


From Got Questions:

Question: "What day is the Sabbath, Saturday or Sunday? Do Christians have to observe the Sabbath day?"
It is often claimed that “God instituted the Sabbath in Eden” because of the connection between the Sabbath and creation in Exodus 20:11. Although God's rest on the seventh day (Genesis 2:3) did foreshadow a future Sabbath law, there is no biblical record of the Sabbath before the children of Israel left the land of Egypt. Nowhere in Scripture is there any hint that Sabbath-keeping was practiced from Adam to Moses.

The Word of God makes it quite clear that Sabbath observance was a special sign between God and Israel: “The Israelites are to observe the Sabbath, celebrating it for the generations to come as a lasting covenant. It will be a sign between me and the Israelites forever, for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he abstained from work and rested” (Exodus 31:16–17).
In Deuteronomy 5, Moses restates the Ten Commandments to the next generation of Israelites. Here, after commanding Sabbath observance in verses 12–14, Moses gives the reason the Sabbath was given to the nation Israel: “Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and that the Lord your God brought you out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. Therefore the Lord your God has commanded you to observe the Sabbath day” (Deuteronomy 5:15).

God's intent for giving the Sabbath to Israel was not that they would remember creation, but that they would remember their Egyptian slavery and the Lord's deliverance. Note the requirements for Sabbath-keeping: A person placed under that Sabbath law could not leave his home on the Sabbath (Exodus 16:29), he could not build a fire (Exodus 35:3), and he could not cause anyone else to work (Deuteronomy 5:14). A person breaking the Sabbath law was to be put to death (Exodus 31:15; Numbers 15:32–35).

An examination of New Testament passages shows us four important points: 1) Whenever Christ appears in His resurrected form and the day is mentioned, it is always the first day of the week (Matthew 28:1, 9, 10; Mark 16:9; Luke 24:1, 13, 15; John 20:19, 26). 2) The only time the Sabbath is mentioned from Acts through Revelation it is for evangelistic purposes to the Jews and the setting is usually in a synagogue (Acts chapters 13–18). Paul wrote, “to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win Jews” (1 Corinthians 9:20). Paul did not go to the synagogue to fellowship with and edify the saints, but to convict and save the lost. 3) Once Paul states “from now on I will go to the Gentiles” (Acts 18:6), the Sabbath is never again mentioned. And 4) instead of suggesting adherence to the Sabbath day, the remainder of the New Testament implies the opposite (including the one exception to point 3 above, found in Colossians 2:16).

Looking more closely at point 4 above will reveal that there is no obligation for the New Testament believer to keep the Sabbath, and will also show that the idea of a Sunday “Christian Sabbath” is also unscriptural. As discussed above, there is one time the Sabbath is mentioned after Paul began to focus on the Gentiles, “Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.” (Colossians 2:16–17). The Jewish Sabbath was abolished at the cross where Christ “canceled the written code, with its regulations” (Colossians 2:14).
This idea is repeated more than once in the New Testament: “One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. He who regards one day as special, does so to the Lord” (Romans 14:5–6a). “But now that you know God — or rather are known by God — how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable principles? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again? You are observing special days and months and seasons and years” (Galatians 4:9–10).

But some claim that a mandate by Constantine in A.D. 321 “changed” the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. On what day did the early church meet for worship? Scripture never mentions any Sabbath (Saturday) gatherings by believers for fellowship or worship. However, there are clear passages that mention the first day of the week. For instance, Acts 20:7 states that “on the first day of the week we came together to break bread.” In 1 Corinthians 16:2 Paul urges the Corinthian believers “on the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income.” Since Paul designates this offering as “service” in 2 Corinthians 9:12, this collection must have been linked with the Sunday worship service of the Christian assembly. Historically Sunday, not Saturday, was the normal meeting day for Christians in the church, and its practice dates back to the first century.

