All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

in class this morning,  a fellow student asked why the Lord is not giving him the gift of the Holy Spirit.. any idea what I should tell him? in my belief i think that it is not given him is maybe he is not seeking the Lord as he should be?

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Amen, David. That is a great picture. God just keeps blessing and blessing.

Im glad to be here.  Thanks to God, who allows His truth to be spoken through me.  Its all about God!  :)

my question is what does he think the gift of the spirit is? is it the tangible act of speaking in toungues?also how much is done for god my own sister professes to be born again and spirit filled but she is also filled with hate and anger so she does not believe in speaking in toungues because she cannot yet maintains she is filled with the holy spirit, one cannot recieve the holy spirit of there is things in their life that they havent repented of and let go of,if he is holding on to other things instead of releasing them to god then it is hard to recieve the gifts of the holy spirit.

i also believe that deep prayer is needed for this person ask god and he shall answer why? both for you and the other person,also i know from my own experiences that while i am filled with the holy spirit i dont always feel it sometimes i get to caught up in stress and wordly ways and every time that happens i need to readjust my attitude and let the spirit come forht instead of pushing it away



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