All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I have been weighing the formula of God’s visitations and wish it was as simple as "BODMAS" in mathematics. I have concluded after “visiting” the people whom God visited in scripture, that our God is truly awesome for he first warns us, gives us signs of His intentions, prepares us for visitation by his word and finally surprises us by visiting when we are unfocussed. His visits to those in waiting were always sudden at unexpected times and places. Unexpected because many ignored, forgot or disbelieved his promptings, prophecies and signs while some got tired of waiting and directed their focus elsewhere. I also concluded that He always appeared and still does in order to fulfill His word and that He was and is always on time. I learned several lessons and welcome anyone who has experienced the joy of visitation to share with me and friends.

Lesson 1: We are all candidates for visitations

I often pray believing, with my spiritual eye open. At times I even allow myself the leisure of hoping that an Angel would just appear and conjure images of what he would look like. I always end up thanking God that no Angel appears because, like Zachariah, (LK: 1). I might not be able to recognize him and would probably do worse and take off in fear. Of course Zachariah never took off but??. Zachariah sat in the Holy of Holies, a restricted no go zone except for the anointed and appointed priest. Yet he questioned the Angel Gabriel’s prophecy concerning John the Baptist and almost missed the point of visitation. Poor Zachariah had to bear the punishment of dumbness for a season. (Luke: 1:20) That is why I thank God for His grace which allows me the favor of asking how can these things be?? and getting away wit. This is because the altar of worship is placed in me by the Holy Spirit of God. (ROM: 5; 5). I might not personally qualify to have the holy of holies living in me but, the one who died for me, that is Jesus Christ qualifies and his presence in me (by grace) makes me the temple of worship that I should be and a candidate for visitation. If reading this, know that we are all (you and me) candidates for visitation by grace, not works, just grace (EPH: 2; 8-10),

Lesson 2: He appears on time and is never late

I have learned many lessons from Zechariah’s visitation, one being that our God always appears when least expected in places we imagine he wouldn’t be and to people of all walks of life, irregardless of position power, wealth, origin or status. He also answers when least expected. Israel left Egypt with celebrations only to turn back and focus on the (visible) Egyptian army that pursued them to the red sea. They completely failed to see the Angel who was ahead of them, standing on the water. (Ex 14:19). It is easy to pray, then forget, get tired, loose focus of God or his word and give up. It is also easier to focus on the obstacles and hindrances we face forgetting the invisible but ever present Jesus, who promises never to leave us nor forsake us. The good news is that he does not tire, forget or slumbers. When we loose focus and begin to sink, then “WHAM” He appears and we are left wondering why we went through such struggle, suffered heartache and pain for so long and worked so hard when it was so easy. I end up feeling that if I had simply believed and trusted God since I knew that one day at a certain time and place of His choosing, the Lord would make good his word I would have rejoiced through all situations. All my struggles and labor would be with Joy and dedication for I know He is a rewarder. No wonder the apostle Paul says that we should not be forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. (Heb: 13:2), they just appeared when least expected. Sadly we could be in no mood to entertain, read or listen to what we refer to as ‘busy bodies’ who should ‘mind their own business’. If feeling that way, then for sure we are bound to miss the train and not recognize the appointed time..

Lesson 3: “Issues do not stop the Lord our God from fulfilling His Word

I can very well see that Zachariah’s doubt emanated from real issues. He was old, the wife was old. Biologically what the Angel Gabriel was saying was not possible. I read of a certain lady who underwent a vasectomy and went on to celebrate with her husband. They were sure they would have many years of enjoyment without children. Alas, the lady became pregnant. Biologically and medically this was not possible, yet children the scripture says are a blessing from God. I can not tell what the doctor did or did not do but, I am convinced that the Lord was not through with this couple. Children of God, let us not despair over anything not even delayed answers to prayers, He is not through with us. Like Zachariah, all our doubts could come from real tangible issues.

We could be mentally unprepared for marriage, temperamentally unable to cope with relationships leave alone marriage, be educationally unqualified for any job, promotion or preferred employment, be unable to carry out any form of business or borrow from any source or bank to begin a business or buy a house, be emotionally unable to keep away from wayward sex, drugs, alcohol, spiritually incapable of standing as a Christian, be bodily unable to qualify as a model due to the problem of obesity despite the good looks, zeal and energy, be too weak to be a good parent and finally, having suffered abused as a youth suffer from an inferiority complex or the inability to keep a cruel streak out of our lives, suffer uncontrollable hatred and unending pain or simply be disabled by decease or disabled from birth or due to injury or accident etc etc etc. We should know for sure that Our God is not limited by our limitations, inabilities or infirmities. As a matter of fact, like the death of Lazarus (John 11; 4), our weaknesses and handicaps “are to God’s glory and that the son of God might be glorified thereby.” If you have read this far, this word and day is your grand visitation.

