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"The resurrection of Jesus? Ha! That's just a fairy-tail. What makes you think it really happened?"

First, I would say to someone who challenged me by saying that the resurrection of Jesus is just a fairy-tail and then asked me, “What makes you really think it happened?” There is insurmountable evidence that proves that Jesus really did rise from the dead; beginning with the fact that the New Testament is known and accepted as a historical document. Additionally, all of the Gospels were written in the 1st century, and were written by either, direct or indirect eyewitnesses. Moreover, with regards to the Old Testament, there were 48 specific prophecies fulfilled by Jesus. The odds of this happening are; 1 chance in 13 trillion of One Man fulfilling these prophecies.

If the disciples had “stolen” Jesus’ body they would not have stated that women discovered the empty tomb. During this time period women were considered second class citizens and, for the disciples to continuously stick to their story by saying that the women had found the empty tomb, is very significant; noting especially, that one of the women was Mary Magdalene, a woman who was known for her sins.

If the body was still in the tomb, why did the Pharisees say that the disciples had stolen it? If they claimed the body was stolen, Jesus’ enemies acknowledged that the tomb was empty, and if the disciples had stolen the body then there is an empty tomb. If the tomb was not empty, Jesus’ opponents would have gone and got the body and shown it as soon as the disciples began proclaiming the resurrection, in order to prove that the disciples were lying about the resurrection of Jesus. Furthermore, there were Roman guards placed at the tomb of Jesus; if someone had stolen His body, each and every single guard would have been killed, as was the custom of the Roman Empire.

After the resurrection, Jesus was seen for a period of forty days; first by the women, then by his disciples, by over 500 before His ascension, and finally, by His half-brother James who did not believe Jesus was Who He said He was. (1 Corinthians 15:3-7) Additionally, He appeared to Saul on the Damascus road while he was on his way to persecute more Christians. Each of these people would die for their belief in Jesus.

Lee Strobel a former atheist stated this after searching to prove that Christianity was all based on a lie…”In light of this avalanche of evidence pointing toward the Truth of Christianity, it would require more faith for me to maintain my atheism, than to become a follower of Jesus Christ.”

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32, NIV).


  "But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.


   Always be prepared to give an answer

   to everyone who asks you

   to give the reason for the hope that you have."


  -  I Peter 3:15

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The fact that we breath each day, the waters that go out of their boundaries and find their way back! what about the earth shaking and up to now no one can tell how to stop them! This is a clear indication that indeed God is real. Jesus the word was, His and will always be God and He's alive and will come back. Look at the revelation coming true every day. What more do we need to see to know the Bible is the Truth and indeed it's the breath of God. I would rather Believe in this truth and be set free.

hi Mischelle

good answer to your question, but the real question is, what makes YOU think it really happened, share your testimony,

roy ruser

Amen. Praise our Lord!

hahaaha I love it. He lives. My Lord is Lord! My King is King!!! Hallelujah

My response would probably be:

What makes you think it didn't happen?

I would first let him/her tell me why they think as they do. That would give me indication if he/she were in the searching category or the swine category. Then, I would explain what I know.



The resurrection of Jesus. - TRUE OR FALSE?

Besides the Disciples, there were many others who witnessed the Resurrection of Jesus. The Bible speaks of over 500  had seen Him and were still alive when Paul wrote his letters to the Churches. 1Cor 15:6.    

We see too the change in the lives of the disciples.  One moment they were frightened men, afraid that they too might be arrested.  Then the next moment, they were bold and unafraid in witnessing what they had experienced.

Even Thomas who was not with the disciples at the first appearance of Christ, was full of doubt, which tells us that he was not prepared to simply take the disciples at their own word.  He wanted to see it for himself.  Which eventually he did.

Then the evidence of the soldiers to the Chief Priests who counselled together and agreed to say that the disciples had come at night and stolen the body.  This shows that the Priests also believed, that Christ had risen, otherwise they would have immediately started a search.


Finally it stands to reason that people would have stopped listening to the disciples, yet with the overwhelming evidence and enthusiasm of the disciples we see that on the day of Pentecost 3000 were baptised and joined the disciples:

 "A feeling of fear came over everyone as many amazing things and miraculous signs happened through the apostles.  All the believers kept meeting together, and they shared everything with each other." Acts 2:43-44


So once again, not a murmur or accusation that the disciples had simply made it up.



Assuming we were in a prayer meeting and the pastor said:   "Let's go out and tell people, that tonight the twelve of us not only saw Jesus but also spoke to Him and touched Him. Let us say that He even showed us His hands that had been pierced with nails."

How long would it take, for not only one of the group, but possibly all twelve to say: "It's a lie a hoax, it never happened"?

It would not take long simply because people cannot keep a secret particularly when it's a lie. Nether is it even remotely possible for  men or women who's lives were in mortal danger, be prepared and willing to die for a lie. 

Yet the disciples remained steadfast and again throughout the history of this period there is not a single witness of the resurrection, who claimed it to be a lie.   Praise God!

Amen, Ron. Praise God, He is risen. He is risen, indeed. Our Lord left us with a glorious witness of the truth. It is so simple to believe and so difficult not to. God has made our salvation free and simple. Believe on Him. Thank You, Father for these witnesses of the truth. I believe their testimony. Bless Ron this day.

Hi Lovers,

Good to hear from you Roy. I trust you and your Bride are fine, in good health, defending the faith.

Things are moving so fast now that it comes with no surprise, yet it is still amazing how accurate the Scriptures are:   "Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?  Psa 2:1

It seems as though all the nations in the Middle East are being moved by a force outside of themselves.

"Hear the word of the LORD, O ye nations, and declare it in the isles afar off, and say, He that scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him, as a shepherd doth his flock."  Jer 31:10


The whole of the Middle East is in a turmoil, Western nations are fighting amongst themselves.  Some want to go in and clear up the mess, others are adamant that they don't.   "He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure." Psalm 2:4-5

Look up my brother and rejoice, but please pray for Israel, that they too may soon come to their senses.

 "And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn."

Zec 12:10.

Bless you both and all those whom you love.




Randall's argument is also known in Apologetics as Statistical evidence. If you divide a group of accused individuals in separate rooms and interrogate them individually, say you have 12 persons accuse of a bank robbery, statistics tells us that at least 5 of them will talk against the others involved in the crime committed in order to get lesser sentences.


However we had 11 disciples alone in different parts of the world looking at horrible deaths if they did not retract their believe in Christ and Christ's resurrection and not one of them chose to live. John the Apostle was the only one who died of old age in the island of Patmos where he had been alienated. Out of 11 disciples looking at horrible deaths not one denied the perfect life or resurrection of our Lord. That is solid evidence that any Court of law would deem trust worthy and compelling to make the case.

Yes, it takes faith but the evidence is beyond question. Man will have no excuse for ignoring this wonderful gift of His death and resurrection. Hallelujah, everything in the Bible is true and all He has promised will come to pass for those who have placed their trust in our risen Lord.


Hebrews 12
1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.


This is our heritage – Men of valor – warriors for Christ – Who won battles by loving a dying world.


Would you die for Him? Simple question and an even simpler answer....YES!


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