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do you guys believe in what the researchers are talking about that happened in between gen. 1-2
what is your thoughts on this.

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Surely I have missed something in my post, I don’t think I ever said I believe in “Evolution” I did say that I believe that God created everything in seed form, and from that evolves the fruit.
I can believe that a tornado can go through a junk yard and produce a computer, easier than I can believe that everything here on this earth can just evolve from nothing.
So maybe you just skimmed through my post and not read everything.

What happens to a grain of corn when planted in the ground? It dies and then “evolves” into it’s intended purpose.
Maybe you didn’t read the definition I gave of “evolution”.

You! Roy, (my dearly beloved friend, that I love very much and have known for some time now) actually "evolved" into a preacher, Pastor, teacher after you died to self and responded to the call that your creator intended for you to become. [emphasis on become] Because you were not born a full grown mature preacher, teacher; though the seed was planted there by God before you were born, Yet it had to grow or “evolve” into what you are today. Or what He wanted you to be.
God created a preacher, teacher out of nothing, as you claimed to be in a former post. lol
So we need to take another look at the “definition ” of evolution, and not the man that thought everything evolved from nothing, as Darwin.
Dif. “Evolved” (1. develop gradually: to develop something gradually, often into something more complex or advanced, or undergo such development

I had to re-read my post, just to see if I left out something that would cause such an unfounded response from anyone. And I don’t think I would change anything.

I’m sorry if I led any of you to think for one moment: that I believe in “evolution” as taught by false teachers.
But I wonder why we: as some do, read the Word of God with a preconceived notion or idea based on what was taught to us from childhood?
This is one of the dangers of a child that is born into a family that teaches the only way they have been taught as fact, and it just becomes a tradition: and some of those will never expand their minds by a close study of the Word of God and allow the Word reveal to them by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, change their way of thinking.

If I stayed with the teaching that I was taught as a child in an Assembly of God church, I would never drink anything that could be habit forming, cokes, coffee , beer or any alcohol in any form, couldn’t go on a picnic, but could go on an outing, couldn’t go to a movie of any kind, My wife would be wearing long sleeves to her wrists, long dresses to the ankles, hair done up, but without bobby-pins, or anything metal, She would have what they used to call "a glory bun" maybe you get my point.

I believe in Holiness and keeping the law, but all that is in my Spirit now “in Christ” and not a set of rules to abide by.
For what is sin? Anything that is not of faith, Rom.14:23, conviction and or persuasion of the heart.

So I have “evolved ” into a man of God that believes that the bible is the inspired Word of God and He is speaking directly to me through His Spirit that teaches me all things. My faith is built on that Word and I believe that I can lay hands on the sick and see them recover, I believe that I have authority over all of my enemies. And there is nothing impossible for me, because I am a New Creation, created in Him, and not of myself. I believe that I am redeemed from the curse of the law and the effects of sin. I believe that I have been translated out of the Spirit of death “darkness” and into the Spirit of life “light”. that marvelous light that is in Christ Jesus. The light or “life” of the world.

Again I’m sorry for any confusion this post may have caused.

My advice is for everyone here to open your mind and allow the Holy Spirit teach you truth and not be led away by every wind of doctrine, the slight of men and cunning craftiness whereby men lie in wait to deceive, but speaking the truth in love, will grow up into Him in all things, which is the head; even Christ. Eph.4:15,

I don’t want anyone taking my revelation of the Word as fact for their truth, the Holy Spirit “must” show you through His Word what is truth and not by any preacher or teacher.

We are so gullible that we will receive from an intellect that has all the answers figured out scientifically, before we receive from a man anointed of God.

I stand on this scripture, 1 Jo. 2:26-27 These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you.
But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.

I believe that the preachers and teachers of the Word should be teaching as Paul said in 1Cor.2, And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God.
For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.
And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.
And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:
That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.

Teach the people who Jesus was and to read and study the Word of God for themselves, that Christ will teach them, or how to study the Word. And not doctrinal issues.

Don’t follow me, follow God!
Blessings to all,
I hope nobody minds me putting up this poem I wrote.

The Missing Link

Back in 1859
A man named Darwin had a thought
I know where we all came from
Here’s the truth that you’ve all sought.

We all evolved from pond scum
Was the theory that he wrote
This speck of dust it sprouted legs
Soon it needed pants and coat.

How marvelous you are sir
Said the scholars and the wise
This explains all walking creatures
And the birds that fill our skies.

This so called truth it festered
And no one seemed to care
That Darwin lacked just one thing
The evidence wasn’t there.

The missing link was missing
So they set about the task
To dig up bones and fossils
For the proof that science asked.

They found every type of fossil
Giant lizards, birds and worms
But just one thing was missing
The link for which they yearned.

A century and a half’s gone by
His thought it has caught on
So desperate are his students
Their search goes on and on.

Of course the truth is simple
They’ve been in search of lies
The truth is there for all to find
In the earth the sea and sky.

Scripture tells the real truth
How our creator gave us all
Giving breath to all around us
Of our sin and of our fall.

So when old Darwin wrote his book
Telling all with a wink and nod
He forgot to include the missing link
Our glorious Father, God.

R.Askew 2010
Praise the Lord! I wish I could do that but I can't so I will just have to enjoy someone else's poetry.
Our Father has different uses for all of us ,I think that Rod bloke is a multi tasker!!!
Andrew, you look like a happy man. I have been thinking about your situation for a church. It's just hard for a city folk to consider of such a thing. However, that countryside I imagine you being in does sound pretty good.

I am a happy man Ron ,in that I know for sure that I belong to Jesus ,but it is a struggle at times wondering if I am pushing too hard to sow seeds ,or am I trying to do enough.It is a thin line between ,getting people to hear the message or maybe pushing them away.Anyways I dont let myself get too anxious about it all cause I know that Christians in their home town will be on harsh territory ,and I know that as long as I keep my heart in the right place ,God will direct my paths.As far as the church goes ,you probably understand that I am from the old school way of thinking ,cause there is not much of the spirit filled churches around me so it can be bit of a task for me at times to take it all in ,but I am trying to stay open minded about it all ,and am learning all the time ,its good to be here and get other peoples grasp of the Bible,it can only be of assistance to me ,and for this I am grateful ......blessings Andrew.
It's interesting to watch as our forums sometimes ends with just friends talking with each other. That is the way it should be. I appreciate what you are doing in your town. I know you are wondering but at the end of it all, you will do what He has planned for you to do. I know He is leading you. His purpose will be fulfilled in you.

Also, God will lead you by His Spirit. I wouldn't be too worried about being Spirit filled. You appear to me to already be there. The Spirit filled promotions is often all about getting people all pumped up to just get more money out of them. I grew up in Spirit filled churches. I have also belonged to others. People are the same wherever you find them.

It is a joy to know a person in Australia. I would like to know the town you live in.

God bless you.
Ungarie ,New South Wales ,Roy ,it is close to the centre of NSW,near another town called West Wyalong.
I looked up your town on the map. Quite an area. It looks a lot like the area I grew up in, in central Kansas.
God has blessed you Rod with this ability to write...and you are blessing us.

Blessings, Carla
Some pretty sharp guys here - it is really bad news from RC Sproul talking about the freshmen that all believed in evolution because they were taught it in their high school classes. I think we are all fooled into thinking we are okay with the science teaching our children are receiving.



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