The Sabbath was given to Israel, not the church. The Sabbath is still Saturday, not Sunday, and has never been changed. But the Sabbath is part of the Old Testament Law, and Christians are free from the bondage of the Law (Galatians 4:1-26; Romans 6:14). Sabbath keeping is not required of the Christian—be it Saturday or Sunday. The first day of the week, Sunday, the Lord's Day (Revelation 1:10) celebrates the New Creation, with Christ as our resurrected Head. We are not obligated to follow the Mosaic Sabbath—resting, but are now free to follow the risen Christ—serving. The Apostle Paul said that each individual Christian should decide whether to observe a Sabbath rest, “One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind” (Romans 14:5). We are to worship God every day, not just on Saturday or Sunday.




This statement is nowhere in the Bible

Quote "Did you know that your willingness to keep holy the true Sabbath day, which God made holy,directly affects whether or not you will be granted eternal life in the Kingdom of God?"

Therefore, you are preaching the doctrine of man.

  Are you a Roman Catholic?
  If not, and I am not, Justin Martyr's testimony is useless, since Paul warned us that after his departure grievous wolves would enter the flock with "damnable heresies".

I will stick with what Jesus and the Father taught us.  Do you have a problem with that?

  In case you didn't know it the homosexual, the adulterer, the blasphemer, the ones  into bestiality, and the SABBATH BREAKER, all received the SAME death penalty.

  Looks like God didn't take any more kindly to Sabbath Breakers than  to Adulterers....and other sins listed above which you would not partake of.  
   Is there any reason we should think that God has changed His mind about the Sabbath breaker but  not about the other violators of His laws as listed above?

This is laughable ....


"homosexual, the adulterer, the blasphemer, the ones  into bestiality" Do all these find freedom in Christ? All of these are repeated under the NC as sins, but sins that Jesus gladly died for when people come to Him and enter into His rest through faith and repentance.



At this point I need to ask you a question in light of your interest in the Sabbath and the 144,000. Are you being influenced by either the Jehovah's Witness or the SDA?


Lord Bless,


I seek & find truth only through my Lord Jesus Christ, not 1 human man.

OK, just wanted to be sure. The Lord is our true source, but we do get info and are often influenced, intentionally or unintentionally by others, as is the case of being on sites like this one and asking questions and responding to others. No man is an island unto them self, we are the body and iron sharpens iron.


Lord Bless,


    I must applaud you for your boldness and standing up for thetruth.   I will say that I agree with you about the 7th Day Sabbath, it was kept in the past, is part of God's law that is to be "written in our hearts" and will be kept in the future millineum here on earth as I will elaborate on below.  Those rejecting the words of God the Father and Son over the misinterpreted words of Paul are doing the same things as the Scribes, Sadducees and Phairsees, who refused to believe what Jesus taught them.

   The Sabbath is ***NEVER*** called the "Jewish Sabbath", or the "Mosaic Sabbath".
Our heavenly Father called the 7th Day Sabbath

                                                                               'MY HOLY DAY':

Is. 58:13
     If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure
***on MY HOLY DAY***; and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honorable; and shall honor him, not doing your own ways, nor finding your own pleasure, nor speaking your own words:

  Men give it derrogatory titles, in order to make it less attractive to others since they themselves are guilty of not keeping it.

    The Sabbath is one of the "10 commandments of God", written by the hand of God.  Only 10 of his 613 commandments were personally written by Him.   That alone should be enough for men to understand how important it was to Him.

   The Sabbath command is the only commandment that we have a record of God actually "KEEPING HIMSELF"!!!

   That too should be enough for men if they were not prejudiced against the Sabbath to see that this day is important to God.

    The Law of TITHING was not one of the ten, but men/preachers will get up in the pulpit and tell you that you will be CURSED if you don't tithe to them! They INSIST that you tithe, but they are stealing the  the widows portion, after they get it!

     They misunderstand and misinterpret  this commandment too, since ONLY if they are of the bloodline of Levi, can they collect a tithe.  That tithe is to be divided between the Levite, widows, orphans and strangers.  We know that this NEVER happens, so once again they have mishandling scripture and are themselves actually steeling from those who God intended to get part of the tithe. 

