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What does it mean to fear the LORD?


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Yes definately!; but it is more of a fear of losing his love that we should really fear;....we can only come to the Father through following his son-> (JESUS's example/and follow His teachings,aka: the BIBLE),Repent/Confess our sins(never to repeat them, Pray for all (living and dead),Sinners and Principalities,There is only One sin that can keep us from entering the Kingdom of God; and that is sinning against the "HOLY SPIRIT". .....{ I don't mean to scare anyone,or hurt their feelings; but i speak with the grace God gives me to get his meaning across}We must always be diligently seeking the Father in heaven, so that we may return there also. LOVE in Christ! For He Is the Way The Truth & The Life, No One Comes To The Father ,But Through The Son First....-----;--{(@
If we follow the first two commandments, All others will be easier to keep,because God established these two ,The prophets of old(SanHedron ,etc; added the rest of the 10 commandments(which does give an idea of what happens when one is left up to his own will) If we pray for clarity,God will give us the answers we seek(Knock and it will be open,Seek and ye shall find...)
Sorry I will get back w/the scriptural readings So you can look them up!(sigh!~)
Matt19:18,& alsoMatt22:37-40(concerns the 2 commandments of God & Jesus)
Matt12:31,32(sin that cannot be forgiven)
Matt7:7,&Matt16:19(Knock & it shall be...)
Also MARK3:28(concerning sin against the HOLY SPIRIT!)I'd like to add to this one a ?from Jesus's words(MARK4:40)
John 14:6(I am the Way the TRUTH and THE LIFE!)
Thank you GOD! you are an AWESOME GODbof LOVE!!! Amen
I really felt that the following is a good discription of what the fear of the Lord is about.

"Fear of God" ... one of the most misunderstood and misused expressions from the Bible. So many use it against the believers saying God demands that you be afraid of Him when it couldn't be farther from the Truth. Looking at the definition of "fear", where "fear of God" appears in the KJV there are three translations to "fear."

yir'ah {yir-aw'}: respect, reverence, piety, revered

pachad {pakh'-ad}: terror, dread, object of dread

phobos {fob'-os}: reverence as in for one's husband (or wife)

When pachad is used it speaks to that which His enemies should feel such as in 2 Chronicles 20:29 "And the fear [pachad] of God was on all the kingdoms of those countries, when they had heard that the LORD fought against the enemies of Israel." They were afraid of the power of God for those who oppose Him.

But in other cases when yirah and phobos are used, it speaks to reverence, honor and respect such as in 2 Samuel 23:3 "The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear [yirah] of God", in 2 Corinthians 7:1 "Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear [phobos] of God" and in Ephesians. 5:21 "Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear [phobos] of God."

So, if one opposes and rejects God one should dread (pachad) fear what He will do (and won't do). If one loves Him one should revere, honor and respect (yirah or phobos) fear Him. Yirah or phobos fear Him even in the marriage sense as we, the believers, will be collected as His Bride at the Rapture.

I "fear" God. Deeply. But I am not afraid of Him.

Tom Carder
CAP Ministry
Good post...
It’s a good reminder to us of how important it is to fear the LORD. To me that means I am filled with a Sovereign respect for Him, and in wonder and awe of Him! ABOVE ALL, I dread that I sometimes offend Him. I am HIS possession. He loves me. I trust Him. I identify with things said in the video, ‘God will break you and make you His own. The apostle Paul was imprisoned in the Sovereignty of God. God will conform me to the image of HIS Son.’…not the exact wording…I tend to think those statements are referring to the surrendered life.

Isaiah 33:6 In that day He will be your sure foundation, providing a rich store of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge. The fear of the LORD will be your treasure.

Isaiah 11:2-3 And the Spirit of the LORD will rest on him – the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of Knowledge and the fear of the LORD. He will delight in obeying the LORD. He will not judge by appearance nor make a decision based on hearsay.

