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Does anyone think there will be a "secret rapture" prior to the Second Coming???????

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I will give a deeper answer later, but for now I will say this.

Work as if the rapture were going to occur any moment and prepare as if you are going to endure the full tribulation.

Lord Bless,

There are difficulties with all of the various views regarding the rapture, including no rapture. Every view has to deal with Matthew 24 & 25. How they are interpreted will determine certain things you believe about the trib and end times. When we look at 1 Corinthians 15 and Paul refering to the last trumpet, one must ask what he means by last trumpet. Is it the seventh trumpet in the Book of Revelation or is he refering to another trumpet that is last in succession? When God says He did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ is this refering to the wrath poured out on the earth or the eternal wrath that leads to eternal separation from God? Does 1 Thess 4:13-18 have to be at the beginning or could it be at the close of the tribulation, or anywhere in-between? What about the fact that His return is imminent?

Now if we take from this small sampling above of things that affect one's understanding regarding the rapture and depending on how we interpret each of those listed above we could come to multiple different conclusion. Most serious Bible students will have a view/opinion regarding the rapture and endtimes, but one must be very cautious to assume they have it all worked out. When God said no one will no the time, day or hour, He meant it. We can know the signs, but that is a far cry from secified knowledge on a subject.

I go back to my last posting in this forum, work as if the rapture is about to occur and prepare as if you will go through the tribulation.

My two cents....

Lord Bless,
So you so not believe in a pre-tribulation secret rapture of the Saints......I believe those verses are referring to the Second Coming of Christ and not a sudden instantaneous "calling up" of the Saints prior to the tribulation where everyone "left behind" will be wondering where their friends, family, etc. have all gone.
You are right.....Apparently I have made quite an entrance.........this has gotten a bit out of hand.......
Hmmm I believe that every person will have their own secret call into Jesus Christ and become reborn as the second coming of living in HIM I wonder if that answers your question holla back if not

much love and grace,

I mean that when we die to self we become reborn in Christ living again as the resurrection of Jesus. He lives in our bodies as the return to shine the light in this world. Before we are reborn we are unaware of the power within, but when we surrender our lives up to God we know we live forever and hopefully faithful to God living Holy lives trusting in Jesus and triumphing over all evil because of Him who lives within. In spirit we serve the Lord as chosen ones with Christian freedom to grow in Christ as the Holy Spirit teaches us of what must be done for the will of God.

If this doesn't make sense then holla back I can elaborate more.

Love you sis
Stacey.....regarding your statement that "every person will have their own "secret call" into Jesus Christ, I believe that is true....I don't feel we as fallen sinful man can ever grasp ABSOLUTE TRUTH on our own, but that ABSOLUTE TRUTH will grasp us.

However, regarding the rapture and the second coming, there are two schools of thought. Some believe that the "rapture" of the Saints/Church here on earth will occur prior to the pre-tribulation and prior to the Second Coming of Christ. People left behind will be wondering where all their family and friends have gone. Can you imagine flying in an airplane and the pilot and co-pilot (who are born-again Christians) are suddenly "raptured" and no one is left to fly the plane?? Kaboom !!!!!

Others believe there will be NO secret rapture but that the Saints will be called up to meet Christ in the air at the Second Coming....first the dead in Christ will rise and the Saints in Christ will be called up to meet Him in the air.

What say you???
I don't feel we as fallen sinful man can ever grasp ABSOLUTE TRUTH on our own, but that ABSOLUTE TRUTH will grasp us.

Sister have you ever thought about how when we are reborn we are like soaring eagles flying high with freedom? And then as you fly people wonder what has gone wrong with you and why your life has been transformed? Do you think that is in a sense a way that tells you that you are in that plane already and now you have to get others on aboard by spreading the good news of the love of god. Being steadfast and compassionate as you call others?

The TRUTH CAPTIVATES US and in Gods Holy Trinity by the power of truth we know we have been set free. Abide in the word of God and the truth will set you free Amen.

I believe all things have been done already and now people have to believe in the love of God and be in the light to shine the Light of the Lord for the Glory of God. God is definitely working through all of us and we must be patient and diligent on one another to become fully manifested in Christ as our Lord Savior Jesus Christ.

Tobit comes to mind I believe where if the one God calls does not stand then another will do the job and get it done.

first the dead in Christ will rise and the Saints in Christ will be called up to meet Him in the air.

First we are chosen by God with power granted unto us to be Saints living in Christ to shine the light of God. We become set free to fly like an eagle as taught by the Lord and now what do you think we do? WE GOD OUT TO LOVE AND SERVE THE LORD TO SAVE OTHERS fearing no evil and taking the risk to love more and trusting in Jesus.Amen.

Maybe those verses are referring to the Second Coming and not a pre-tribulation "rapture" of the saints.
Michelle....I don't feel we as fallen sinful man can ever grasp ABSOLUTE TRUTH on our own, but that ABSOLUTE TRUTH will grasp us. However, regarding the rapture and the second coming, there are two schools of thought. Some believe that the "rapture" of the Saints/Church here on earth will occur prior to the pre-tribulation and prior to the Second Coming of Christ. People left behind will be wondering where all their family and friends have gone. Can you imagine flying in an airplane and the pilot and co-pilot (who are born-again Christians) are suddenly "raptured" and no one is left to fly the plane?? Kaboom !!!!!

Others believe there will be NO secret rapture but that the Saints will be called up to meet Christ in the air at the Second Coming....first the dead in Christ will rise and the Saints in Christ will be called up to meet Him in the air.

What say you???
Regarding #1 above......why shouldn't believers have to go through the tribulation??? What's so special about us that sets us apart from all the other saints and martyrs who suffered and died for their beliefs???
Sis what does tribulation mean to you?

We are all special to God in some way for we are each made uniquely with a specialty for the Glory of God. However in order to serve him in all truth and justice you must be living in HIS son meaning you must allow Jesus into you life and have him living in you. You must accept the love of God through HIS son Jesus Christ for only with HIM can you have life and live forever in the Kingdom of God Amen.

Every person is special and every person is called to do different things to bring Glory to God there is nothing "special" in human mind about us but to God we are special. He created us it is not that we are to think we are special for God made us special so try not to get that mixed up. Just because you are chosen or summoned at this time or that does not mean you better than someone else or just cuz you have many more gifts than so and so that does not mean you are less or more special. YOU are special to God God makes you special. I hope that makes sense and people have to fix their mindset think of it as blessed and be abundantly blessed or blessed immensely. When you are given more, more must be done for the will of God through you. You are called to do the will of God with which or what has been granted unto you. That is why less is more for with more you do more for God in all loving kindness and with an attitude of gratitude to be able to serve HIM in such a way with Christ living in you who does it all as led by the power of the Holy Spirit.

All saints are recognized and are honored for what God has chosen them to do for his will. everyone can be Holy it your choice to surrender up everything to God to be used as a vessel of HIS love to spread the Power of God and to shine the light of the Lord.

To die for the LOVE OF GOD AND ONLY GOD IS AN HONOR. To die for the belief of God in HIS HOLY TRINITY is true, noble, honorable, praiseworthy, just........

Blessed are you who suffer in faith
Blessed are the meek and the lowly for they shall inherit the Earth
Blessed are the persecuted
Blessed are you for haven been chosen and summoned at this time to testify to the Glory of God


God bless you Sis Marilyn and may you continue to be a blessing to all
Glory to God in the Highest and peace to HIS people on Earth,
Love and Holy kisses
your sis and friend
Stacey A.


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