    So not only are they breaking the Sabbath, commandment # 4, but they are STEALING, the tithe money from those to whom the Lord intended, violating commandment # 8 as well, THOU SHALT NOT STEAL!

Deut 26:12 & 13
        12 When thou hast made an end of tithing all the tithes of thine increase the third year, which is the year of tithing, and hast given it unto the
*Levite, the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow*, that they may eat within thy gates, and be filled; 13Then thou shalt say before the LORD thy God, I have brought away the hallowed things out of mine house, and also have given them unto the Levite, and unto the stranger, to the fatherless, and to the widow, according to all thy commandments which thou hast commanded me: I have not transgressed thy commandments, neither have I forgotten them

    We have the example of Jesus/Yahshua, who kept His Father's commandments.  He was sinless, and led a holy life, therefore since sin *is* (not was) the transgression of the law, in order for us to also live "sinlessly" and "walk in holiness" we must live as He lived, and He kept His Father's commandments.

    We have the example of the Apostles keeping the 7th Day Sabbath.

Acts 20:7  Tyndale  Bible:

    And on  one of  the Sabbaths   disciples came together for to break bread, and Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued the preaching unto midnight.

    We have the early church, keeping the Sabbath.

    We have John in the book of Revelation, telling us that the "Saints,
"Keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus Christ. 
    So keeping the Sabbath and other commandments of God, are part of the definition of WHO IS A SAINT!!!

    We have nothing coming from Jesus' lips indicating that the Sabbath was to be broken/violated. He said "If you love me 'KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS".   Does anyone believe that He was absent when the commandments were given on Mt. Sinai?

    We have no example of the Apostles breaking the Sabbath as many "Christians do today"
We are to "walk in Jesus'/Yahshua's steps" and to "follow (Paul) as he followed Christ."
    Can anyone show me where Paul ever broke the Sabbath?

    Paul actually said in Acts 24 & 24, that he believed and kept every thing in the "law and the prophets."

    If Paul or any of the disciples, had EVER broken the Sabbath, their enemies would have brought charges against them, or even RIGHTFULLY stoned them!  Please show me in the Biblical text where at anytime a charge of Sabbath breaking was brought against them...

We have even in our age, an "ark of the covenant" in heaven, according to

Rev. 11:14-
   "Then God's temple in heaven was opened, and within his temple was seen the ***ark of his covenant.***

   Hold on, shouldn't that say "ark of the New Covenant"??? 
   No it doesn't because the New Covenant, does not start until Israel and Judah accept it!

  The Bible is a legal document written to and about Israel and Judah.  They are the ONLY two parties stated to be recipients of the New Covenant.  

     Gentiles, are ONLY being "Grafted into" the "commonwealth of Israel", and are obligated to keep the commandments that God gave them, which includes the 7th Day Sabbath.

    Therefore Gentiles do not "tell God" what commandments they are going to keep, just like the Russians and Vietnamese coming into America don't tell US what laws of ours that they are going to keep.

    Too many Christians use Paul's  writings as more important than the words of God the Father and Jesus, when Jesus said we are  to

1)  "live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God", and
2)  in Matt. 28, that the disciples were to teach the "nations/gentiles" WHATSOEVER He commanded them.

  Did Jesus ever command them to stop keeping the Sabbath and keep Sunday?
  Contrarily, in Dan 7 we have record of a power who would come to change the "times (feast days) and the Law.

  One final text I would especially like you read this text in it's context:

Is. 66, 23 
And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, says the LORD.

and you will see that the Sabbath will yet be kept in the future Millenium.   Why doesn't the text instead read "From one Sunday to another....."?
  I rest my case.

    Jesus/Yahshua  did say "in vain they worship me, keeping the commandments and doctrines of men, of which those  who have substituted Sunday for keeping Sabbath. 

   I implore you men who have never really SERIOUSLY studied this subject before do so, and repent of your forsaking His commandments.

(Under another heading I will show you how Acts 15 has been tampered with, in the later editions, to make it appear to say something that was never intended.)

Shabbat Shalom to you all...


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