All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

What do we mean when we say an event is in God's Providence or caused by his providence? What does the bible teach us about God's providence?


Are there things that God does not or cannot control? Is there anything that God did not cause to happen? How much does God control and how much does He sit back and watch?


What is the extent of God’s control over His creation? "Providence" is not a word we commonly use today, a word that was well known years back. We even name a town providence, Providence, Rhode Island , but few people today are familiar with the word or it's meaning and teaching.


The providence of God has been viewed as the invisible hand of God in human events.

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I would like to bring attention back to the Garden scene where only (one) command of what not to do was given to the first created family, and that was to not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

The Serpent was allowed to put them to the test which simply did not end well.

The day they ate of the tree they died spiritually and now shame is upon us all as well as a part of us.

The only way out now is through Christ, which is the provident care of The Fathe,r through the death and resurrection of His Son, in that we are all sinners and yet Christ died for us.

In Him,


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