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Does anyone think there will be a "secret rapture" prior to the Second Coming???????

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Sis you are full of wisdom here and let me shine some light

Truly Christ is risen and has been since the day he came back to life now it is in people to have Christ risen in them and to accept LIFE accept HIS love and acknowledge HIM as their Savior to be able to serve Lord God Almighty in righteousness and truth and covered by Grace by the blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ.

As for only God knowing when this will happen .... He has already awakened the last one who is left behind living on Earth as the acceptable sacrifice. Meaning that there is no second chance after two have been sacrificed for the justice of God one being in Heaven and the other on Earth.

From now on you must love accept HIS son into your life as the Savior submit unto God be obedient live in the light and do away with any evil or Go to hell period.

That is it.

I hope this ends it all I can provide scripture if yall want to know but do know that God is with me as I live in Christ and I speak the truth that comes from God as led by the Holy Spirit so if you wish to test me then you are testing God.

I am ready with Scripture when you are to speak the truth Amen.

Nothing but love and kindness always from me
Stacey A.
1 Thessalonians 4:16 For the Lord HImself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with a trumpet of God.And the dead in Christ will rise first.v17.Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.And thus we shall always be with the Lord.v.18 "Therefore comfort one another with these words.
I agree with Marilyn
Thanks Martin, but I guess in the end GOD is in control. I would be extremely happy if we are "raptured" pre-tribulation but, if not, just knowing that I am saved through the blood of Jesus Christ is enough. I have an idea........ Let's all get together whenever we get to Heaven to meet and greet each other and discuss the Mind of God. Maybe we can meet under the Tree of Life. Until then, we will all be "apprentices" until we leave this world, learning all about God and trying to get to know Him and His ways better. Have a very blessed day to everyone !!!

Always In Christ,


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