God will judge with righteousness. How we long for fair treatment from others, but do we give it? We hate those who base their judgments on appearance, false evidence, or hearsay, but are we quick to judge others using those standards? Only Christ can be the perfectly fair judge. Only as He governs our hearts can we learn to be as fair in our treatment of others as we expect others to be toward us.

God is watching us. He sees everything! Maybe we can increase our efforts to show HIM how much we respect HIS Sovereignty.

Loving and Fearing my LORD,
This is awesome Mom! Yes everybody this is my Mom.....She is faithful to respond to my posts....

I especially relate to this what you have said:

"To me that means I am filled with a Sovereign respect for Him, and in wonder and awe of Him! ABOVE ALL, I dread that I sometimes offend Him. I am HIS possession. He loves me. I trust Him."

I just end up weeping when God shows me just how I offend Him. But after I spend time just broken and seeking His forgiveness, God shows me in so many ways how He is looking out for me. Through a verse in the bible, by another post here, an email from a friend I haven't heard from in a while. I can see that God has me, and He is not letting me go. Our God is an AWESOME God...HE reigns! It takes me to humble myself to see all that He is doing. HE is always working....But when I humble myself and repent, and ask for forgiveness....THEN I REALLY SEE IT! My faith grows because of it, and I grow and fall deeper in Love with Jesus!

God always forgives me and shows me where I have gone wrong. Praise God! It is never comfortable, It hurts! Dying to ourselves each and every moment hurts....

Today I was pruning in my garden....deadheading the roses....
I could feel God speak to my heart...."And look at what a beautiful flower it is once the dead parts are gone...and all the dead parts will be thrown into the fire"

Yes as the word of god says the beginning of wisdom is to fear the Lord, if we do not fear the Lord imagine how we would behave we would do anything that we want because we do not fear Him and it would drag down what we as christians stan for and the name of our Lord will be dragged in the mud
This is a good topic that causes one to think. I like the video and the comment that Bob shared by Tom Carder.

When I was fourteen I owned a car that I was fixing up. I did not have a driver's license, I possessed the keys and both of my parents worked (Bad combination for a fourteen year old child). I took my car for joy rides, a little further each time. One day while driving the left rear tire blew out and I flipped the car. I walked away without a scratch (Praise God for that), te car was less fortunate. My father was called by the state trooper and informed as to what had just transpired, then the trooper took me home and dropped me off. I had 30 minutes to ponder what my dad's response to my disbedience was going to be. I KNEW there would be RAMIFICATIONS, discipline coming my way. I was afraid of what that discipline might entail, therefore I knew fear, not of him, but of his response to my disobedience. While at the same time I knew that my dad loved me. I knew that it was through this love I would be disciplined and that by his love he would be restrained as well from truly harming me.

I feared the upcoming judgment and yet trusted in his love, or I would have left. We often act without fear of consequences. It is true that there is no condemnation for those who are in Jesus, but there are consequences for sin, even as a believer. This is not legalistic, it is simply what the Bible teaches in Hebrews 12.

Regarding the respect or reverence, it is true that perfect love drives out fear, terror (1 John 4:18). We must also remember in that reverence that God is the potter and we are the clay. We never become the potter, but only what the potter creates us to be. He is always God and we, who are in Christ Jesus, are always His children.

Isaiah 29 and 45 are both interesting reads.

Lord Bless,
LT, I love your example, I was 12 years old and my dad had a shot gun and one day I got a hold of it, put a bullet in it that was the wrong size and opened the bathroom window, put the gun up against the opposite wall and pulled the trigger, the window slammed and about 3 inches of the barrel was gone off the gun. I knew fear that day, of guns, and my dad. Needless to say it just became a story that was told for years and years, most likely like yourself.
Just think we didn't get what we deserved or neither of us would be here to tell about it.
Thank God that even in the times when we do stupid things, when we are disobedient, that we have a God that is forgiving. But I have a healthy respect for guns and I think I listened to my dad a little better, knowing that my obedience kept me safe from harm.
In the love of Jesus

I imagine that a lot of us on this site have some really interesting stories. How long did it take for your hearing to stop ringing? :-)

Lord Bless,


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