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do you guys believe in what the researchers are talking about that happened in between gen. 1-2
what is your thoughts on this.

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Howdy LT!

You said ****LT--Your position is but one of several views regarding creation. You, as most, believe your's is correct and biblically sound.EOQ

Yes, I am aware that there are more than just one viewpoint on creation. And, Yes, Galatians 6:7 is very correct and very sound. Let us take a look at this verse.

Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

From where I am standing, This verse of God's Holy Word is very sound and very correct. The situation for many people today is that they do not believe this verse. Instead, They believe this...Perfection = Chaos.

In other words, They plant watermelon seed and expect a corn crop. Fascinating isn't. When you stop and think about this...It is absolutely amazing what the human mind can believe.

****The reality, including your view, is that all the views have some challenges regarding understanding and interpretation.EOQ

Challenges regarding understanding and interpretation? Challenges you say. Hmmm. Interesting. Like a sudden abatement is the same as a gradual abatement. What is so difficult here in your opinion for many Christians? What specifically needs to be interpreted here?

Do you think it would be a great help for the words sudden and gradual to be defined?

****LT--Your view requires applying the prophesy about Israel's future as a deeper understanding about creation past in Jeremiah 4.EOQ

My view requires nothing but the ability to read. Just the ability to read. I will show you...

Genesis 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Jeremiah 4:23 I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light.

Taking a close look at the language used in each verse above, I believe that both of us will agree that the Old Testament Prophet Jeremiah is not talking about the Book of Revelation in verse 23. Specifically, Revelation 12:6. I believe that you and I would agree that would be a great stretch of the imagination for someone to teach that.

On the other hand, Looking very close at the language, One can see that God gave The Old Testament Prophet Jeremiah some information on history past that only God could do. Specifically, In the First beginning. Genesis 1:1-2. The World that then was according to the Apostle Peter
****LT--It also requires a different understanding of 2 Peter 3 than is understood by most when put into the context of the whole letter.EOQ

Really now. My view requires a different understanding? The Earth standing out of the water and in the water requires a different understanding? The earth out of the water, dry. The Earth in the water, Wet. This teaching requires a different understanding? Amazing.

Allow me a moment to show you what specific teaching would really require a different understanding... The earth out of the water, wet. The earth in the water, dry. Don't You think this fits Perfection = Chaos? I do. And, Yes, A very different understanding is required here.

In your honest opinion, What specific kind of understanding would be required here?

****LT--The debate has been waged for years and each camp will continue to defend their position.EOQ

I would be surprised if all discussion suddenly stopped when a certain question is asked. Like this one...Does Perfection = Chaos? And, Then, Watch the reactions of many Christians.

****LT--The most important part regarding understanding creation is that God is the Creator.EOQ

What I find so fascinating is that people can believe that God is the creator, and state that many, many times without blinking an eye, but, when it comes to reading what God did, and He tells us word for word, both eyelids start moving really, really fast.

****LT--Trying to understand His method and timeline will affect or current worldview, but not change our position with Him.EOQ

God says that we can know and understand Him. See Jeremiah 9:24. Will that change anyone? Knowing and understanding God changed me. How does one know and understand God? By putting on the Mind of Christ. See Philippians 2:5.

Do you realize how many Christians teach in the Christian Church today that you cannot know God? Or, Even understand Him? Kind of makes you wonder, Doesn't? If someone cannot know and understand God, How do they discern between false and true?

They would not be able to. The exercise of study would become strictly and uneducated guess. The Bible says...My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Hosea 4:6.

God Bless You!

Dr. Mike

You simply restated your position trying to use my comments as form of justifying your view. What you have posted is simply the same thing over and changes nothing from my first comment. You believe your view is right and that is to be expected.

Be Blessed,
LT has the kind of patience I wish I had. I get very frustrated when people attempt to come across as so much wiser than others simply because they have a differing view of Scripture other than its intended meaning. When one accepts a literal six-day creation, he does not need to be viewed as less intelligent. I am confident that Moses was an extremely intelligent person. If God had told him something differently He could have easily penned that for us. We don't need Jeremiah, Peter or any other Biblical passage to correct anything in Genesis. Every writer had to be in complete agreement with Genesis. Genesis is extremely important to all of Scripture.

God was very careful in choosing the one who would give us this first chapter of the Bible. It is obvious from the context that Moses was a person that would not put his own slant on what God was saying. There are things (like light before the sun) that don't seem to make sense to man. Man has to explain that away. Man has to explain why the Bible is in agreement with modern scientific theory. There is absolutely no evidence that the simple reading of God's Word is not true. For every indication that the universe is billions of years old, there is more that indicates it is young.

Is it okay to believe that God's Word is confusing, misleading and only able to be interpreted by the so-called learned? Even as much patience as LT has, God has more.

