All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

in class this morning,  a fellow student asked why the Lord is not giving him the gift of the Holy Spirit.. any idea what I should tell him? in my belief i think that it is not given him is maybe he is not seeking the Lord as he should be?

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We are given the Holy Spirit when we accept Christ. What gift did your friend expect to receive? Is he listening for guidance from the Spirit?

This is a difficult question to respond to as we don't all feel the Holy Spirit move in the same way.



As good as it gets.

Or they aren't truly a Christian in the first place

Some astute observations can sometimes only come from those who have been there.


But wouldn't you rather be safe then sorry?


There are always going to be differences of opinion on this issue.

And the Bible is very clear that if you believe with your heart and confess with your mouth then you ARE saved...even if you don't feel like it, even if you still struggle with sin, even if you don't see any manifestation of the Holy Spirit.     Seeking

I'm not sure what seeking is speaking of here with the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, but if one takes by faith His Word, how can that fail?

The important word here is "IF". I'm not arguing with Char whatsoever. I'm just throwing another position out there that could possibly be going on with this person. I'm sure I wouldn't just say "Well, maybe you aren't saved". I would be more careful with them & approach them gently. 


I'm too old & tired. I break up at least 50 a day. Not wanting to do it myself.

Like Rita said, when we accept Jesus as our savior, we receive the Holy Spirit.  However, receiving the gifts of the Spirit is up to God and His timing.  Maybe your friend is not spiritually ready to receive these gifts, or it is not in God's timing.  I would suggest that he spends a lot of time in quiet prayer and just listen to God and see what he says.  There may be some unresolved issues between him and God that he needs to clear up.  Maybe he has not fully surrendered his life to God.  Maybe his motives for receiving the spirit is to seem more holy by others; in other words, selfishness, which is a common problem.  But like with all things, we should be patient and wait on God, no matter how long it takes.  Sometimes the wait itself is what shows true faith.   During that time, God may reveal to him many things, and allow him to grow in ways that he may not have if God had granted him his request upright.  Sometimes God uses the journey and the time in the wilderness to bless us!  

God bless!



"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." Deut. 6.

Good word Adam. It is good to have you among us bro.


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