4/. There are no barriers as He can do what He Has said

The Angel Gabriel was perhaps disturbed or angry at Zachariah because as a prophet and priest, he knew the power of God but questioned the ability. With God, biology, chemistry and physics are irrelevant for he created nature and is able to reverse what He wills. He is not limited by visible circumstances for He operates in the Spirit and what He does in Spirit is manifested in the physical to the Glory of His name. What we believe is impossible, is possible with God. He turns the impossibility into possibility and our failures into opportunities.

5/ The time spent in waiting is never Lost

During the “visit” to people whom the Lord visited in scripture, I was greatly encouraged that my yet unanswered prayers are receiving attention. I therefore sat back and relaxed. I found out that Abraham had spoken to the Lord for many years; starting as a young man though I meet him when the Lord asked him to change homes (Gen 12). God’s promise to Abraham in chap 15 of Genesis and Abraham’s belief made him the ‘father of faith’ as he simply believed God and was counted righteous. He expected to have many children. Being human he could have rationalized God’s promise as we often do to mean a ‘figure of speech’ and not literally as children as the stars. Spiritually children are still being born to Abraham while physically his descendants are still multiplying. It had nothing to do with ‘a figure of speech’. What God has said can not be ‘rationalized’ to suit human understanding as He is the Lord and means it.

Sarah did not conceive when she expected to and devised her own execution out of impatience to receive the promise. (Chapter: 16). Every time the Lord appeared to Abraham, He promised to make him a great nation and left. Years rolled on without Sarah conceiving. One day when Abraham was not capable of bringing the promise to fruit and physically, biologically and psychologically it was impossible for Abraham and Sarah to achieve conception, THE LORD APPEARED.(Chap 21). I feel privileged as I share this moment with Abraham, I can almost feel the joy of receiving from one who promised and seemed to have forgotten.

6/ Finally: the Lord does not forget or ignore.

He is the great Amen who answers all prayers. It might be taking too long but let us keep waiting upon the Lord. When what we pray for in the physical, is received in the spiritual and at the appointed time manifested in the physical. WE CALL IT BREAK THROUGH. Like the birth of ISAAC to Abraham, it breaks through all resistance and barriers. From doubtful thoughts, discouraging remarks, unfavorable conditions, unbelievable handicaps, unethical hindrances and resistance from brethren, brothers, parents and sisters, IT SURELY SHALL COME TO PASS.

In the book of Galatians chap 4 and verse 4-5, the bible says that “when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth his son, made of a woman made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons”. And as finally come to the end of my travel through scripture, I therefore reach the conclusion that we should never give up for it is the time for our visitation. It could be an Angel, a word, a visit, a letter, the web or a quiet whisper into the heart and spirit. It could be a promotion, release from the prison of defeat and depression, a child longed for many years, a house, a marriage, a transplant etc, it really doesn’t matter how; it shall come to pass, THE LORD IS ABOUT TO VISIT HIS PEOPLE, those who have made a covenant with Him. (Psalm 50:5). He gives a glorious promise to us in Psalms 50 verse 14-15, He says “offer unto God thanksgiving: and pay thy vows unto the most high God and call upon ME (GOD) in the day of trouble: I will deliver you and you shall glorify me”. If Christ is your personal Lord and savior and you are a child of the new covenant by a new birth then know for sure that it is your time for visitation and MIRACLE. God bless you as he visits you to bring His word to pass.

If any one reads this by what is called chance (I call it the time for your visitation) and has not made a covenant with God by sacrifice, then you need to visit a church in your locality that preaches salvation through Christ and ask the Pastor how one can be born again when he is aired alive or old. (JOHN: 3:4)

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There was a period in my life, where I became tired of waiting. I knew that I loved God and didnt want to turn my back on him or anything, but still very tired. I got so desperate for just anything. Everytime I went to church I would pray that God speak through someone to me. Like a word or something. The day when I truely gave up, the Lord did just that. My Husband told me to get out of bed. He was all wet because he said that God told him to get out of the shower and to pray for me. I told Nick, that I didn't care if he wanted to pray for me, so I sat down and let him pray. I thought it would be Nick saying something like: God, please strengthen Brooke, or show her a new direction or open a door lord. That type of thing. But instead Nick prayed that God give him the words, and he waited in silence for a moment. Nick started speaking what he heard and things were confirmed to me that even my husband didnt know about. Tears were pouring out of my eyes and I began crying so hard my whole body began shaking. God is good my friends.... and he will never leave you nor forsake us. He may not do everything that we pray for, but he is our father and he knows what we can endure, because after all he created us!
This is very interesting and it makes me think of myself and the prayers that have not been answer yet, but reading this gives me hope that soon it will come to pass. Thank you for writing this it is greatly appreciated!


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