Ro 3:3-4 What if some did not have faith? Will their lack of faith nullify God's faithfulness? 4 Not at all! Let God be true , and every man a liar. NIV

It takes faith to read the Word of God and believe It. God does not give us permission to create a god that agrees with our philosophies. God expects us to read His Word and believe what It says.

2 Pe 1:20-21 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation. 21 For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. NIV

In Moses' case, God spoke to him face to face as a man speaks to another man. We do not need to question His clearly spoken Word. To explain away Genesis 1, one might as well explain away the entire Bible.

If a person wants to create a theory to come into agreement with modern science, he can do that. However, please don't attempt to come across as learned and wise. Your lack of faith is screaming so loudly, it is almost deafening. There are some things we don't understand. However, I can guarantee this: His children completely get His message. None are in need of a guru to teach them. I recommend a simple, yet comprehensible reading of His Word. Believe what He says. Accept His Word as true and purposeful for instruction. The only way to correctly understand Romans and Galatians is to accept Genesis 1.

There are always going to be those who want to be puffed up by coming across as knowing more than the less fortunate or those not as wise. God says He made the heaven and earth in six days. Am I simple because I believe Him? Some have billions of days between day 1 and day 2. We need to rewrite Genesis 1 to make it more correct. It should read Day1, Day 2,000,000,000,000 or whatever. Only the wise have that all figured out.

Well, there is no need to rewrite it. Day 2 followed Day1 just as Moses wrote.

The Bible is the Book of Truth. Jesus believed that first week was the beginning as He stated. So do I.

A child,

Please forgive my sarcasm. However, I doubt that anyone is reading anything from this forum anymore anyway. I do not want to be offensive. Everything I say, I say in love. However, I do admit I need a lot more patience.

My brother Roy - I read everything hahaha

Great post!

I am gonna have to research my back ground, I think we might be related hahahha ohhhh man just cracking myself up here bro hahaaha We could be twins in our theology.

I have learned much from LT when it comes to patience, but I still have much to learn in that department. I learn a lot from you too Roy, so take it easy my brother on yourself assessment.

Moses was taught in the courts of Pharaoh, he was no dummy.

Love you!

I didn't think anyone would read a forum this old. I do have a lot of respect for LT as the moderator. And you, you give me hope for the future. It is guys like you that make me know the Gospel will live forever until He comes. You are a blessing. Thank God for young men like you. I read your posts and get inspired. It is the Holy Spirit that is within you. Now, I know this is ridiculous but when I think of one of those 144,000, I think of a young guy like you. The number would have to get to the billions before I could get in but I am one of His, no matter how impatient I am. I had come on here to delete my post when I read yours. You are so right about Moses. I was doing okay with the guy claiming the gap theory until he presented himself as being wiser in the Word than Carla or the rest of us.

David, you just might be right. It's scary.
Hey Roy, How bad do you want more patience?
Remember Rom.5:3?
Just endure more tribulations and you will probably get all the patience you want, and then some, lol
Love ya Brother,
Please, Bro. Joe,
Don't remind me.
very possible
My dear brothers and sisters,

It looks like there are so many clever people who contributed to this discussion. I am not a scholar nor a theologian nor an archeologist nor a paleantologist. However, what i believe is it doesn't really matter when God created the earth and what time the plants and human appeared. The main thing is the Almighty has given us a framework whereby rules and a way of life is laid out for us to follow. He has given us an easy route to eternity with Him and most of us choose not to accept that offer.

I think humans were given to live life in the present, in the here and now. Of course, it helps to know where we came from and what mistakes we made in the past so as not to repeat them, but I believe history apart from the biblical history is not very important. People tend to give history a great deal of time, does it really matter if there were dinosaurs before humans and how long it took the earth to cool and form into a planet? If God made the heavens and the earth billions of years or thousands of years ago doesn't mean much to many many ordinary people.

The academic types would like to make 'theories' about this and that and gain five minutes of fame.

If the bible began like 'In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth, then it took billions of years for the planet to cool so He could bring forth life. About eight in the evening He planted seeds all over the earth and plants and trees grew. A couple of millions years later, He made Adam from the dirt on the ground'.

Who cares about the GAP theory?

You are probably not still following this forum but your post, if I understand it, is very good. We do not need to be scholars or theologians to read the Bible and know what it says. However, Biblical history is given for a reason. For some reason, God wanted us to know how many years it was from Adam to the flood. He could have easily just said that Adam had a son named Seth. Seth had a son named Enosh. Enosh had a son named Kenan and so on all the way to Noah, Abraham and beyond. But God didn't do that. He gave exact years for the amount of time all the way from Adam to King Solomon. From there on we have access to human history books that finish the story to today. For some reason, He wanted us to have access to the number of years from creation up until the time man was able to take over. I don't know why but it does seem important to God. Maybe it is because He knows not everyone can believe His Word. I don't know but it is there nonetheless. I don't think we can discount its importance.



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