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I Wanted to start a Topic about this and i feel it is Important for Discussion.  i have had Debates with Calvinist who twist scripture and says that Jesus christ only died for saved people. and others are damned to hell. this is simply not true. Jesus died for all our sins.


they also claim there is Limited Atonement and also believe God causes us to sin. they also believe in predestination and that children are in hell right now. and i have heard some calvinist say God Condones rape?



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Based on what you have posted, the Calvinists have written their own Bible. Wouldn't it be better to ask those that are telling you these things that they need to come up with scripture from our Holy Bible to support their beliefs?



The topic of Calvinism and Arminianism is not a simple one, but a very extensive and complicated one. I am neither Calvinist nor Arminian, like you I am a child of the most high, but I do align closer to the Calvinist school of theology. Check out a discussion I created about this issue.


Feel free to discuss it there. This topic is a hot topic among the family in Christ and I do not recommend we get involve in a discussion about it here, in public forum. Is too divisive.

Love and blessings to you all.

This is wrong perception of God. When God created Adam there is one thing he did, giving him power to think and decide on his own but with a limitation to seek God`s opinion before implementation of every decision, we see this in, Gen 1:28-31, Gen 2:19  And God saw what he did was right. Later when Adam and Eve failed this governing rule of God they also failed. If this happed, its not very different from today`s people. Romans 1:21 though they know God, they grorified him not as God, neither were they thankful, but became vain in their limitations, and their foolish heart was darkened. In the same chapter verse 28; and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient' its a high time people include God in their their knowledge. This is why we will hear every sort of abuse to God from people, even if they know in their hearts that God is controlling their lives by giving them a chance to repent because any time He can take back his soul. I feel very sad for people who take God for granted simply because God doesn`t act with anger like men. Paul had the same experience in the book of Corinthians and said there is another law which fights with the law of God, which is the law of flesh but can only be ovecome by the blood of Jesus  Christ. Calvinist be aware.

This topic has been dealt with many times on AAG and inevitably ends up causing division. This topic has been around for many years and there are people who love Jesus with all their heart in both camps while others are in neither camp. After allt he debates down through the years we still see two camps and nothing is resolved.


Because this is one of the topics we have deemed as a hot topic, it will now be closed.


Lord Bless,



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